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The Role of Angels in the Apocalypse
Angels in the Apocalypse In Christianity, "The Apocalypse of John" is the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible. This is the description of the Armageddon, which in plain old layman’s terms is the end of the universe.

The story of the Apocalypse is told as if it was a dream. It was the experience of the prophet Daniel that was then told to the disciple John. After a long period of fasting, Daniel is standing by a river when a heavenly being appears to him and gives him a vision of the future that includes a cast of characters that are angels.

At least four types of angels play a part in the apocalypse, including archangels, angles, cherubim, and seraphim. In fact, the Book of Genesis speaks of “The Angel” bringing forth the story to Daniel but which angel it is not made clear.

In revelations the angel is described:

“I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned, I saw seven golden lamp stands, and among the lamp stands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand, he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.”

During the story of the Apocalypse, the Archangel Michael makes an appearance. He slays The Dragon. The Dragon is also known as The Serpent in this story depending on which Bible version you are reading. The Dragon is thought to be Satan and, by the end of the battle, characters known as The Beast, the False Prophet, and The Dragon are thrown into the “lake of fire.”

During the story of the Apocalypse, the angels sound trumpets that herald major disasters.

1. First Trumpet: Hail and fire destroy a third of all of the trees and grass in the world. (8:6-7)

2. Second Trumpet: A third of the world’s oceans are destroyed. (8:8-9)

3. Third Trumpet: A third of the rivers and springs are poisoned. (8:10-11)

4. Fourth Trumpet: A third of the sky is darkened. (8:12-13)

5. Fifth Trumpet: A plague of "locusts" terrorize the Earth for five months. (9:1-12)

6. Sixth Trumpet: An army of 200 million kills a third of Earth's population. (9:13-21)

7. Seventh Trumpet:  A vision of the Ark of the Covenant appears in the heavenly temple.

In the Story of the Apocalypse, the Angels also have bowls that are poured out on the Earth that also have consequences for mankind.
1. Seven angels are given golden bowls containing of the wrath of God. (15:1-8)

2. First Bowl: A "foul and loathsome sore" infects followers of the beast. (16:1-2)

3. Second Bowl: The sea turns to blood and everything within it dies. (16:3)

4. Third Bowl: All fresh water turns to blood. (16:4-7)

5. Fourth Bowl: The sun scorches the Earth with intense heat. (16:8-9)

6. Fifth Bowl: There is total darkness and great pain in Antichrist's kingdom. (16:10-11)

7. Sixth Bowl: Preparations are made for the final battle between the forces of good and evil. (16:12-16)

8. Seventh Bowl: A great earthquake: "every island fled away and the mountains were not found." (16:17-21)

Given how many of these events seem to be happening, it is no wonder that so many people do think that the Apocalypse is very near.

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