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Connecting With The Archangel Gabriel For Guidance
Archangel Gabriel angels, psychic, psychics, find a free psychic, online psychic, find a online psychic free!  Live psychics, psychic medium, psychic predictions, ask now free! "You have nothing to fear but fear itself" is the decree of this Archangel. However, it could also be changed to "You have nothing to fear but yourself."

The Archangel Gabriel teaches us to stop getting in our own way and embrace the darkest parts of ourselves and the shadow sides of our personalities. Connecting to Gabriel's holy light is thought to purify and rinse the etheric body of negative emotions and feelings transferred to you from another person. His home in your body is the tummy, which is the center that connects us astral to other people. He is in charge of our gut instincts, our intuition, and helps us make wise decisions and judgments.

Have you ever felt poisoned by the energies of another person? Do you constantly find yourself invaded or pushed around by angry, fearful, aggressive, or controlling energies?  Gabriel is the Angel that can help you reform these relationships or detach from them completely. Gabriel can teach you to let go of people and situations that are unhealthy or bad for you. The energy of Gabriel can heal or replace gut instincts that have been injured by abusive childhoods, violence, and traumatic stress. Gabriel is the light that you can take with you in the most challenging of situations and environments.

Gabriel is also the angel to pray to if you have done something wrong or find yourself in a fix and you just don't know how to get out of it. Gabriel’s light is associated with daybreak and the dawn of realization.

Gabriel is the s the one who can help you find your way out of the darkness. Gabriel also assists seekers in finding their correct spiritual path. He is one of the few angels that deals expressly with putting emotions and reactions in their proper places. Spiritually, Gabriel is the Grand Architect who rebuilds shattered souls and broken lives.

Practically, Gabriel can help you with such mundane details as making to-do lists, scheduling, making long term plans, cleanliness, discipline, focus order, and organization. He can make time accelerate or make it seem like it is standing still. He is also the angel to pray to if you are trying to achieve a long-term practical goal, such as losing weight or saving money.

You can connect to this angel through nature. Gabriel is fond of butterflies and sunshine and can be seen in the twinkles of sunlight in the water. His gemstones are the yellow topaz and the diamond. Carrying a yellow topaz is thought to prevent healers and psychics from picking up negative energies from toxic clients. When you feel like you have been punched in the gut, or like you have butterflies in your stomach, that is Gabriel warning you of a momentous event.

Gabriel is also the Angel of Connecting to Others. To connect to him, light a yellow, white, or gold candle. He is the Third Ray and connected to the solar plexus.

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By Lynne, Monday, June 23, 2014 10:07:31 AM
Dear Archangel Gabriel, please help me to keep on my spiritual path and to guide me in all ways. Help me to obtain a mortgage so that I may have a home to call my own and to feel peace. I pray with you for all who are seeking your guidance, may they find what they need to provide them comfort. Amen and Thank you, Gabriel for being there for me.
By Claudia, Thursday, June 13, 2013 12:42:20 AM
Dear angel Gabriel I want to thank you for bringing my Angelica back I feel so much better I have her back thank you for lisent too my pray,now I need too ask you to protect my family from envy,evil,protect my Kimberly let her see the light that what she is doing too us is so bad in the boy don't worth loosing her family but only you can make her see that pls Im going too ask you too protect her too in pls let her know that I always love her not Meter what she do too me I will always be her for her,amen ....
By Charisse, Thursday, May 30, 2013 09:09:04 AM
Dear Archangel Gabriel please help me to have peace and a sense of direction, Please let me complete all my goals. Please help me to get the job I want. Please help me to get out of debt and be financially stable. Please guide me in whether I should leave or stay in my marriage. Give me guidance and focus. Let my children, family be at peace and help one another, to not be selfish. Put love back in our hearts. Take away any negativity that is holding me back in achieving whether it is my own fears.I want to be happy and prosper so I can help those as well.
By sue, Monday, April 01, 2013 04:16:09 PM
dear Gabriel please help bryon avoid negative family members that only look out for themselves .Help bryon put his emotional past behind me so he can move forward in life without anymore fears or stress caused by his childhood heal his mind body and spirit looking forward to a happy stress free life with no more reminder from his emotional past life Let bryon enjoy his new life without negative people in it fresh start to happiness with Susan and bryon living in three own place without his mom barb s living with us
By Dutch, Tuesday, November 20, 2012 05:40:15 PM
I would like Akathriel a member of who made a comment on prayers to angels on November 14, 2012 12:40:13 AM to kindly send me an email to contact him or her thanks.Please its urgent thank you.
By Mary, Tuesday, November 20, 2012 04:16:43 PM
Please Gabriel help me and my sister to have a positive outlook on our home we need guidance and to be positive on this matter help us please
By Phyllis, Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:25:39 PM
Dearest Gabriel: Please help me to sort out the emotional & physical clutter in my life. Show me the Light in NOT eating for emotional reasons and keep me on track. Show me the way to provide a truly better life for my son and myself. Open the Door so are Finances are helped and our NEW LIFE begins! I know GOD always provides!Let my son's Life continue on HIS path to HELPING Humanity..and please give me the Guidence to help him.
By Tanya, Saturday, February 18, 2012 02:16:56 AM
Dear Archangel Gabriel Please helpme to be able to make the right decisions to keep me on the chosen path, and help me to be strong and determined to stick with my decisions. I also ask for guidance to figure out if I should stay or leave my marriage. I thank you for your protection, guidance and blessings. Amen
By cher, Wednesday, July 13, 2011 08:37:40 AM
Dear Archangel Gabriel, Please heal the past and my troubled emotions, help me let go so I can receive your help, guidance and answers that I need..thank you..amen
By melissa, Sunday, June 26, 2011 06:50:40 PM
Dear ArchangelGabriel,Please help me find the light in this dark tunnel I seem to never get away from which is tons and tons of problems finanically and personally. Give me guideance and strength and hope that everything will all come together.I greatly thank you for your help amen.. melissa

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