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Feng Shui For Good Health
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The principles of Feng Shui can be used to promote good health. If you apply aspects of Feng Shui living to your life, you will understand how to maintain health.


Feng Shui is Chinese health care! In ancient times, the Masters would look to the hills and the valleys to find the perfect spot to live. It was after realizing that the human body also consisted of the same elements as the earth that Chinese medicine began to branch out into Feng Shui. Healthy home, healthy people.

The body has a flow within each and every one of us. As defined in Feng Shui, we must keep a balance to create harmony. So let’s look at the elements involved and how to apply Feng Shui secrets to each of them.

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Water is a key to all life and, without it, we are no more. This means plumbing is very important. It’s very important to repair any leaks in your home immediately. Water represents money, so don’t let wash it away. Health and water go hand in hand as keys to Feng Shui living. Close your eyes and think of sitting in a beautiful bath tub filled with water, allowing the stresses of the world to be cleansed from you, and start a process of creating good health.


Air…assure good health and Feng Shui living through air flow. Check those air vents. So many times we do not think of how our air circulates, particularly in homes and apartments, and forget to clean them. Check the windows make sure they can open and shut to properly allowing air flow through the home with an ease.


Our home is also key for Feng Shui living. The more solid the home, the safer we feel. Just think of the three little pigs and all that huffing and puffing. With today’s weather, we must look to our home’s construction. Make sure the house is environmental friendly to create harmony.


Fire…sunshine and light, as well as warmth, are all important. We need the sun to keep our home naturally warm and light. Imagine the sun coming through the window filling the place with energy. See how the plants respond if they are not getting enough sun. You are probably not getting enough either.


Having a home that allows Mother Nature to work with you will insure health and of course happiness. Feng Shui living promotes a healthy life.


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By Jamace, Friday, August 08, 2008 09:07:08 PM
This is actually true, water is one of the most important aspect of feng shui. It doesn't really involve you with water and actually getting a fortune but it freshens you up. Making you more active and body healthy. Maybe that's why it involves money, you will have the energy to work for it. It's just my point of view.
By Prasanna, Thursday, July 31, 2008 09:32:20 AM
Water represents money. My mother often says this. Now i understand that this is the belief in china also. Basically water should not be wasted as it is non renewable resource. Also the belief plays a vital role here. Do not waste water as it is compared to money. I do not want to lose out money as i work hard for it.
By Dartz, Monday, July 28, 2008 04:10:44 PM
I decided to clean out my AC duct last night. Good lord what a mess, the old man who lived there previously never had it cleaned out since the day I was born (And I'm 19). I doubt Feng Shui has anything to do with me breathing better, but some common-sense things do help when mixed with it.
By Aries, Sunday, July 27, 2008 07:20:58 PM
@Carla. Maybe you should get yourself on the ladder of the rich by not wasting money, living off of ramen and GV brands has saved me a fortune on my crappy job. Also, I take advantage of the tax reductions I'm legally entitled to. FYI: I'm on minumum wage, and I get by just fine.
By Lavern, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 02:08:44 AM
I really learn a lot from this feng shui articles. This article gives points to ponder on so that we could make life as easy as it can be. Sometimes we don’t need a feng shui but some little of self realization on our part so that things would fall into place.
By Green, Monday, July 14, 2008 09:34:32 AM
That was an interesting article. I should most certainly fix the leaking sink tap in my bathroom. It has been leaking for a while now and I really haven't done anything about it. Now that I've read the article I am really beginning to think it has something to do with the reason I'm so broke now.
By Green, Monday, July 14, 2008 09:30:10 AM
Carla, you speak like a true lazy person. If you are poor why don't you do something about it instead of waiting for someone to give you thier hard earned money while you sit around doing nothing. I most certainly won't give out anything to someone like you. I regularly give out to the poor and needy but make sure I give out to only people who are actually needy. I think Carla is just a lazy person.
By claire, Friday, July 11, 2008 11:08:12 AM
i found it hard to believe that in this section someone would complain about the rich and giving money to the poor. My comment is if you need money ...get a job and if one job is not enough get a second one. Don't wait for someone to give you money. The people that have it ...have worked hard to get it. Most of what is wrong today is so many wanting something for nothing.
By Kara, Thursday, July 10, 2008 12:40:28 PM
I don't think that is only in feng shui...a lot of that stuff is just natural like cleaning out the air vents and to repair leaks right away. The meanings are just very different. A lot of people can figure out those on their own because that will make their lives easier and better to get all of that stuff done right away before it disrupts anything.
By Grace, Thursday, July 10, 2008 11:54:47 AM
You say water represents money. Does that include a fish tank or are you meaning a fountain in the house. Thank you Grace

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