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Home >> 2012 Psychic Predictions >> 2012 Psychic Predictions Articles

2012 Psychic Predictions: Pattie Canova's Wake Up Call
Pattie Canova's 201s Predictions First and foremost, there is nothing looming re: the Mayan calendar. They have no written text, code, or notation that 2012 is a year for anything in particular or specific. They believed in 16 levels of initiation and the circuitry of time, and this is an encircling of time based on that belief. So Mayans and Aztecs aside, 2012 will be what it is - a #5 year. Ever since the year 2000, it’s all about the #2. That is Moon energy, Women/Female/Feminine/Receptive, Cosmic and Divine Mother energy with many ‘holy, virgin, sightings’ reported. The #2 energy is why the men in power struggle. The year 2000 may have ushered in the Feminine Energetic System, but still America and other countries are loaded with bias as to the place for Women in Power. And so, the chaos continues until women stop acting like men, stop quoting men, and step up and take a deep breath of Self-Empowerment and realize that government is not only necessary until it’s not, but is a cooperative (#2 energy), a partnership (#2 energy) and put in motion the supporting vitality to help those/nurture those/ who need it most. (#2 Energy)  But this article is about 2012/double 2’s and a 1, and as I said that’s a #5 year: a Moon/Sun/Jupiter/Moon energy year. A year focused on communications, media, Energy, Engineering, the young, the immature, the irrational, the inventive, innovative, death-its purposive/ reality, and cha-cha-cha changes!!!

On the Horizon in 2012...

1. Coming off the insane energy of the primaries, the year starts out in continued madness. Where politicians continue to serve up fear and hate and divisiveness as the feast for the masses. Forcing their agenda instead of the agenda of the people. The crises are fed by the lack of sincere awareness and power plays. The need for the media to keep the crazy in a full tilt boogie is still ‘in the house.’ On the horizon, on the fringe, new, strong voices can be heard. Voices where there is Reason. Reason is the Chariot of Spirit. When people are quoting the Bible as though they understand what the hell it says, we have some serious bedlam on the loose. Saints, Prophets, Apostles and Seekers know that what comes to us as Enlightenment is quiet and private and in a language we can understand. Spirit does not foster fear.

2. Changes, gathering vitality since 10/2011, will surface after May as that is when a lot of the chaos will ‘seem’ to subside. Much focus on businesses, both big and small, food, droughts, and health-care and health matters. In the news: sudden marital and business breakups. Professional/global alliances once strong will pull apart.  Keep your eye on a letter “G.” The months from July to October will be significant for undercurrents/side deals and what makes us anxious. 

3. #5 years are about facing the Dragon: that issue of life where we believe that what we are facing is bigger than us and too difficult to handle. Keyword: FLEXIBILITY….with a healthy side order of gratitude in all things.… for those of us who ‘get it,’ we are aware that we cannot go about doing things the same way any longer. The dragon in the room is the refusal to change.

4. The Letter “E” will be in the news across the globe: The Euro, Economy, Energy, Equality, Employment, Enjoyment, Excesses, Extremes, Eric Cantor (who needs an Exorcism), Exercise, Exxon, the Enervating Entitled, England, Egomania, Existentialism will resurge, Earthquakes, Eggs as a power protein, Ecology/Earth depletions and new secrets, Extermination of our fellow man, Ethiopia, Ecuador, Queen Elizabeth health matters/mobility issue, Ethics (the lack of/the need for), Enlightenment, and Equipment: mechanical, farming; telekinetic; x-rays; internet, medical, food. Education and the need for reform, trimming the fat of the admins, and retraining those that teach.

5. An upsurge of aggression, violence, murders, belief in magic, paganism, and unexpected fluctuations that seem out of our control. These world events, and tidal waves (literally and figuratively) are necessary as we, as a collective, have made a bigger decision … to either awaken or to avoid all responsibility and blame others. A woman of dark hair and outside, non-American (that’s NON- American, not un-American) will step in to help us achieve a long sought goal then undermine us.

6. The oceans will be looked at more closely as a source for healing, energy, and desalinated, drinking water. Some species of fish will come very close to or go extinct, while new species of sea life emerge. The ocean holds many secrets, not just ancient treasures lost thru ship-wrecks and piracy but as a replacement for energy power.

7. New fossils discovered; countries annihilating or incarcerating their countrymen who disagree with their fanatical systems. If your God is the right God, why do you think It needs defending? Don’t you think It will simply tell us of Itself?

8. Terrorist cells uncovered in South America. New radicalism.  Revolutions. As I predicted last year, a global leader would fall and countries would rise and fade. It continues. CIA and Secret Ops at their most covert. Youth tired of the wars and oppression trying to find connection for a new ideal = Uranus in Aries or Chiron in Pisces. The wounds of religion, faith and fanaticism, wounded religious leaders challenged, and new Spiritual Leaders speak to the wounded on how to heal.

9. Institutional closures when we need them most. Medical frustrations as well as breakthroughs. 

10. Gold and Silver continue to rise in price until those in charge of that currency say otherwise. Copper and its benefits will be a new metal/mineral in the news…good investment.

11. Countries and cities/states changing boundary lines or names.

12. Radiological breakthroughs on sonar, radar, and infrared improvements.

13. Dietary issues: along with diabetes, people with digestive, esophageal, and Thyroid problems will increase. Gout?

14. Michelle Bachman will NOT be president. Nor will Sarah Palin. Obama will get another term. He really is a future voice. Not really geared to the ear of the current times. He needs to look more directly at people. But this guy who never should have won, (but I knew he would) keeps pulling off the unexpected. Nancy Pelosi, who refused to entertain the impeachment of George W Bush, without replacing it with the move toward indictment of War Crimes, should step down.

15. Kate Middleton and Prince William become pregnant. She is a mighty, stable force. He is still maturing. Emotionally, he is similar to his mother, but Kate will set a new example. She is a quiet, force of Power.

16. Fraud in banks, health firms, and big business will continue. Equities and Exchange funds will again be embezzled. Wall Street still on the sunny side of greed can’t seem to kick the habit of the ‘gimme’s’. Since 2000, there’s been a shadow over the land.

17. Droughts, cooking shows still big, Greece and Italy still struggling, but an unexpected suggestion brings a change toward the positive after July.

18. Then suddenly it will seem as though the economy is better, money is looser and unemployment may drop from 17% to about 12%. I know the reports say we’re at 9+%, but it’s higher than what’s reported.

19. A new breed of Hollywood/musical/TV talent will emerge this year.  We hang on celebrities for the fantasy and escapism. Rumbles underground in Hawaii. A major gas leak in Northern waters. More mass murders by fanatics/like the one in Finland. Note: We are forgetting our children…our greatest resource.

20. Major or fatal crises for Dick Cheney.

Often called ‘The Rock Star of Insight’, for over 20 years Pattie Canova has been speaking on the hurdles,  visions , & ‘signs’ along the Road to Awakening. She is an intuitive, with a degree in Spiritual Counseling. Canova is an author, writer, and has had an autobiographical, One-Woman show, most recently called, SOULED OUT, running Off and Off-Off Broadway for over 10 years. A native, NYC, story-teller she shoots from the hip.  And her Irish/Italian heritage bestows a no-frills attitude. Her clients are grateful for her discretion. ‘It’s like a confessional and it’s no one’s business!’ Pattie has an extensive background in Spirituality, Metaphysics, ordained at St. John the Divine, -she is an Interfaith Minister. (no religion-all faiths)- She teaches through candor and wit. Invited by Rubin Museum of Art to speak on their Jung Red Book series, her evening was SRO.  And much like Irish Abbot- Mark Patrick Hederman, believes that Tarot is a great guide to the unknown. Her predictions have an uncanny accuracy but it’s her spot on insight that screams: THIS IS (Y)OUR WAKE-UP CALL!

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By barbara, Thursday, January 05, 2012 01:55:39 PM
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