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The Celtic Cross: The Most Popular Tarot Spread
The Celtic Cross Tarot Most people are aware that reading someone's future with tarot cards is a complicated process. The cards each hold significance and can mean many things to many different people. Did you know however, that the meaning of tarot cards also depends on the way they are laid out on the table, otherwise known as tarot spreads? The cards can be spread out on the table many different ways. Among these, the spread known as the Celtic cross is by far the most popular. When a person is learning tarot spreads, they often learn this one first. Just as with the meanings, there are different ways to lay out the Celtic cross. This article is going to describe this tarot spread so that you may better understand how to put it together. 

Typically, the Celtic cross will consist of ten cards, and it is split into two sections. Some descriptions will call these sections the cross and the staff. Six of the cards will make up the cross with two in the center and one to each side, and then the remaining four to the right of the cross, making up the staff. The Celtic cross is one of the best tarot spreads to use when asking a personal inquiry that is close to the person's spirit. When laid out in this way each card holds extra meaning and has a special position in the question being asked. It has been said over the course of history that this tarot spread has a lot of strength because it has been used a great deal. By learning tarot spreads like it, it naturally became stronger. By far the first two cards, which are the cards in the center of the cross, are the most important. They deal with the largest issue. They will sometimes provide a situation and an answer but that is always changing. 

The next cards you will examine in the cross are cards three and five, which will be across from each other in the cross shape. With these cards, you will surely learn more about the person, where card three holds the truth, such as who the person really is and how they really feel, card five will show the shallower version of those. Much like three and five, cards four and six are across from each other and hold a lot of meaning. Learning tarot spreads in this way by becoming familiar with each card, such as four being long-ago and six being the future, is a great way to study and sharpen your talents. These are easily explained with card four being the one the person needs to get farther from and card six is the experiences in life towards which they should move. The last four cards such as seven and eight are up for a lot of interpretation when laid out in tarot spreads like the cross. In this case one card stands for the person and the other can stand for anything such as another person or a deep connection to nature.

Card ten when placed in the staff of the Celtic cross refers to the future. This is what most people are interested in when having their fortune told so be sure to know the difference between card six and ten. Six is typically, what could happen and ten is the more likely of the two. This is always up for argument, but the reader is ultimately the one who places and reads the cards. Although out of order, card nine is the last card you will read within the staff. This card can be read literally in any way that you wish, although historically it is used to explain the meanings of the other cards. Learning tarot spreads like the Celtic cross is not only an entertaining past time it is also a way to connect with people on a deeper level. People are more likely to connect with you as well if you understand your cards and their placement. Remember that with each turn of the card you are giving the person you are reading for a small gift, an insight to their future, so do your best and enjoy every moment.   

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By Judith, Sunday, March 11, 2012 11:44:04 PM
To Amanda. You can find the Celtic Cross spread at tarotdotcom. On the lower right of the home page is a link for Celtic Cross under Most Popular. When you get to that page, just select Regular. When you get to that page scroll down and it will show you the layout for the 11-card. The only difference is that there is an extra card in the center of the cross there that is not mentioned here. If you want to see where each card is supposed to be based on number, you can start selecting the cards as though you will be having that site do a reading but you don't have to finish it. When you get to the card in the center of the cross, eliminate that one and re-number the following cards to end with 10.
By Amanda, Wednesday, February 08, 2012 12:14:36 AM
I would really like to see this specific layout. Could you please send a picture to me of it or put one up? Thank you!:)
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