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Keeping A Dream Journal
Meaning of Dreams, Start a Dream Journal Dreams, interpreting your bad dreams, learn what they mean!  Find out now FREE! Keeping a dream journal is an essential part of lucid dreaming, which is about learning from your subconscious state and manifesting what you want in real life. Being aware that you are dreaming makes it easier to wake up and remember them.

The typical individual has five sleep cycles per night. At the end of each cycle, there is a period of REM sleep. Most people dream for 100 minutes each night. The closer it is to morning, the longer your REM sleep becomes. That is why so many of us wake up in the morning from having a dream. That is why writing in a dream journal as soon as you wake up is recommended.

To remember a dream, neuro linguist programmers recommend using what is called a lucid anchoring. Just before you go to sleep, focus on an object in the room. This is going to be your anchor in reality that will help you remember your dreams. When you look at this anchor, which could be anything in the room, tell yourself, “I will remember my dreams.”

You don’t need any type of fancy book to write in to record your dreams. All you need is blank pages and a pen or pencil. The book that you do choose should be kept within easy reach of the bed.

If you wake up, don’t start talking, walking around, or do other things. Do your best to focus on the dream you just had. While writing the dream down, use language that is in the present tense. This puts you in the present moment.

You should also try to identify the themes in the dream including characters, sensations, sounds, and emotions.

Don't worry about spelling, punctuation, and grammar. As long as you can read it back later and it still makes sense, you are doing this right. Fussing about how your penmenship looks on the page can also help you forget the dream which is also unnecessary.

If you can remember any images from the dream, you can also make sketches in your book. You don’t have to be a great artist. Just do any type of sketch that you think will help you remember the dream later on.

You should also note if any content in the dream seems to relate to anything going on in your life. For instance, if you are suffering from a broken heart, this is likely to manifest itself somehow in your dreams. Relating your dreams to what is going on in your real life can be very therapeutic over the long run.

At first it may seem like the pages of your dream journal are quite bare. Don’t worry about this. Even writing down the smallest snippets of dreams that you can possibly remember will go a long way toward helping you recall even more them in the future.

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