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Dreaming About Your Wedding
Dreaming about Weddings and Marriage Dreams, interpreting your bad dreams, learn what they mean!  Find out now FREE! The meaning of a wedding dream usually signifies the happy union of yourself with another thing that you would like to somehow be mated to in life. This can be a job, a relationship, a new bike, or any one thing or person.

Dreaming of getting married is a very common dream. Often, it simply represents the biological ticking. Both sexes will dream of marriage when they start feeling the urge to have a child.

According to both Carl Jung and Freud, dreaming of getting married can also mean the need to integrate your own personality or psyche’s components. This could mean the coming together of your masculine and feminine side, your physical and spiritual sides, your rational and creative sides, or your self and your shadow self. Psychologically, it is a happy dream as it signifies a healthy personality.

Oddly, people dream about weddings during times of stress and difficulty. Many people experience feelings of bitterness or regret during these dreams. Based on superstition, some ancient cultures believe that the meaning of wedding dreams is negative and that it can portend death or grief. It certainly does predict the wish to be supported or loved by another and many people experiencing difficulties may find emotional support in short supply and thus dream about a wedding.

There is a lot of lore about what dreaming about a wedding means. For instance, if a woman dreams about marrying an old man, then she will suffer a period of misfortune.

To dream that you are the bride and yet cannot see the groom’s face means that enemies are near. If you are the groom and you cannot see the bride’s face, the meaning is the same.  

If you dream that you are at a wedding and there is a person wearing black there that means that you will soon lose a friend.

If you dream that you are an attendant at a wedding, then you can expect great good fortune and prosperity.

If you are wearing a wedding dress in your dream, it can mean distrust in your relationship or the need to assess it to see if it still suits you. If you dream of someone else wearing a wedding dress, it can mean you feel inferior to that person or somehow unworthy.

If you see a wedding ring on your finger in a dream, it can mean that you will soon find true love. If you dream you are remarrying your current spouse, it denotes great happiness.

Most brides-to-be and also grooms dream about their weddings. Mostly, they dream about the ceremony going wrong or something being forgotten. These are the types of dreams that are busied in some very well grounded fears about the future. This is an example of a dream where anxiety about putting together a real life event can transfer itself into your sleeping hours.

Donna West is a professional writer and researcher on psychics and astrology.

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By Green, Sunday, July 20, 2008 12:11:01 PM
I've always heard that dreaming of wedding or wearing a wedding dress didn't mean something positive. I can see after reading the article that a lot of wedding kind dreams do mean something negative. I think I have had them a few times in the past but can't remember the exact details.
By Alethea O, Sunday, July 20, 2008 10:51:30 AM
Several years ago, I had repeated dreams of weddings. A huge wedding was coming up. I new the bride and her mother very well I assumed the dreams pertained to her event. But in the back of my mind I knew wedding dreams also foretold an up coming death. Days before the wedding my family was informed that a cousin was very ill. I informed the bride's mother that I may not make the wedding if he died days before. He died around 2:30am the morning of the wedding. My sister said go to the wedding. Now, 5 years later that couple are divorced.
By drizzle, Sunday, July 20, 2008 08:50:31 AM
I read it as meaning all decked out in black as if they were attending a funeral and not a wedding, Aries. I've only had a wedding dream once in my life and that was just before I got married, but I think that was more nerves about it all going okay invading my dreams than anything else!
By Aries, Friday, July 18, 2008 04:16:11 PM
"If you dream that you are at a wedding and there is a person wearing black there that means that you will soon lose a friend." Wait, what? It's a wedding, the groom and best men always wear black. Makes the whole wedding thing a complete omen.

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