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Ask The Angels: Your Questions Answered
Ask The Angels - Your Questions Answered angels, psychic, psychics, find a free psychic, online psychic, find a online psychic free!  Live psychics, psychic medium, psychic predictions, ask now free! Have a question for your angel? SpiritNow is your place to get your answer. Click here to ask the angels a question. Check back in the Angels section on SpiritNow for answers each week. Here are the latest answers for December 3, 2008.

How will I know if my angels are around and can my angel help bring my soul mate to me? Thanks.

Many people feel a sense of calmness and love when their angel is around. Yes, your angel can help bring your soul mate into your life – just ask them for assistance with this.

More often than not, I have been feeling sad and not knowing how to get over this feeling. I don't know what has been causing it, and how do I know that I'm following the path I should be?

Ask your angels to surround you with love and support. Let this angel love fill your heart and know that you are following your path, the angels are guiding you.

Is there an Angel watching over my grandson Michael?

Yes, the angels watch over your grandson Michael, just as they watch over all of us. You can even send additional angels to be by his side if you wish to.

With all the bad things that have happened to me lately I just want to know. Are there any angels around me at all? Do I have a guardian angel to talk to? I don't feel like there's any thing there keeping me safe right now?

You always have angels with you by your side. Your angels listen to you and are with you day and night. Ask them to surround you with love and protection so you can feel them keeping you safe.

I need a career change, but I don't want to change jobs only for a change of scenery. I want it to be fulfilled while working in this business and prefer it be something that I am passionate about and truly enjoy. Specifically, what should I do?

The angels are happy to help guide you through a career chance. Ask the angels for inspiration as to what type of career you should pursue next. They will guide you in this next step you take.

What should I do in anticipation of my new job?

Congratulations on your new job! Ask the angels surround the place of your new employment and fill it with love and light.

I really need my angels right now. I found out I have Stage 4 Cancer. I am doing chemo. I am not scared. I just want it gone. I hope my angels guide me in that direction. I really need them right now. My son really needs me right now. I can’t leave yet.

Your angels are certainly with you and they will guide you each and every step of the way. Angels stand by your side day and night, call upon them in times of need and they will be there for you.

I pray to God and the Angels to send someone into our daughter's life. Someone to care about her, to love her and respect her, someone to be with, to share their lives and to be happy. Our daughter is a beautiful, caring person, a hard worker and very devoted and caring for foster felines. She needs more in her life and I pray so hard for her to have someone. Will this ever happen?

Ask the angels to send your daughter her soul mate and they will work on this for your daughter’s behalf. The angels will send your daughter’s soul mate at the right time, when it is meant to be.

My angels have always helped me. Can I request a divine intervention in the estranged relationship between my husband and my daughter?

The angels are happy to help us with our relationships. Ask the angels to help with your relationship with your husband and daughter. They will help heal this relationship.

What should I do to get my life back on track? I'm going through a divorce, I haven't worked in 8 years, I have five sons I'm raising and I have a bad heart. Should I go back to work or school because I need to make more money? Please help, Katina.

Ask for your angels to surround you with love and support so you can feel their love at this time. They will guide you as you make positive decisions for your family.

My life has been going really bad for 3 yrs, and isn't getting better no job for almost a year, I'm bipolar when is this going to end I can't handle much more. Thanks you my angels I know you are always there.

Your angels are always with you. You can even ask for additional angels if you desire them. Ask your angels to help you with your job search, they will offer guidance and inspiration.

I have a lot of things going on right now and I really don't know what to do and I need yours and God's help to help me through these things.

The angels are always with you. They surround you with love and support. Call upon your angels in times of need, they will come to you immediately!

Dear Angel, I wish I could feel you with me. Will I ever be happy with my life ever again? I am so lonely and afraid and I don’t have many friends or family. My life has been so crazy and I have made so many mistakes. I don’t feel like I will love myself ever again. Will I ever feel good again? Can my angels help me?

Sometimes it is hard to “feel” angels, especially in times of stress or great emotion. Try simply trusting that the angels are with you and that they love you and always guide you. Your angels are happy to help, just ask them for help – and they will be right there!

Can the angels help me not be so lonely and to make new friends?

Yes, the angels can help you to feel less lonely and also to make new friends. Ask your angels for guidance and inspiration on what you should do about your lonely feelings. You won’t be lonely for long!

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By melissa, Sunday, February 22, 2009 03:03:05 PM
I really like this guy and I want to know if he is going to be my bf down the road.. I asked my Angels to give me a sign and he came over yesterday and contacted me.. I just need to know if Im being used. PLZ help me..! Thaks!
By Jen, Sunday, February 22, 2009 10:12:50 AM
I'm been layed off march 20/09 will i get another job or will I lose my home. Karlynn W.
By Lauren, Saturday, February 21, 2009 08:07:32 AM
I am having a problem with my sister her and I use to be the best of friends now things are so terrible between us. I am asking the angels to please heal my relationship. Will it ever get better between us since she got married she has become a snob.
By Glenda, Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:49:57 AM
Will Jake be able to get his New Commercial Plumbing Job started this where Steven will be working permanate.
By Linda, Sunday, February 08, 2009 10:59:19 PM
Hi Sylvia, I have watched you since you were first on Showtime. I also have many of your books. Thank you so much for everything you do for everyone!! You truly are a gift from God!!!!!!!!! I would like to know my guardian Angel's name? Could you please tell me, I keep hearing the name Barbara, why? Thank you so much for everything. I Love you and think of you always, you are always in my prayers. Love, Linda Steward, Pembroke Pines, FL
By Tammy, Sunday, February 01, 2009 11:54:01 PM
Angles, please help me! I'm not sure if I am with my soulmate, Is Russ my soulmate? Do we have what it takes to survive together? My kid"s future depends on my life choices. Am I making the right decision? Is Russ' the one? Please help me! Tammy
By elizabeth, Monday, January 12, 2009 08:48:14 PM
Tamara, Hi my name is elizabeth,,and i am goin through the same thing as you are I am currently trying to get both of my kids back in my custody and what we are both going through is very hard and stressfull and all i can say is have faith and pray and always help others and god will see the goodness in your heart.And he is always on our side and watching over us.I know its easy to say just not to worry but its hard not too but he probably puts us through this kind of challange to make us stronger spiritully and menatlly.juat keep praying and he will hear you.
By Donna, Sunday, January 11, 2009 01:03:16 PM
oops I meant CLOCK
By Donna, Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:56:56 PM
Angels are always sending me symbols. I am compelled every day to look at a cock at 11:11 and 1:11 licence plate numbers with 11 books grocery slips and billboards you name it also when I sit outside they make the street lights flick off and on. when I go inside they will stay on no matter how long I sit at the window waiting for them to go off. Donna
By Carol, Monday, December 29, 2008 09:55:37 PM
Two years ago I developed wet macular degeration in one eye and cannot see with that eye. Now the other eye is developing the same thing I ask the angels to keep me from going blind

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