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Angels Want To Help - Just Ask!
Ask The Angels for Help angels, psychic, psychics, find a free psychic, online psychic, find a online psychic free!  Live psychics, psychic medium, psychic predictions, ask now free! Do angels exist in our lives? How do we talk to the angels?


Angels are around us each and every day. Our guardian angels are with us at all times. Other angels can be called to our sides during times of need. We can ask angels for help whenever we need it. We may have only a single angelor we could have dozens of angels with us depending on the circumstance. The angels truly want to be of assistance and are always ready to help.


Everyone wants to know how to contact the angels. You can call upon the angels when you need help with something that is troubling you. The angels do not mind if it is something that is large or even if it is something that is small. Angels are happy to help you with small concerns such as finding a parking place or even finding a great bargain at the store. What a great feeling it is to ask your angels for help in finding that parking placeto discover one exactly where you need it! Or to go shopping looking for a dress to wear to a special event and finding a dress that matches what you had in mind. That is the angels at work for you. All you have to do is ask the angels and they will be ready to help.


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The angels are ready to help you with any type of concern. If you were to ask the angels for help with your love relationships, family life, career, abundance, success and other issues that are in your heart, the angels will help guide you to the right answers. You can trust that the angels will help lead you to the right people, the right resources and the right time to solve your concerns.


When asking the angels for help you do not need to use any magic words. Simply talk to the angels just as if they were your best friend. Explain the circumstance and what you need at this time. Then trust that the angels will help you find a solution. Having this confidence that the angels are working on your behalf is so important, because it makes you aware to receive angel messages.


Some people may feel funny asking the angels for help. They may feel that they somehow don't deserve the attention of someone as important as an angel, or that their concern is not as valuable as someone else's. But this is quite untrue. The angels are here simply to help us.


The angels are here to guide and protect us during our life here on earth. It is their divine job description to assist us with our troubles. They want nothing more than to help us and for us to call upon the angels when we need them. No one person’s concern is more "important" than another’s. We cannot take out a measuring stick and declare someone else's concern the largest of the bunch! The angels are prepared to help everyone with all of their concerns.


If you have never called upon the angels for help, consider asking the angels for help with something small. Once you see just how well things go with the help of the angels, you will quickly be back for more angelic assistance! The angels will be ready to help you with whatever is in your heart. They are always there for you.


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By Robert, Tuesday, March 03, 2009 10:20:36 AM
Please tell me the name off my angel and do they have genders.
By Nicole, Sunday, March 01, 2009 09:31:00 PM
Just to add another note; I always pray and ask the angels to help me to compose another song or symphony, believe me that always seems to work, thank you angels for your perfect harmony, keep on helping me to create your beautiful and heavenly music!
By Nicole, Sunday, March 01, 2009 08:58:54 PM
I was also wandering whare are the names of my guarding angels? I believe in angels very much; because I think I would not be here now, if it were not for them when I was born, I was born with a heart condition and many other medical problems, and I came out really well, now am happily married, thanks to my guarding angels, I also ask for their protection whenever out on the road, or for whenever I'm collecting carts in the parking lots, I have had pretty close calls, and I think God for my angels every day!
By Barbara, Saturday, February 28, 2009 07:24:33 PM
I have had angels protect me many times. When a situation has been out of my control and I feel I need some help I call on my angels and they always take care of the situation. I feel my angel pat me on the shoulder and back, they make me feel good inside. 8 years ago I was facing death from a botched up hysterectomy. When the surgeon on call told me the GYN doctor had tore me up inside and I had staph infection. I was very upset. Not only that but 10 days after that surgery I had had a Pulmonary embolism. The surgeon said before he could go in and repair the damage he would have to wait for the blood thinners to wear off in 24 hours so they could clot my blood for surgery. He told me I could die before or doing surgery because the staph infection was headed for my blood stream. I prayed for comfort and that I would not feel the IV's I have very bad veins. I came out of surgery. I felt the presence and touch of my angel every day and never felt the IV's the 12 days I was in the hospital...If you strongly believe they are always there...Barbara Nesper
By teea, Saturday, February 28, 2009 06:47:10 AM
I believe in angels i seen them believe me they do exist my mom was really sick at the time and they came to see if she was ready to go and she wasn't she was only 30 something at the time she just had a bad bacterial infection has to do with women things ,but she got better ,so don't give up on angels because they do listen
By veronica, Friday, December 12, 2008 02:44:10 PM
What is the name of my Angel and how many do i have. Can you tell me when and where will i meet my soul mate. vm
By Ben, Thursday, October 23, 2008 01:04:07 PM
very interesting
By yvonne, Monday, October 20, 2008 12:07:53 PM
i have six children and is having money problem it is get harder every day sometime please help me and my family my angel that god give me thank you i have a very big love for angel.
By MARY, Friday, October 10, 2008 02:47:29 PM
By Donna, Wednesday, October 08, 2008 05:33:16 PM
Lately I have had alot of medical issues.I also have an upcoming surgery.Will I get through itasnd be ok?I adore angels,I have collected figurines for years,but I never feel them around.How do I know when they are around?

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