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Connecting With The Archangel Michael For Protection
Connecting With The Archangel Michael For Protection angels, psychic, psychics, find a free psychic, online psychic, find a online psychic free!  Live psychics, psychic medium, psychic predictions, ask now free! Part of feeling safe in life is knowing that we only make decisions that are truly in our own best interests. Michael is the angel to turn to when you feel pushed around by others, emotionally terrorized, or somehow invaded by another person's presence. Michael can help you regain control of your life. He can free you from your toxic emotional entanglements.

Michael can also help you banish your inner critic and free you from fear of the future. This angel strengthens your faith in yourself, especially when it comes to the faith that you can handle whatever obstacle fate throws your way.

This angel also protects all individuals from all physical and spiritual aggression, including accidents, diseases, crime, astral attacks, and the evil eye. He is the angel to pray to if you feel you are being treated unfairly at work, have made a huge mistake and need to have it fixed or feel that you are the victim of another person's addiction, mental illness or injustice.

Michael, the Fifth Ray in the divine rainbow, is often associated with a steely blue or laser blue light. In cases of emergency, surrounding yourself in a bubble of this blue light is thought to offer protection. Michael is also explosive in his actions and is thought to be related to thunder and especially lightening. When you get news that seems like "a bolt from the blue" often, Michael is behind it. Michael also likes mirrors. He is also the angel who reflects your own actions back to you. His miracles tend to occur swiftly and suddenly. He is also known for his sense of humor and is related to the phrase "humor destroys all karma."

Michael is also thought to like heights. People are thought to be most connected to him when they are standing at the peak of a mountain, the top of a skyscraper, or in an airplane. He is fond of flight and is thought to inspire spontaneous instances of bilocation (where the same person is seen in two places at once). He likes anything metal and his gemstone is the sapphire.

Michael guides the blades of surgeons and physicians. Physically, he takes care of the heart, tongue, mouth, thyroid, endocrine system, the liver and the heart. He is also though to guide the blades of surgeons and physician

When you meditate, see Michael corresponding to your throat chakra, which is your seat of self-expression. Physically, Michael takes care of the thyroid, the endocrine system, the liver and the heart. He is connected to hearing and sight.

To connect with Michael, it is suggested you light a light blue candle.

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By cher, Monday, June 13, 2011 12:25:53 AM
Dear Archangel Michael, Please heal my emotional pain, disappointment and humiliation that I feel was caused by s. and I don't understand why he was out to do that to me. I feel so trapped by these hurtful feelings. Please help me understand. I'm really trying to put this behind me but I can't find the peace of mind to move past this. Please help me. Heal me, protect me and please send back the hurt and pain back to the source..thank you
By Debra, Friday, October 22, 2010 06:57:58 PM
Dear Michael: Please protect Omar & His friend Roxy who ran away on Wednesday. They are on the street, please keep them safe from harms way. Please make sure that they have shelter, protection, warmth, food, and help us parents find these Teenager and adult. Please point us in the right direction. Please fill Omar & Roxy with warm and loving memories of home with their families. Please give all my protection to them. My heart aches with pain of how these young ones are so misguided in life. Please create a miracle and bring them home. Please give them the strenght to deal with the hardships in this life. Make them strong and street wise. They don't realize how much danger they are in. I thank you for all your love. I love my angels! GODBLESS YOU!
By aileen, Monday, October 04, 2010 05:24:38 AM
please archangel michael i need help with all areas of my life health wealth and happyness for my freinds to thank you amen
By Mary, Thursday, September 30, 2010 11:08:26 AM
Dear Archangel Michael, My son, Michael, needs your help. He's been out of work for years. He needs a wakeup call from you! Please put a fire under him. He was doing so well for years and something or someone may have destroyed his self confidence. He needs you! He's your namesake! Make him confident & strong again, please?
By Christine, Friday, January 29, 2010 09:00:38 AM
Dear Archangel Michael, I have been so sick for the past 3 years,with many things wrong. And also my son Kenny I need you & so does my son. We both need protection so we both can get well. We need protection & healing. I have alot of depression from everything that has happaned to me in the last few years, I fill ill never get my life back,you could say I need protection from myself. Give me a sigh if you can michael. We love & trust you youll be there for us. And Bless You! Christine
By martha, Wednesday, January 27, 2010 08:05:54 AM
M dearest Archangle Michael that for all you have done for us continue to protect especiall toda when I am in that special place I have to go to. Let no harm come to us anmore. ou have been with me since day one and I hope that you continue to do so. Thank you, M.S
By helen, Tuesday, December 22, 2009 07:59:37 PM
I ask that the truth come out, and the idiotic people who started this mess then threatened us and bullied us and lied to us recieve the light of truth and and have the rose colored glasses removed to see the damage that was done through thier own greed and repent and ask forgiveness and fix the credt mess we are in and to be mature enough to leave our children out of it. I ask for your protection from the threats, from the hatered, from the lies. I also thank you angels for the help you sent already, we continue to love you and abide by what you send forth. I seek no vengance I pray to keep vengance from my heart and to only seek through your love the truth and that those that have done this seek your forgivness. Helen in Ogden Ut
By helen, Tuesday, December 22, 2009 05:35:32 PM
dear angels, I pray that the immature horrid persons who ruined our credit come to light and find the truth. I pray they quit hiding behind the lies and be mature enough to correct what they have done wrong and realizse that instead of blaming others,just fix it as promised. let them have light and love in thier lives enough to see that.Let them find a way to the truth and do the right thing. It is so hard to see a family divided and then getting blamed for that division, but truth and light will come through. thank you angels
By patricia, Saturday, October 17, 2009 08:27:07 PM
dear arch angel michael, i ask that you release any of my fears that block me from the divine light, help my thyroid system, and protect all the members of my family,especially my younger sister, who needs your protection, due to ex,and his overstepping boundries,shine your blue light upon us thankyou, magnificent beautiful messenger of god, open up my throat chakra, so that i may know exactly what to sayin any situation, especially a personal one that needs resolution.
By Marie, Saturday, September 19, 2009 05:08:05 PM
Dear Archangel Michael and your Army of Angels, We ask for your guidance and protection, so you can bring this situation or major problem into the light. Protect Josh, and bring out the truth so that his Biological dad will find out about the injustices that his uncle has done to everyone. Archangel Michael, I ask you to protect us from negetivity and from this evil man. Keep us safe in your wings. Watch over my mother-in-laws house in Virginia State. I ask you to send your body guards to guard her house. She has lovely Angels in her house. I've been in a emotional roller coaster lately and bring peace and harmony. Keep the love that we have between Josh and I stronger than ever. Bring us together again so that we can someday get married and be happy. Don't let his uncle go with his plan. I ask you to intervene. Thank you- Marie

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