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Home >> 2011 >> 2011 Articles

Climate Psychic Predictions for 2011
Save the planet
What will the climate do in 2011? Can science or psychic predictions tell us exactly what the climate does in any given year? Can we predict how many earthquakes there will be in 2011? What about natural disasters? Or the natural forces behind the climate trends?

Scientists agree that agree that the climate is changing, but they can’t predict exactly how climate change will occur in any given year. Psychics and astrologers, on the other hand, tend to focus their predictions on the types of catastrophic events that will occur, the headline-grabbing instances of weather at its worst. Psychics and astrologers can also predict social factors, such as whether an international climate change agreement is likely to be signed and implemented.

The astrological answer to the question of whether a long-term climate change agreement will be reached in 2011 is probably not, but perhaps by 2012 or 2013. Saturn in Libra signals both the difficulty in reaching international agreements and the global awareness that much work must be done to address the challenges that face us all, such as climate change. When Saturn leaves Libra in 2013, we will probably see a practical agreement on climate change, even if it is not revolutionary.

As for natural disasters, psychics such as Zachary Selig predict that volcanic activity will affect the climate in 2011. The general astrology of the time period echoes this as Pluto, the planet of volcanoes, is in Capricorn, the sign of the earth itself. Transformational volcanic eruptions and associated earthquakes will change the current trajectory of the climate, and perhaps even lead to unforeseen cooling in global temperatures. We already experienced a taste of this when the volcano Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland erupted in spring 2010, snarling world airplane traffic.

In addition to traditional earthquake and volcano hot zones like Indonesia, we may see increased volcanic activity in the Americas. The US is home to a supervolcano in Yellowstone. A volcanic eruption here could have devastating consequences.

Psychic phone lines could see a real upsurge in activity as 2012 draws near, especially if we start to experience the beginnings of these major earth transformations in 2011. Intuitives who are tapped into cosmic forces will either spread unnecessary alarm or provide reassurance.

Psychic phone lines will also see an increase in callers worried about predicted global shifts that are forecast due to the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar in December of 2012. Some are predicting a polar shift and a new ice age in conjunction with the Mayan prophecies.

Even as the media focuses more and more relentlessly on dire scenarios, other psychics predict that instead of external climate change, we will experience an internal climate change, that is, a shift to higher consciousness as the earth makes her needs known. In this atmosphere of uncertainty, psychic phone lines and other means of accessing higher wisdom may prove more useful to humanity than traditional science.

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