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Candles And The Archangels
Candles and The Archangels angels, psychic, psychics, find a free psychic, online psychic, find a online psychic free!  Live psychics, psychic medium, psychic predictions, ask now free! Angels are guests who are invited into your heart. Before you call on an angel, it is important to meditate, and picture your own heart as a soft, tender and heavenly place and light a candle that is attractive to that particular heavenly being.

Make your request specific, and visualize what you would like if you can, but don't be attached to the outcome. Angels work in mysterious ways.

Here is a list of the Seven Archangels, their functions and corresponding light rays. You can burn a candle in the angel's corresponding color to facilitate your prayers.

The ARCHANGEL MICHAEL is the ANGEL OF PROTECTION and corresponds to the candle color blue. Pray to Archangel Michael if you suspect your mate of infidelity. He is the Angel that can protect you as you proceed down a difficult, but necessary path, such as filing for a divorce. He also protects battered women from further violence.

The ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL is the ANGEL OF ILLUMINATION and corresponds to the candle color yellow. This angel can help free you and loved ones from bad habits. Spiritually he can help you connect with your Higher Self and show you the way when it comes to make difficult decisions. Pray to the Archangel Jophiel if you are at a crossroads when it comes to make a choice between two prospective partners in your life.

The ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL is the ANGEL OF LOVE and corresponds to the candle color pink. This is the angel of compassion, mercy, forgiveness and understanding. This angel helps you repair damaged relationships Chameul's pink ray can also help dissolve feelings of self-condemnation, guilt and low self-esteem. Pray to the Archangel Chamuel when you want to strengthen the relationship you already have or if you wish to attract a new love.

The ARCHANGEL GABRIEL is the ANGEL OF GUIDANCE and corresponds to the candle color white. Gabriel can also help you remove blocks from the past that may be lowering your ability to magnetize and attract love. Materially, Gabriel can also help manifest the right clothes to wear to an important date or social event.

The ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL is the ANGEL OF HEALING and corresponds to the candle color green. Raphael is responsible for the healing of body, mind and soul. This angel repairs broken spirits and helps you accept the truth. He helps you open up your heart so you are more receptive to love. Raphael can also help individuals travel through difficult, yet necessary paths such as divorce.

The ARCHANGEL URIEL is the ANGEL OF PEACE and corresponds to the colors purple and gold. URIEL resolves all problems in personal, social and professional relationships and helps to create harmony in your life. He can help you to let go -- of bitterness and resentments. Appeal to Uriel if you need to reconcile with a long-lost friend.

The ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL is the ANGEL OF JOY and corresponds to the color violet. This is the angel to pray to for domestic harmony, standing for freedom, happiness, justice mercy and freedom of the soul.

Light the purple candle when you have forgotten how to be thankful for all of the blessings that you do have.

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By Remy, Saturday, September 26, 2009 08:07:41 AM
Thank you! I love all your instructions! I know only MICHAEL and GABRIEL. Now , I know more!ALOHA and MAHALO! REMY RIBOROZO
By paulette, Wednesday, September 23, 2009 03:23:42 PM
By Carla, Sunday, September 20, 2009 10:13:44 AM
Angel Gamaliel can help with more money in your life. Imagine yourself surrounded in indigo. Take a few deep breaths, then say something like this: "Gamaliel, most gracious of angels, I give thanks for your ongoing presence in my life. I know you are always a thought away. Now I ask for your help with (explain your request). I give thanks for the miracles you are about to perform". If you are able to, you need to purchase The Encyclopedia of Angels, Spirit Guides & Ascended Masters. A Guide to 200 Celestial Beings to Help, Heal, and Assist You in Everyday Life. By Susan Gregg.
By Lesley-Jean, Sunday, September 20, 2009 07:05:41 AM
Hi, I love the angels, but a common misconception is that you pray to them, You have to pray to GOD, Jesus, first . THe Angels are servants of GOD. They do as He wants. You must go to the source and then ask for the Angels Assistance. They do not want you praying to them only like they are Gods.
By monish, Wednesday, October 15, 2008 03:50:38 AM
how to call an angle
By Elba Iris, Monday, October 13, 2008 01:36:27 PM
You are wonderful,given all this information of the Archangels,please tell me the name of the Archangel that can help with prosperity.Thank you and God Bless You siempre.Besote Elba Iris.
By Elba Iris, Monday, October 13, 2008 01:36:26 PM
You are wonderful,given all this information of the Archangels,please tell me the name of the Archangel that can help with prosperity.Thank you and God Bless You siempre.Besote Elba Iris.
By Elba Iris, Monday, October 13, 2008 01:35:18 PM
You are wonderful,given all this information of the Archangels,please tell me the name of the Archangel that can help with prosperity.Thank you and God Bless You siempre.Besote Elba Iris.
By lanette, Thursday, September 25, 2008 09:23:24 PM
i would just like to say that i was so grateful yesterday someone almost hit me while i was driving with my new born child in the car but i felt something telling me watch out i know it was my spirit guide is there any way i can find out his name???and i would also like to know can spirit guides be family members because when i was a little girl i used to ask my grandfather if he ever died would he watch over me?
By Laura, Wednesday, September 24, 2008 02:01:03 PM
I believe in my spirit guide, but would love to know his or her name. I sometimes feel the presents of someone there, but don't know who it is..

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