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Business Psychic Predictions for 2011
Business meeting
Want to know the trends for 2011? What business sectors will be hot, what sectors not? Here are a few business areas to watch in 2011 based on psychic predictions, astrology and the thoughts of business forecasters.

Psychic Predictions

The entertainment and movie businesses will be hot in 2011, according to some psychics. The astrology supports this idea, too. Neptune, the planet of fantasy, movies, glamour and escape will move into the sign it rules in 2011. That means a double dose of public longing for glamorous entertainment and escape this year and even more during 2012. That’s because Neptune will only be in its home sign of Pisces for 4 months in 2011 (April 4 to August 4). It will be there all year in 2012 and beyond, gradually making movies, games, and other forms of entertainment even more immersive and addictive than they already are.

Business Pundit Predictions 

Software companies that cater to business will take a hit as companies move to the ‘cloud’ for their computing needs, achieving more productivity at less cost. The astrology supports this idea, too. When Neptune leaves Aquarius, it will leave the sign of software development. The idea of the ‘cloud,’ a nebulous space where business information will reside on many different offsite computers is a very Piscean concept. On a personal level, it will mean that businesses will encourage us to have even less control over our information, as Pisces works against individual control and breaks down boundaries.

Psychic Predictions

The newspaper and publishing industries will revive and adjust to changes in the way people access information. Some business forecasters agree with this. Again, the astrology supports this idea. Eclipses will occur in the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini, signs involving with publishing and journalism. These eclipses signal a year or two of adjustment, but also the beginnings of a fresh start for two industries that have recently been hit hard.

Business Forecaster Predictions 

Small businesses will make greater use of cutting edge technology to run their businesses and will even use robots and machines to automate business decisions. Again, this prediction is in line with the astrology of the times, although whether robots will take over in 2011 is far from guaranteed. Uranus will be in Aries, the sign of the start-up and the small entrepreneur. Uranus is the planet of cutting edge technology. When Uranus was in Pisces it brought technology to the music and photography industries, forcing both art forms to go digital. Now small business will benefit from Uranus’s focus on innovation.

Finally, if there’s one thing that most predictors seem to agree on, it’s that business overall will finally pick up and we’ll see more hiring as the year goes on. Not everyone is predicting a reduction in unemployment rates, but increased hiring should benefit everyone. And that’s maybe the best prediction of all.

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