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How To Talk To Angels
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Did you know that even when you are alone, there is always someone there with youready to listen? They are your angels. How do you talk to an angel?


The angels are always available for you to talk to whether it is day or night. We all know how to talk to the angels. You can talk to the angels and know that your concerns are truly being understood by someone who cares. The angels are ready to help you.


When the angels listen to your concerns, some people can actually sense the angel is with them. They may feel a warm and comforting glow, sort of like being hugged. Or they may feel a caring presence in the room. Or they simply know deep in their heart that their angel is there for them. But even if you don't feel sensitive to any type of sensation your angel is always there with you. They listen to you, even when you don't say a word out loud.

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Just as you talk to your angels, they talk to you. Your angels will communicate with you to help you find answers to your concerns. Sometimes angels communicate in creative ways. Their angel communications can feel like silent whispers that inspire us to do things suddenly or to be open to a new idea.


The angels will send you messages in ways that only you will understand them. They are often very subtle messages that have deeper meaning. Like having a conversation with a stranger who happens to mention something that stands out in that conversation to you. Or when you keep seeing the same thing over and over again. That is your angel, talking back to you.


Many people talk to their angels about love and relationships. So many people find that relationships lie heavy in their heart. But talking to your angel can lighten your burden. Talking to your angel about your relationships can give you great comfort and peace. You may find that your angel communicates to help you find an answer to your trouble. Your angel may inspire you to create a way to heal a relationship or to improve it. But simply talking to your angel about your relationships will fill you with serenity. The angels are wise, nonjudgmental and always helpful.


Talking to the angels about any concern can be helpful because you know that you are putting divine forces into action on your behalf. There is no power greater than this. When you talk to the angels it is as if you are asking for God's help, as angels are God's messengers. Developing a relationship with your angels can give you a great sense of confidence, knowing that God and the universe are there to support you. There is nothing that you cannot do without divine help! Talk to your angels about the little things, about the big things and about everything in between. They are always there and are ready to listen.

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By geraldine, Friday, July 11, 2008 03:20:53 PM
For many years I thought I was odd and maybe a little nuts as I talked to an old lady called Haga she was not in body only in spirit. She always came when I needed help with a difficult situation. Now I wonder if she is my guide or an angel.
By Margaret M, Friday, July 11, 2008 11:55:54 AM
My daughter and uncle were asleep in the house when a fire broke out. A man that no one in the neighborhood knew,nor had they ever seen him before opened the front door and yelled into the house fire, fire. My daughter woke up and was rescued by the next door man. My uncle who was very elderly awoke and called to the firemen,"Don't forget about me" We all believe that was an angel calling in the door. Is that possible? I beleve in angels. Thank you
By A.Lamont, Friday, July 11, 2008 08:35:56 AM
Hello, right now I'm in like most others a financial bind. It seems like I'm not having any luck generating any income. I've always talked to God and now I realize that I'm talking to Angels all the time also, because I do hear voices and get spontaneious thoughts that seems to come from outside sources. I really feel that something good is gonna happen for me and my spouse. I've always felt and lived thinking that when I didn't get what I thought I wanted, that something else better was in store for me. So far up to now that is how I always managed to keep an even keel on life. I pray that God will bless us all, each and every one.
By Aries, Thursday, July 10, 2008 04:02:14 PM
I wonder if angels influence you on tarot and oracle readings, cause some of them really seem to stand out, and I'm the skeptical type.
By linda, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 09:32:38 AM
i knew that i had an angel with me when i gave birth to my wonderful daughter. My mum and my boyfriend where there too when she come to the world. The doctor said that the cildbirth i had were unbeliviable. They have never seen so fantastic childbirth before. I knew that i got my angel with me. in 2 hours i were 10 cm open. and that is really fast for a first time and my daughter are so strong togheter and i will never ever leave her. ILL be always there for her.
By Leslee, Tuesday, July 08, 2008 12:06:58 PM
And Leslie, I am so sorry to hear about your son, it must be so difficult to live through something like that, you are strong and brave. I'm glad you were able to catch your spirit family on camera, they truly are with you. Love, Leslee...
By Leslee, Tuesday, July 08, 2008 12:04:18 PM
Simone, I am the same way!! I am such a spiritual person who talks and listens to God, the angels, my spirit guide and all. But, it seems that I cannot catch a break. Bad luck and unfortunate things are always near me and the only thing that keeps me going are my boys and my faith, and it is hard. I will pray for you. What were we thinking when we chose such a difficult life?!! God only knows!! Blessings and love to all!!!!!!!!!
By Simone, Tuesday, July 08, 2008 08:41:35 AM
I do believe in angels, but I sometimes think they have stopped listening to me. I pray and I talk and I ask for guidance. I do my best to walk God's path. I believe and I try to stay positive in thought and action. But over and over again, bad luck comes my way. Bad people enter my life that cause me stress, anxiety and worry. I know the law of attraction says that you get more of what you focus on, but for some reason my focus on inner peace, a simpler life, security and fulfillment seems to abandon me. Where is my angel of guidance through the valley of darkness?
By Leslie, Monday, July 07, 2008 03:27:11 PM
My son was killed in a car accident Nov. 17 2007. Then my other sons Dad passed away the following February. My son was going to prom and I took lots of pictures in the house and outside. The pictures of my deceased son that were on the roll from a previos trip we had taken before his death all came out perfect. The ones of my sons prom were all blurred.I was so upset I didn't have any pics of my son in his tux. when I looked closer at the prom pictures, our entire deceased family was lined up with my living son. I can see his gaurdian angel, my deceased son had his tux on and had his arm around my living son. His DAD, HIS UNCLE HIS GRANDPAMY MOM MY GRANDMOTHER,MY DAD AND HIS 2nd WIFE WHO ARE ALL DECEASED WERE ALL LINED UP FOR THE PICTURE! The pics I took in the house all had orbs and the others outside all had orbs. I for sure know now my son is surrounded by his family on the other side and his ANGEL!
By Maureen, Saturday, July 05, 2008 12:03:20 PM
My husband passed away 14 years ago and I will never forget the day I was going to his memorial service. My daughter was driving and I was in the front seat, I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I asked my daughter if she tapped my shoulder. She said "No". My husband would always tap me on the shoulder when I was upset. I believe that it was Eric, my husband telling me that everything is going to be fine. I also noticed something that was absolutely amazing. The car in front of us had a licence plate that said ERIC-1. This is the God's truth. I believe in angels. I talk to them everyday. I pray they will help. Maureen

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