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Home >> 2011 >> 2011 Articles

World Psychic Predictions for 2011
Planet Earth
Are you curious about some of the psychic predictions for world events in 2011? Here are some online predictions you may not have heard:

  • Industrial accidents in India and China
  • Death of a leading politician by plane crash
  • Earthquakes all over the world. Destructive earthquakes are predicted for California and much of Asia, including China, India, Iran, Japan, Pakistan, and Turkey
  • Volcanic explosion leading to closure of airports, much like last year’s volcanic activity in Iceland
  • Increasing world poverty and demonstrations against governments and striking workers
  • More scandals for the Catholic Church
  • A summit of Arab countries to address urgent issues

Those are a sample of the online predictions by practicing psychics. But what about online predictions for more dire events, such as World War III? Some say Nostradamus predicted World War III by 2012. Are there signs in the sky to support that idea?

According to most astrologers, not quite yet. Still, a number of theories linked November 2010 with the onset of a predicted World War III. Perhaps Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a believer. He reportedly told Iranian television to expect a strike by the United States against two countries in the Middle East by November 2010. In reality, all that happened was that the US continued to prosecute the war in Afghanistan, which occasionally includes strikes in Pakistan.

There is no denying, however, that there are continued tensions between Iran and Israel. Israel has nuclear weapons, and Iran is reportedly attempting to develop them. Any attack by one of these countries on the other could certainly unleash global havoc, and perhaps that fuels continuing interpretations of vague prophecies into online predictions that World War III is imminent.

Another world figure who fuels a lot of anxiety is Vladimir Putin. Some online pundits worry that he is the Antichrist. Descriptions of the Antichrist are found in the Bible and in the prophecies of Nostradamus. Among the ideas are that the Antichrist is a man who will bring about the destruction of much of the world. According to interpreters of Nostradamus, World War III will begin after a man named (or code-named) Mabus dies.

According to Nostradamus interpreters, Mabus may be the third Antichrist depicted by Nostradamus or simply a man whose death signals the beginning of, “a horrible undoing of people and animals.” Those who believe that Mabus is alive today in the form of President Barack Obama or another world leader believe that 2011 will see the death of the leader and the beginning of the prophesied horrors.

Finally, 2011 sees a date, November 11, which will be abbreviated 11-11-11. For those who read meanings into numbers, this seems significant, perhaps as ushering in a time of peace.

So which will it be? Will 2011 be a year, as described in the online predictions of practicing psychics, in which some tragic things happen but business continues much as usual? Or will it be more in line with the dire predictions of those who believe a third world war is prophesied? What do you think?

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By Tana, Friday, February 18, 2011 04:11:22 AM
I think that people should gain an understanding first regarding how Psychic readings work before they form an opinion. A lot of people don't take psychic predictions seriously because they don't understand it. But if they only give it a chance, they will see the psychic predictions truly have worth and mean something. For those who want to gain an understanding about Psychic predictions, you can read some helpful articles at
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