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Political Psychic Predictions for 2011
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What are the hot political predictions for 2011? It depends on who you ask. If you ask online psychics like Craig and Jane Hamilton-Parker, then it’s a prediction that a leading political figure will die in a plane crash.

On the other hand, if you ask a political pundit from the left, you'll get an answer like, "Obama will remain popular and his political foes will lose ground." If you ask a pundit from the right, you’ll get an answer like, "The conservative and tea party movements will gain in strength." Ask someone from the mainstream media and you’ll get an answer like, "The Republicans in the House will try to repeal health care legislation but the attempt will die in the Senate."

It all depends on what the predictor wants to happen. Mainstream media folks love political conflict; liberals want their favorites to succeed and so do conservatives. Even online psychics who make political predictions want something dramatic or surprising to happen that will show off their skills. A prediction that political redistricting in 2011 will affect elections in 2012 just isn't sexy enough to make a psychic shine in the eyes of potential clients.

With that said, most online psychics, astrologers, pundits, and even voters would agree that we are in a time of political stress and fault lines in 2011, even as there's general agreement that the economy will continue to improve. If Pluto in Capricorn has his way in 2011, government deficits will continue to be a big political issue throughout the developed nations. Cuts in spending will prompt public protests in many nations; in the US if cuts aren’t made, there may be public protests.

A more exotic prediction is that political conflict in the US will reach such heights that a new third party may finally have a chance to rise. Another prediction is that the stress on state and local budgets will have national ramifications as local political leaders go to Washington with hat in hand.

Of course, most of the best psychics, pundits, astrologers, economists, and political strategists will all admit to one thing: sometimes they get it wrong. Psychics and astrologers will often get the essence of a prediction right, but some of the details are off.

The more important issue, perhaps, is how to respond to both the political turmoil and the plethora of sometimes competing predictions. Focusing on the positive and on ways to cope with whatever political wackiness 2011 brings never hurts. Even in times of upheaval, some people do really well and take advantage of the personal resources they have. It is easy to become upset about political events we have no control over, but more productive to remain optimistic about the events we do have control over.

With that in mind, why not make your own political prediction for 2011—that whatever the politicians do or don't do, you'll remember to keep gratitude in your heart for all that you have along with a willingness to strive for all that you want.

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By Gabrielle, Monday, August 01, 2011 05:20:57 AM
Hunny Bunny what a mess you got yourself in huh? Well theres one thing we don't have and thats money and power but Sylvia you do. Why not use that to try to PROVE something you know what I mean? We can't go to distant places searching for aliens and ghosts and all that...But YOU can. Sylvia you have the people, the connections no more readings or predictions ok? Go out there and show us whats behind the scenes document real evidence on film where places are controlled by governments. You have the resources that most don't. Stop with these predictions theres still a chance to make things right. I just hope you choose the right one. Honestly all you've proven to me is that well, that we humans suck as a race. We're despicable creatures that deserve everything that's coming to us quite frankly. After seeing that you are not what you claim to be my world grew ten times smaller. All that awesomeness that you claimed there to be isn't. You might not care really but do you know what thats like? Here on Earth isn't that great ok it's not. And for you to rube that in our faces by pretending to be whatever your trying to be sucks. I'm not saying this to be a bitch or a skeptic you probably don't even care cuz your so wrapped up in greed but please do the right thing. I'll still be cheering for you because come on people isn't her pretend world what we want hear? Then we turn around and it's not, its this ugly disgusting reality. So yea whatever do what you want I guess just know that people do suffer because of you just make it up to them-to us.
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