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Home >> 2011 >> 2011 Articles

2011 Psychic Predictions: Jane Doherty's 2011 Forecast
Jane Doherty's 2011 Psychic Predictions Awareness, intense events, decisions, and a greater need to understand the purpose of life are key words to remember in 2011. We will experience events, make decisions, choose to eliminate what no longer serves us, change in some way, and then repeat the process all over again. If life seemed fast in the past five years, get ready to trade in your roller skates  for something much faster. Our fast- paced life moves  up several notches.
2011 will shake our beliefs, "open our eyes" to reality, and force us to express our opinions and take action. The energy  in the previous year tried to gently pry us from       complacency. It allowed us to see a "glimpse" into  the  future.  We recognized there could be a lot of change ahead, but we were unsure  whether it was going to be good or bad. 2011 will teach us not everything we have seen, believed, been told has been true. Our core beliefs will be tested and re-defined.

2011 could be a very exciting time. Some people that were never before sensitive to  energy  will  begin to "feel" life in a whole different way.  They may be shocked on how  almost out the blue they have become " sensitive".  Ordinary people will experience paranormal experiences. Some will be happy and others will seek understanding or react by becoming fearful. Eventually, we will understand there is a "greater" purpose for the increase in intuitive abilities. For now, intuition is a tool to to help us see through the falsehoods and to make better decisions.
By the end of 2011, we will feel life is moving in ways we have never before experienced. The intensity of events we witness during the year will make us notice something is going on. Our thoughts will turn to 2012 and we will feel the events are leading us to something. We
just don't know what it is.

How will the energies of 2011 personally affect us? This year, we will turn inward and assess how well we understand ourselves. We  will evaluate our past actions and become determined  to develop greater inner strength, confidence, and faith. Somehow, we do move toward transformation. As we do, we begin to see more co-operation amongst people as we get closer to 2012.

Medical breakthroughs make headlines. Medical researchers discover some type of cancers can be stopped by a plant found in a tropical rainforest. Research shows a combination
of certain foods seem to stop the spread of the disease. A new direction in research will be announced because the cause and treatment of cancer begins to be defined very differently in the next 2 years.

Protests increase in the United States. This unrest leads to some outbreaks of violence. People get angry when they begin to see what they have trusted is not trustworthy. When duped, people react.

Terrorists attacks continue on US soil. Most will be averted, but a major attack happens in the south west area of the US and/or southern California. FBI will determine that the terrorists crossed into the United States through Mexico. There will be a lot of pressure on Obama to close the borders and take a hard stand on illegal immigration. Gangs from Mexico and drug dealers facilitate the terrorists ability to cause the attacks.

Economy will recover, but the signs of recovery will take more time than expected. The housing sector improves, as well as the retail sector. Consumers start to feel confident to start buying again. The first to recover are the first areas affected in the downturn. Each sector of the economy  will go through reform  and then take steps forward towards recovery. It is a slow process, but we do move forward. There is hope for a full recovery, but life will feel different even after we have recovered.

Technology will continue to boom. The Internet will become even more popular than the past 2 years, even though it doesn't seem possible. More online sales are reported. New businesses online increase too.

Weather patterns continue to be erratic. Earthquake activity increases throughout the world. There will be more frequent earthquakes in Southern CA and the North West around Seattle area shaking things up as we move closer to the year 2012.

The political tea leaves show the 2010 election brings change. More people than ever vote – some of it in protest of the current administration. There is an overwhelming election win for Republicans. However, the current administration will try to ram things through congress before the newly elected officials are sworn in, resulting in anger, protests and more unrest. However, all elected officials will have to show they are for the people, because constituents will no longer settle for less. "Change we can believe in" duped so many that people will no longer sit back and let others do it. New interest in the US will move people toward patriotism. It will create an air of "real" co-operation as we end 2011.

2011 will see more fraudulent dealings exposed even in high places. More high profile divorces and high profile deaths. More than ever, we will want to return to our roots. The constitution will be revered now more than in the past 50 years. However, we will realize just how far we have faltered in following the Constitution.

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