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Tarot Card Meanings: The Suits
Tarot Card Suits The act of fortune telling is something that has been around for a very long time. Certain gifted people have been predicting the future since roughly the fourteenth century. There are many ways of telling someone's fortune, whether it is by reading their palm, looking into a gazing ball, or reading tarot cards. Tarot cards in particular are among the more complicated and specific ways to tell a person's future. You might think that tarot cards are just a bunch of cards with cartoon characters on them, not any different from a deck of playing cards, but the fact is, tarot cards are a lot more. Each card has its own meaning all the way from the major arcana cards to the minor arcana cards. The suits in tarot cards are not the same as regular cards.  This article is going to explain the tarot card meanings for each of the four suits. 

Just like in a regular deck of cards, tarot cards have four suits. Each of the four suits has a meaning and therefore each card has two different meanings, one for the regular and reversed view of the card. The first suit is Wands, and this typically symbolizes growth or energy among other things. Each card can have different tarot card meanings depending on which side is facing upwards. The six of wands for example can mean either good news if turned up or bad news if reversed. Instead of the jack in a regular deck, the tarot card deck has the knight. The knight of wands can mean you are a jealous person or a great friend! Generally, the upright turn of the card is the news that most want to hear. Another suit is Cups, which are very interesting because of their connection to love and a person's fertility. A good example of this is the two of cups, which can mean love gone wrong, or a new romance is blooming, which can both alter a person's life greatly. 

The third suit is Swords, which often tell of a person's aggression, hard luck, or their courage. The suit of Swords is one that spans a wide array of emotions. Unlike previous suits, either of the tarot card meanings can go badly for the person. The five of Swords turned up can mean the defeat of a person or their cruelty to another, and the down side can mean they may suffer unfairness in something in their life. The Queen of Swords can mean you are a person who is one who can bear sorrow well whether dealing with someone who has passed on or another tragedy, or on the reversed side it can mean you are close-minded or even deceitful to others. The last suit is Pentacles, which is another suit in which the tarot card meanings are of great interest to most. This is because it deals with a person's financial future. The three of pentacles is one that reflects greatly on a person's abilities and success on the job. When turned up it might say they will be rewarded for their capabilities, and have great success, while if it's turned downward it will tell them that they might be ignored for the good work they do no matter what. 

Tarot card meanings can be different depending on who is reading the cards, but in most cases, these examples are the way they are viewed. This is why so many tarot card readers are nervous about the turn of the card. They do not know which way the card will face and the direction alone can change the way a person views their future. Some turns can be dreaded such as the ten of Pentacles, which can mean you will have a good and stable family or you may have family loss or failure depending on the direction of the card. When read correctly, tarot cards can have great significance to a person and their outlook on life. If you are considering having your future told through tarot cards, do not be afraid to research the suits on your own. This will help you to better prepare for your possible reading.   

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By Lynn, Monday, June 21, 2010 08:45:36 AM
I'm new to tarot readings and the last 3 readings have presented groups of 3. Is there significants in that particular number? I'm in process of trying to learn about tarot and only exposure so far has been through other people reading me.
By Zhenya, Sunday, December 13, 2009 08:26:55 AM
Tina: You can find tarot cards at any bookstore, the big chain stores have a more of a variety to choose from.
By Tina, Saturday, December 12, 2009 01:18:07 PM
Where can buy the tarot cards?
By Tina, Saturday, December 12, 2009 01:12:01 PM
Where can buy the tarot cards?
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