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Economic Psychic Predictions for 2011
There’s no doubt that people are interested in psychic predictions for the economy in 2011. The good news is that psychics, astrologers, and old-fashioned economists are all predicting firmer economic growth in 2011.

Economists base their predictions on history, mathematical models and leading indicators of economic growth and increased hiring. Astrologers base their predictions on history too—the history of what the stars have said in the past. The traditional astrological indicators of continuing recession have passed, and the entry of Jupiter (abundance) into the money sign of Taurus in June 2011 bodes well for the world economy in the latter part of the year.

Psychic predictions for the economy are typically derived from reading the overall energy field, premonitions, visions or information given by spiritual guides. Although many prominent psychic prognosticators are largely hopeful for the 2011 economic outlook, a few give warnings, too.

Psychic Roxanne Elizabeth Halderman sees a sharp downturn causing problems for the economic recovery. Others question the wisdom of our leaders. The future is not necessarily set in stone, after all. It is up to the people and their representatives to make wise decisions.

Psychic Carmen Harra sees hope even if the economy does not do as well as hoped. She feels it could bring world leaders together to face the common challenges that humanity shares during what has been a time of upheaval. She also sees Australia as being exempt from the economic challenges the rest of the world faces.

One economic issue that is getting more attention in the media as well as by some psychic practitioners is the problem of global inequity in the distribution of wealth. Saturn is in Libra, the sign of fairness, throughout 2011 and it may force us all to face the unfairness that has crept into the world economic system. Saturn rarely forces radical changes, though; he merely points out the problems that we need to address in a logical and cautious manner.

Psychic Zachary Selig predicts that some forms of unfairness won’t be fully addressed for another decade or so, particularly the problems in third world countries where corruption is rampant. Even in areas where uncertainties loom over the population, some companies will obviously do well. In fact, in the US corporate profits have been increasing, which often occurs before hiring picks up.

So how should we sum up the economic predictions for 2011? Well, the psychics who temper their optimism with warnings are probably right. The world economy is definitely changing in ways that no one, not even a psychic, can completely foresee yet. But in the short term, American consumers will probably get some relief as prices remain low and jobs increase. By the end of the year, Jupiter in Taurus will probably have some of us feeling downright jolly about our increasing prosperity.

We may not be headed back to the go-go days before the economy crashed in 2008, but we can be grateful for both the financial improvements in our lives and a new sense of what’s really most important in the world—and it’s not a new toaster oven!

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