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Home >> 2011 >> 2011 Articles

Zachary Selig's Psychic Predictions for 2011
Zachary Selig's 2011 Psychic Predictions Social Evolution

We are becoming an Empathetic Civilization, a global society that perceives through feeling versus thinking. A great transition has occurred in the last 2 years, where we have moved from an Information Age to a Conceptual Age. In order to survive, it will be clear in 2011 that there must be a balance of the left and right brain modalities in life - the scientific and the creative forming conceptualization will become the new communication standard.

Purely linear intellectualism is becoming obsolete, as the world has embraced fully the Information Age with over-thinking in a short span of 20 years, catapulting humankind into its original simplistic state of sensorial perception. On one hand it is a forward progression, yet in truth this evolution is a return to the basic human nature of embracing all human senses.

We have overextended every tried and true model with most consumer products from entertainment, Internet, fashion, literary to automobiles in the mass production formed from homogenized intellectual templates, loosing core originality in insane material and technology delivery pursuits fueled by greed. Most products and their creators are dead in the selfishness of their robotized spirits that solely think about a financial end, versus a process and a soulful product that co-generates in purpose.

A focus on governments’ creative education will be as important as scientific education in the coming years, as the demise of the lie of the old model of purely linear programming that lacks empathy fails.


A world -view of a conceptual economy will arise in the West, as all else has failed to create progress in the face of the global crisis. The anger of a suffering populace, whose eyes will be opened to the deeper truth of what it means to be humane, will force this change in many revolutionary events.

There will be those in the elite economic classes, especially in third world countries, who will continue to gain from the old economic formats. This economic balance of power will not metamorphosis for another 10 years, as countries struggle with the supply of water, fuel, and food sources that become scarce due to demands from uncontrolled overpopulation.

Those businesses that contribute to humanity’s evolution and benefit the planet will have economic growth and expansion as authentic agents of prosperity.


There will be a divided popularity between the Republican Party and Tea Party in the US in new liberal platforms that are equipped to structure government systems that will generate a positive attitude in a de-stressed public, which will perpetuate a slow upward emotional flow, versus fear-based stagnation from ineffective masked political ideologies.


In the under 25-year age group, it will be the norm that there is an acceptance that humankind is composed of 30% Homosexuals and 50% Heterosexuals with a 20% Bisexual and Transgender mix.

In the coming years, the desire to procreate or adopt will subside and there will be much less Heterosexuals than Homosexuals, Bisexuals, and Transgender.

The US will gradually begin to stop dictating whom people can love as much of the world transitions from unrealistic collective dogmas into individuated relationship identities that are emotionally and physically authentic.


The Southwest will be in a drought and recognize the perils ahead with water shortages. New salinazation systems will be built in California that will become a huge trend throughout global desert regions.

The Northeast will have massive hurricanes with urban flooding in regions that are not

The Midwest will have earthquakes close in size to those of the 19th Century. Ciities will be damaged in Missouri.

Volcanic eruptions around the world that will effect climate change and transportation, especially in the Americas and Indonesia.

The Mississippi and other Southern states will have massive flooding and New Orleans will be flooded, again.

Tornadoes will strike large urban communities in the South and Midwest.

There will be extremely cold weather throughout Europe and extreme weather that has not occurred in centuries.

There will be one major Tsunami in Asia.

There will be periodic Internet blackouts across the planet created by meteor showers.


There will be epidemics of stomach and intestinal parasites from contaminated food products with the appearance of influenza in first world countries, but in reality require parasitical treatments as those of Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

Advances in anti-aging will be at the forefront in the US, with alternative methodologies absorbed and repackaged by traditional medicine.

There will be new air-borne viruses that affect every part of the human body.

More skin related diseases from a lack of Vitamin D in locations were fish is not part of a standard diet, especially in areas affected by ozone depletion.

There will be a mass movement to proven alternative wellness therapies for both preventative and curative treatments with the rising cost of traditional healthcare in
the wealthy nations.

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