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What Is Feng Shui?
What Is Feng Shui? Dreams, interpreting your bad dreams, learn what they mean!  Find out now FREE!

The ancient art of placement design is no longer thought of as something done in the Orient. About 3,000 B.C., the art form of Feng Shui was founded by those who were seekers of the most prized place to live. In the beginning, it was the formations of the land that made these Feng Shui practitioners look to the formation of all structures…including the human body. Then they recognized how this affected humans residing in certain places. This intricate understanding of how land and people being one was inherent in the practice of harmonizing all the elements of life through Feng Shui living.


What is Feng Shui? Feng literally means wind and Shui means water. When you think of the human body, it is our breath that creates life and our body that makes the water that sustains it. Therefore, in inspecting our environments, we seek to find how our soul and spirit expresses who we are and what we want to achieve. We learn how to use Feng Shui to organize our lives.

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There are many different schools of Feng Shui: Compass, Form, Black Hat, Tantric, and Western. Each Feng Shui school can be as individual as you are, so take your choice. Work with your Feng Shui practitioner and let soul and spirit shine in this incredible art of making your home more then a place to sleep, but a place where your dreams can grow and you can thrive.


Ask yourself the hard questions: What do I really want, and am I truly willing to make the tough choices to allow that to happen! Health, happiness, safety, beauty and comfort are all a part of what you want to make happen in your Feng Shui home. So, go sit by a body of water and close your eyes, take a deep breath, and decide, “I am ready to change my life from the inside of where I live to the outside world where I can shine”. Give your favorite Feng Shui master a call or buy their book and go on that incredible journey known as you.

Talk about expressing yourself! When we walk into a room filled with clutter and a total mess, do we feel focused? I think not. Feng Shui promotes harmony. Of course, there are those creative types that have things everywhere. However, when you want that creativity presented to the world, it requires a sense of organization and harmony that allows it to take form beyond the room of its creation. That’s right, when we are moving the energy, there are no spots that are clogged up. Think of clutter to a place is like clogging up arteries to your body! This is the first principle of placement and design.



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By Anida, Tuesday, October 14, 2008 01:09:22 PM
I am a bit cinfussed I would like to learn more about fung-shwei. So I could apply it to my life.
By Prasanna, Sunday, August 17, 2008 05:31:29 AM
Dartz,its a good question. Would it work on a web page? Think. May be they could have any suggestion from the feng shui to improve your business. So lets look and identify for that part and gain momentum in the business.
By Jamace, Tuesday, August 12, 2008 01:35:52 AM
I've always heard about Feng Shui but never got interested until a friend of mine tried it at their house. So, thank you for this article. Now, at least I Know a little more about Feng Shui although a few instructions on how to apply it would have been most welcome. As for my friend , he says they're now getting along better as a family and he feels more comfortable at home.
By Zordani, Saturday, August 09, 2008 03:28:59 PM
Very good article for those of us that didn't know about what Feng Shui was. I was familiar with some of this traditional Asian philosophy’s concepts before, but now I know even more. I can't wait to read your other articles, as they'll surely make my life better and richer than ever. Thank you very much!
By POstman, Tuesday, August 05, 2008 07:21:37 AM
As far as I know Fengshui comes from ancient china and Chinese is among the first to use it. Maybe I could use some of this Fengshui because my stuff is just cluttered all around my house. It is hard to focus when I see these things unorganized.
By Dartz, Thursday, July 31, 2008 04:31:01 PM
Please excuse me while I say something stupid: Do you think that Feng Shui would work on a webpage? I know, stupidest question over, but it would be worth a try wouldn't it? What's the harm?
By Prasanna, Thursday, July 31, 2008 08:43:02 AM
The article tells us about Feng-shui.. i wonder why it has not got any popularity world wide all these days. Only in the past few many years, it started gaining momentum. It is a simple fact that our bed room must be filled with silence and happiness. So keep away all your works and gadgets outside it and go to bed. If you have a sound sleep, you will live for many years.
By Green, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 08:05:08 AM
Dartz, Feng shui aside, moving TV out generally should help you sleep better. Some people sleep with the TV on. The noise and the lights from the TV disturbs you while you sleep and can affect your sleep pattern in the long term. You usually sleep better when the room is cool, dark, and quiet. Give it time and you should soon be able to sleep better
By Aries, Monday, July 28, 2008 03:50:41 PM
@Dartz: More like Fung Shwee, it can be hard to pronounce things in Chinese, but getting the official spelling is important, as even a single change in a letter can completely alter the meaning of the word. There is probably a Chinese woman reading this blog and asking herself "Why is this boy swearing?"
By Dartz, Sunday, July 27, 2008 03:29:41 PM
Isn't it also pronounced Fung-Shwei? I can't pronounce anything in Chinese. Speaking of the Chinese, someone told me I would sleep better if I moved my TV out of the room. I did, and I lay awake till 3:00am wondering how the ancient Chinese knew about TV's 5000 years ago.

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