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Building An Altar Of Intention
Building An Altar of Intention angels, psychic, psychics, find a free psychic, online psychic, find a online psychic free!  Live psychics, psychic medium, psychic predictions, ask now free! Building an altar of intention involves the fine art of building a shrine to what it is you really want in life. It is all about pouring your magical will into objects and then arranging them in a way that sends a message to the universe that you are willing to receive what you have asked for in the best way and at the proper time.

Altars of intention are very personal and idiosyncratic constructions. The key to them is to be as creative as possible and also to make sure that the objects that decorate them are suitable. You must add objects that represent your intentions or you might not quite get what you asked for.

It is also important to realize that you don’t need exotic items or precious ideals in order to make this shrine work for you. The simplest of food stuffs and everyday items will do to make a shrine of intention. You can also use pictures that you have cut out of the magazines or newspapers or download images from the Internet. Natural objects, such as flat rocks that you have picked up off the ground, leaves from trees, flower petals and other found items, also work well on an altar. 

The tricky part is to make sure that what you are building towards and placing on the altar matches your intention. For instance, if the altar is about creating more money then put things on the altar that symbolize money, such as a bowl of coins, a check written to yourself for the desired amount, or pictures of prosperous individuals that you would like to emulate. You can also put gemstones, shells, and other natural items that were once used as currency on this type of altar.

There is also no special ritual needed when it comes to building this type of altar, but some people like to say a few prayers or personal affirmations. It is also nice to put few candles or incense on the altar. Try to choose color candle combinations that suit your intentions. For instance, if prosperity is the intention, then try placing green, gold or silver candles on the altar. These types of colored candles are typically related to money drawing intentions and manifestation rituals.

If you want to light incense, you should choose aromas that are appropriate to your intention. Bayberry draws money. Rose incense is used to attract love. Patchouli is powerful incense for manifesting intentions of a more spiritual nature.

Herbs and flowers also enhance an altar. Real roses can bring love. Pansies and violets are money bringing blooms.

The upshot is the more personal your altar is the more likely the objects presented on it are to bring you exactly what you want. It is about purity of intent and putting your heart and will into it. It is also about certitude and believing that we live in a generous universe and that your wish will absolutely be granted to you.

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By jessica, Sunday, August 09, 2015 10:00:50 AM
'After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS'
By Carole, Sunday, November 28, 2010 03:48:18 PM
Dearest Miss Lupe Flores, My heart goes out to you and your family, but especially you. When we give birth to our children a very special bond is formed that can never be broken. The pain you are in must be unbearable. I have one son, Jesse age 26. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to him. So I can imagine in my mind and in my heart the pain you must be feeling. No parent is supposed to bury their child. No child should have to be subjected to the torment that Meli was subjected to. I would go to an attorney and see if you can sue the school for the horrendous treatment she received at Andrews. That was her hope, was that everybody be treated with fairness and justice and equally. SHE WANTED TO CHANGE THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR AT ANDREWS; however, unfortunately she did not get the chance. Perhaps you can finish what she started, beginning with the therapist that gave her nothing but harsh words with no empathy and told you "I guarantee that she is not going to do anything. She just wants attention." He should have his license suspended and further his education, because obviously HE DID NOTHING TO HELP YOUR BABY GIRL, MELI. Then we have the coach who saw Meli getting up early every Saturday and not missing any practices (this was probably one of her greatest outlets, a chance to enjoy life and do something she loved. He replaces her with somebody else, who obviously was not really invested in cheer leading as she missed so many practices. Where was her guidance counselor ?? Where was the principal ?? Where were the teachers who had to have noticed the "bullying" treatment she received from other students? For you daughter to take her own life, she was absolutely and positively driven to it by her school and her peers. You are the only one who came to her aid. You are the one who had her back and tried to help Meli. And, Meli knows that. She is looking down and she is with you all the time. It sounds like you two were very close and I know your heart is broken and although, you have room in your heart for your other children, the spot you have for Meli is broken. Meli would want you to be happy. Instead of mourning her why don't you celebrate her life and try to make those changes the contributed to her death. It just makes me so angry that she received no help from her school. A school is supposed to be a safe place and it seems that she bore a great burden and the school DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. The coach should immediately be fired for replacing her and then to say to Meli that when she lost her place at Nationals and was placed as an alternate, "I hope it's ok because if not, you can get out. There are several that can take your place". How harsh and cruel can he be??? He is a big part of the problem that drove your baby girl to take her own life. I really think you have a good case of bullying here and all of the guilty should have to pay, especially the school. Parents are not supposed to bury their children. I cannot even imagine it, Lupe. However, for Meli's sake YOU MUST GET JUSTICE FOR THIS. She was obviously driven to take her life by all the bullys who tormented her especially the teachers, coaches, psychologists, guidance counselor and let us not forget the Principal. I really think that your Meli should not have died in vain. I also think that you should start a support group or attend a support group consisting of parents who have also lost their children. It will help you to cope in a more positive manner. I think it would help you if you were to finish what she started. You have a case here, Flora. Bullying has come to the forefront and the justice system will not tolerate it. Start gathering evidence from her friends, he diary and hire a lawyer and finish was Lupe started. Do not let her die in vain. Something has to be done about all this bullying in schools. You lost your precious little girl due to incompetent coaches, teachers, principals, therapist. Lupe, I am positive that Meli would want you to fight this system and this kind of behavior shown by school officials. My heart goes out to you, Lupe. I lost my dad 20 years ago and yesterday was his birthday. He would have been 80. It was hardest on me as I am the baby of the family. I felt the deep love he had for me. I went to his grave yesterday with flowers and I have special things at his grave sight. I have a celtic cross, flowers I planted which are still in bloom and it is 38 degrees. I brought him a rose and carnation and spoke to him. Lupe, it has been 20 years and it does get easier to cope; however, the pain in your heart will always be there. My heart goes out to you, but remember you have other children that need you so when you feel so sad go to a private place and talk to Meli. My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family for the loss of your Meli. She would want you to fight the system and bring attention to this horrendous bullying. By doing this, Lupe, you may save many other lives. Go around to schools and speak about Meli's tragic ending. I will add you to my prayers and put something special on my altar to remind me of you and Meli. I always say that things happen for a reason. Perhaps through what your daughter went through will resonate with others and make them think twice the next time somebody bullies them. BULLIES ARE INSECURE; THEREFORE, PUTTING OTHERS DOWN IS ALL THEY HAVE. WE MUST SPREAD THE WORD THAT THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR. Again, Lupe Flores, I am so so sorry for the loss of your precious, Meli. Please do not let her death be in vain. If you cannot afford a lawyer. the court can appoint you one. Meli needs to be heard by the world. I am sorry to tell you that the pain will go away, but it doesn't. Meli will always be in your heart, mind and spirit. My condolences to you and your family for your tragic loss. I think that you will feel better by doing something to bring this school and personal, students and the therapist to justice. From words out of her journal, this is what she would want, Lupe. Best of luck to you and I hope that the pain lessens for you. I cannot even imagine. You are strong woman and God never gives us more than we can handle. Time for you, mami to step up to the plate and fight so that this does not happen to another young lady or young man. Please,Lupe - YOU MUST FIGHT FOR MELI. THAT IS WHAT SHE WOULD WANT BEFORE IT HAPPENS TO ANOTHER YOUNG SOUL. Again, my heart and prayers go out to you and I will add you and Meli into my morning and evening prayers. Good Luck to you, Lupe. God chose you because you are a fighter and I pray that you get justice for our darling daughter, Meli. My Most Sincerest Sympathy I send to you and your family and I pray for you, Lupe. Finish was Meli started. I am sending you love and strength to help you stay strong. God Bless You and your Family. Sincerely yours, Carole Valpone PS: feel free to email me anytime at
By Carole, Sunday, November 28, 2010 01:45:22 PM
Dearest Miss Lupe Flores, My heart goes out to you and your family, but especially you. When we give birth to our children a very special bond is formed that can never be broken. The pain you are in must be unbearable. I have one son, Jesse age 26. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to him. So I can imagine in my mind and in my heart the pain you must be feeling. No parent is supposed to bury their child. No child should have to be subjected to the torment that Meli was subjected to. I would go to an attorney and see if you can sue the school for the horrendous treatment she received at Andrews. That was her hope, was that everybody be treated with fairness and justice and equally. SHE WANTED TO CHANGE THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR AT ANDREWS; however, unfortunately she did not get the chance. Perhaps you can finish what she started, beginning with the therapist that gave her nothing but harsh words with no empathy and told you "I guarantee that she is not going to do anything. She just wants attention." He should have his license suspended and further his education, because obviously HE DID NOTHING TO HELP YOUR BABY GIRL, MELI. Then we have the coach who saw Meli getting up early every Saturday and not missing any practices (this was probably one of her greatest outlets, a chance to enjoy life and do something she loved. He replaces her with somebody else, who obviously was not really invested in cheer leading as she missed so many practices. Where was her guidance counselor ?? Where was the principal ?? Where were the teachers who had to have noticed the "bullying" treatment she received from other students? For you daughter to take her own life, she was absolutely and positively driven to it by her school and her peers. You are the only one who came to her aid. You are the one who had her back and tried to help Meli. And, Meli knows that. She is looking down and she is with you all the time. It sounds like you two were very close and I know your heart is broken and although, you have room in your heart for your other children, the spot you have for Meli is broken. Meli would want you to be happy. Instead of mourning her why don't you celebrate her life and try to make those changes the contributed to her death. It just makes me so angry that she received no help from her school. A school is supposed to be a safe place and it seems that she bore a great burden and the school DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. The coach should immediately be fired for replacing her and then to say to Meli that when she lost her place at Nationals and was placed as an alternate, "I hope it's ok because if not, you can get out. There are several that can take your place". How harsh and cruel can he be??? He is a big part of the problem that drove your baby girl to take her own life. I really think you have a good case of bullying here and all of the guilty should have to pay, especially the school. Parents are not supposed to bury their children. I cannot even imagine it, Lupe. However, for Meli's sake YOU MUST GET JUSTICE FOR THIS. She was obviously driven to take her life by all the bullys who tormented her especially the teachers, coaches, psychologists, guidance counselor and let us not forget the Principal. I really think that your Meli should not have died in vain. I also think that you should start a support group or attend a support group consisting of parents who have also lost their children. It will help you to cope in a more positive manner. I think it would help you if you were to finish what she started. You have a case here, Flora. Bullying has come to the forefront and the justice system will not tolerate it. Start gathering evidence from her friends, he diary and hire a lawyer and finish was Lupe started. Do not let her die in vain. Something has to be done about all this bullying in schools. You lost your precious little girl due to incompetent coaches, teachers, principals, therapist. Lupe, I am positive that Meli would want you to fight this system and this kind of behavior shown by school officials. My heart goes out to you, Lupe. I lost my dad 20 years ago and yesterday was his birthday. He would have been 80. It was hardest on me as I am the baby of the family. I felt the deep love he had for me. I went to his grave yesterday with flowers and I have special things at his grave sight. I have a celtic cross, flowers I planted which are still in bloom and it is 38 degrees. I brought him a rose and carnation and spoke to him. Lupe, it has been 20 years and it does get easier to cope; however, the pain in your heart will always be there. My heart goes out to you, but remember you have other children that need you so when you feel so sad go to a private place and talk to Meli. My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family for the loss of your Meli. She would want you to fight the system and bring attention to this horrendous bullying. By doing this, Lupe, you may save many other lives. Go around to schools and speak about Meli's tragic ending. I will add you to my prayers and put something special on my altar to remind me of you and Meli. I always say that things happen for a reason. Perhaps through what your daughter went through will resonate with others and make them think twice the next time somebody bullies them. BULLIES ARE INSECURE; THEREFORE, PUTTING OTHERS DOWN IS ALL THEY HAVE. WE MUST SPREAD THE WORD THAT THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR. Again, Lupe Flores, I am so so sorry for the loss of your precious, Meli. Please do not let her death be in vain. If you cannot afford a lawyer. the court can appoint you one. Meli needs to be heard by the world. I am sorry to tell you that the pain will go away, but it doesn't. Meli will always be in your heart, mind and spirit. My condolences to you and your family for your tragic loss. I think that you will feel better by doing something to bring this school and personal, students and the therapist to justice. From words out of her journal, this is what she would want, Lupe. Best of luck to you and I hope that the pain lessens for you. I cannot even imagine. You are strong woman and God never gives us more than we can handle. Time for you, mami to step up to the plate and fight so that this does not happen to another young lady or young man. Please,Lupe - YOU MUST FIGHT FOR MELI. THAT IS WHAT SHE WOULD WANT BEFORE IT HAPPENS TO ANOTHER YOUNG SOUL. Again, my heart and prayers go out to you and I will add you and Meli into my morning and evening prayers. Good Luck to you, Lupe. God chose you because you are a fighter and I pray that you get justice for our darling daughter, Meli. My Most Sincerest Sympathy I send to you and your family and I pray for you, Lupe. Finish was Meli started. I am sending you love and strength to help you stay strong. God Bless You and your Family. Sincerely yours, Carole Valpone PS: feel free to email me anytime at
By Fran, Tuesday, May 18, 2010 07:22:16 PM
This is for You Lupe Flores, I feel Your pain, more than many I suppose. I'm a mother too, from the UK. I have Sons, and life is so much harder and complex for them now than it ever was for me/us. (I'm 42) My Oldest Son, has had his own personal battles to fight, and I have supported him every single step of the way, without any help or guidance from my family or even his Dad. He is nearly 19, and coming to maturity quite nicely now, facial piercings and tattoos which would scare off many, are just his way to be 'left alone'. He's a good and sensitive kid. My Youngest Son has been plagued by ill health all of his life, but like me he's a fighter, he wont lie down, he wont be beaten and he won't allow any one else's "labels" to limit what he intends to do. I'm a proud Mum of amazing young men, yet I feel your pain so deeply. Lupe, look to your other family members, don't try to face this alone, get the help and support YOU need, I hope you dont mind, but I will pray for your peace, I send you love and healing, raise up your eyes and raise up your heart, dont let the loss of your precious child lose you in the 'wilderness', it is NOW that faith is at it's strongest. When I lost my Brother 17 years ago this month, the ONLY thing to keep me going was my faith, my FAITH in knowing that sometimes we are'nt to know the answers to our why, but trust and have faith that is part of 'the bigger picture'. It doesnt EVER take the hurting away, or make or help you to forget, just believe and trust and find calm. much Love. Fran
By Cindy, Sunday, August 16, 2009 01:29:47 PM
The easiest way I have found to print material off the internet without the ads is: Highlight what you want to print and hit the "Edit" button at the top and go to "copy". Then open up a "Word" document by going to the "Start" "Programs" then to "Word". When you get it open, just go back up to your "edit" button and then go to "paste" and it will paste just what you wanted to print. Also, if you want to save it, now is the time by going to File, Save As and tell it where you want to save it. Hope this helps. Cindy
By lupe, Friday, March 13, 2009 10:44:21 PM
i ask why?????????????????????????????????????????????? Newspaper article full version In 3 more days it will have been two months since Meli's death, and her departure pains me today just as it did that very moment that i found her cold and lifeless. It is as if each second of my life someone is cutting open my heart in two and adding salt to that wound. It feels as if my soul died with her. Every time that I go into her room, which is countless times a day, I relive that horror of her leaving; I ask God where he was. Why didn't he allow me to save her? Why didn't he let me find her in time? Why didn't he choose me to take her place? I would have been ready to do that for her; I would do the same for any of my other children. As I write this, I am in her bedroom asking for answers to questions as I read over letters that she left me at different times. I tremble from pain and from anger at the futility of it all. It is so ironic, just a few months ago she and I had a long conversation about life, death, injustice, and the hypocrisy with which she was living through at that time;the pain that her boyfriend and another teen caused her. I remember that I told her: "Look, this flower; it is very pretty and so are you. Neither you nor any one else should cry over someone. You can do better than that." Her answer was: "It is not fairl everything that is happening to me. I hate going to school. I hate the schools here in Andrews. If you don't have money, if you're not the son or daughter of a rich person, if you are not of the right color, and if you are not the teacher's pet then you are nothing. You are left out. And they take away what you once had an what you worked so hard to achieve." I told her that in life nothing was fair; but, but that there was always an answer, and that things had a way of working out. I told her that death was no solution. She smiled at me and said: "Mami, there is no answer in standing up for myself against some people, I was sent to Saturday school. In cheer leading I was taken out even though I used to get up at 4:00 am to get ready to go to practice; then they replaced me with someone who used to miss countless times. But since she was seen as more favorable. Since then my world started crashing. I sure hope Crystal doesn't have to go through this" "It also isn't fair, Mami, all the times you have gone to school asking for help and they don't give it to you. The school does things as it sees fit. It is like my coach said when I lost my place at Nationals and was placed as an alternate, 'I hope it's ok because if not, you can get out. There are several that can take your place.'" "You see, Mami. I am tired of being hurt, tired of constantly coming home crying. I am tired of putting on a happy face and pretending that nothing matters after being hurt countless times. I lock myself in my room so that no one sees my pain." Many saw my daughter; she went through thousands of things, but only I saw her tears, her pain and her disenchantment. Many people contributed to her decision. Even I myself contributed to it because in the beginning when I found the first letters some months back in which she said goodbye, I did ask for help. That person that I reached to for help told me: "I guarantee that she is not going to do anything. She just wants attention." I hope that professional who told me that saw the obituary so that she can see if my daughter is now getting her attention. I wonder if all that is sufficient for that person. If she is paying, maybe she will not give such advice again. Hopefully the school is paying closer attention. Meli with her death, ironic as it is, has saved already more than one life. She has also opened a Pandora's box. Andrews is going to realize that indeed there is a problem in our schools with some of the personnel, some of the leaders, and with our youth. Like Meli said: "If we all dropped the act and the injustice; if instead we worked together, we would change not only Andrews but the entire world." I remember her smiling as she told me: "Why can't we all instead be friends, Mami?" I only hope that through her death others can identify their own feelings. If they too are suffering, hopefully they will not ignore it because the pain will remain. Choosing to ignore problems and pain will not make them go away. The problem will grow each day like a monster. So I ask that everyone help our youth. Don't allow a single young person to die in this manner. Don't let another mother die from pain as she continues living. Right now I am not sure hot to go about living; I sometimes don't want to go on. My life has been changed forever. I feel empty. I am in tears and in pain. I do not wish this on my worst enemy. Right now I should be saving for her Christmas present which was going to be the down payment on her new Avalanche. Instead, I'm saving for her tombstone. I should be seeing that her college applications be sent in on time and not putting flowers at her grave. May God hold my princess in His arms. May He give her peace and the justice that no one here wanted to give her. Melissa's mom, Lupe Flores
By Julia Amanda, Friday, February 13, 2009 03:54:06 PM
It is hard for me to see what is Sylvia's site and what is advertisment from someone else?
By Susie, Thursday, December 18, 2008 08:55:44 AM
I can't get the web class to come thru and the audio plays so fast it's like you put a record on fast speed can anybody tell me how to fix this so I may hear Sylvia's web class
By mary, Sunday, December 14, 2008 11:20:38 PM
If you copy and paste only what you want to print into an e-mail to yourself you can then print it.
By Karen, Saturday, December 13, 2008 01:52:44 PM
This is only a comment about being able to print the articles. When I hit "print this article", it still comes through with all the ads. Could it be set up, as other sites, where the ads are deleted? thank you. KS
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