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Ask the Angels: Your Questions Answered (July 31)
Ask The Angels - Questions Answered angels, psychic, psychics, find a free psychic, online psychic, find a online psychic free!  Live psychics, psychic medium, psychic predictions, ask now free! Have a question for your angel? SpiritNow is your place to get your answer. Click here to ask the angels a question. Check back in the Angels section on SpiritNow for answers each week. Here are the latest answers for July 31, 2008.

My question to my Angel is: why when I feel a presence near me or sometimes when I speak of Angeles to someone I feel cold shivers on my face and my arms? Thank you.

This certainly could be a sign that your angels are close by! Some people feel a physical sensation that reminds them that their angels are near by them.

I always ask for many, many angels to be by my side and to my husband's side to protect, heal, and guide us both. Are they really with me at all times? I always call for Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and any angels that I can remember. I know that I'm receiving guidance from them but I want to feel them. I meditate before I go to sleep and waking up in the morning. I'd like to feel and see my holy angels. Thank you for your help.

It certainly sounds like the angels are very much a part of your life. Be patient, you'll feel or receive some type of sign that the angels are there for you. Trust for now that they are there.

What am I doing wrong? Why can’t I seem to get ahead in finances?

The angels are always available to help give you love, protection and confidence as you make decisions. Ask the angels for help as you work through your financial concerns.

Are there angels around me?

We always have angels around us. Have you ever seen the movie City of Angels? Angels are with us all the time!

I have been trying to find my angel, do I have one? I have a Saints and Angels oracle cards deck that I am using and I still feel alone. I would like to know who my angel is, I need guidance.

Try sitting quietly and then ask your angel who it is -- you'll receive an answer. Ask your angels to surround you with love. This will help you feel less alone.

What kind of specific signs do angels leave?

People receive different types of signs. Many people are guided to seek out things or people they might not have done so otherwise -- that is the angels hard at work for you! Sometimes the angels send messages through street signs or even songs on the radio.

When will things begin to brighten for me?

Ask your angels to surround you with love and protection each morning as you wake up, this will have you feel the wonderful feeling of angel love. Also ask the angels for guidance as you go about your day -- they will guide you to make the best decisions.

Will my bad luck leave? Well I get healthier?

The angels are available to help you with anything that concerns you. Ask them to help you with your "bad luck" feelings and to inspire you to do things that will bring good health to you.

What career path should I take? Will I be supported? Thank you.

Angels make excellent career counselors and job hunters! Simply tell the angels what you are looking for in a career, and see what they inspire you to do. Angels guide your every step!

Am I going on the right path now or should I stay where I am?

There are times we all wonder if we are on the "right path." This is the ideal time to ask the angels for their love and support. Ask them to surround you with their love and protection so you can feel their love.

Why is it so hard for most of us to see, hear or feel the angels around us, especially when we need them the most?

What an interesting question! Angels seem to do a lot of "unseen" work -- suddenly you are inspired to pick up a book or walk down that street and you make a connection that is very helpful to you. You can always ask your angels to surround you with love -- you can feel their love for you and they are there for you always.

My child prays but seems to get no answers. I know we are suppose to look for "little subtle" answers, but so far his life is so tumultuous. Please any help?

I am not a religion expert, but it is my understanding that every prayer is answered and every prayer is heard. Surround your child with angels and ask them to come close so that he can feel their love and protection for him.

Why am I so anxious all the time regarding my boyfriend and my financial situation?

Many people feel anxious about these types of concerns. Talk to your angels and ask them for their love and support. They will be happy to guide you along the way.

Dear angels, could you let me know if I am getting anything right? I need inspiration.
I need your help, just not good at life, make all the wrong decisions, always go down the wrong road, hurt people, myself mostly. I believe we were meant to help each other, but I’m  the clown who always trips and falls when I hold out my hand to you.

Your angels are always with you, ready to love you and assist you. Ask your angels to surround you with love every morning so you can feel that connection even as you start your day.

Angels, could you help me feel more secure / stronger through my difficult times?

Yes the angels can help you feel stronger and more secure as you face difficult times. Not only can you have your own angels, you can ask for additional angels to support you right now. They will quickly come to your aid.

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By kathy, Saturday, August 02, 2008 02:35:35 PM
dear angels, my mom passed away on 04-20-08 and it was after a long stay in the hospital then hospice center.i wanted to know did she feel any pain and was she mad at me for not being there or for making her go to the hospital in the first place ? thank you kathy
By Aries, Saturday, August 02, 2008 01:39:51 PM
Theresa: Nah, you might want to get a doctor to look at your ears though, might have a problem in there. Not a good idea to pass off noises in your ears as supernatural.
By Theresa, Saturday, August 02, 2008 10:54:48 AM
Hello! Sometimes I get a "change of pressure" or "light buzzing sound" in my ear (not always the same ear). Almost like walking into a "bubble". No one else feels it. My daughter also experiences this. (not as often as I do) I always feel that someone or something is near me. It is usually followed by my hair being touched. Is this my guide or an angel?
By Ulrica, Saturday, August 02, 2008 12:50:50 AM
Please, I'm calling any angel(s) to help me thru this weekend. Ulrica
By Aries, Friday, August 01, 2008 03:40:53 PM
*Sigh* This. Is. Not. Sylvia's. Blog. For the third time already! You know, I'm sure that Trudy isn't too happy about people flooding HER blog with comments directed to that psychic who has her OWN blog. Look at the main page and the Videos page, does Sylvia show up anywhere? No. She doesn't. Why? Because it's not her blog. Get it through your head already.
By Valerie, Friday, August 01, 2008 02:34:26 PM
Dear Sylvia, How can I change my financial situation? Keep my old boyfriend from harassing me. And is the man on the plane really my soulmate? I'm so confused with my life, how can I make it better? God Bless you. Please help.
By Barbara, Friday, August 01, 2008 12:57:09 PM
Blessings Sylvia, My son and his wife and child have moved in with me as they were having financial and personal family difficulties. They intend on staying here forever, and I am truly blessed. I met and care for a man who is gentle and a hard worker. Will I ever be able to leave my children and be with him. I don't believe in having him move in with me and my family and I know my son and his family need my support right now. Thanks, Bobbi
By chauncey, Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:40:29 PM
Good evening dear Sylvia,GOD blessed us all with having you share our journey along side us,and open our hearts as well as our minds for feeling his unconditioal love and recieving our true purpose.if i may ask,what date will the blessing of my adoption of both my sons come to pass,and when may i expect to relocate my family back out west? Chauncey
By laurie, Thursday, July 31, 2008 09:04:05 PM
hi sylvia, will my financial future ever get better. or is wealth ever in my future. i pray and talk to my angels and spirit guide all the time and have not gotten an answer. thankyou, love ya, laurie
By carol, Thursday, July 31, 2008 07:44:15 PM
Hi Sylvia I want to know if the friend i lost last year if he is around me? I know my DaD is around me because of a song i always hear on the radio. Please I want to know if I did a good choice by moving? God BLESS YOU carol

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