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Meaning of a Dream That Repeats Itself
Meaning of Dreams that Repeat Dreams, interpreting your bad dreams, learn what they mean!  Find out now FREE! We have all had phases in our lives when it seems like we can’t get rid of a dream. We may having the same dream night after night or even be having the same dream a couple of times a night. Some people have the same dream a couple of times a week or a month. Repetitive dreams are also those ones that you seem to have had year after year from child.
If you have had a dream more than three times in your life, it qualifies as a repetitive dream. Psychologists tell us to take note of these repeating dreams because it may be our subconscious mind trying to tell us something.

The thing that is so disquieting about repetitive dreams is that they often feel like “a call to action.” Often, the person feels panicked and like they have to do something. Many psychologists tell us that these dreams are an ironic “wake up call.” Just as you must wake up from a dream to remember, the dream might be telling you to wake up to a truth that you might be hiding from others or yourself.

Repetitive dreams indicate that you are continuing to miss the point about the meaning of the dream. If you don’t “wake up” to the unconscious meaning of the dream, but instead persist in seeing it through your own wish-fulfillment needs, you will remain stuck in your own self-deception.

However, sometimes repetitive dreams are part of a post traumatic reaction to something that has happened in your life. Our modern word nightmare derives from the Middle English nightmare (from night, night, and mare, demon), an evil spirit believed to haunt and suffocate sleeping people. And so, in today’s world, when we speak of a nightmare, we mean a frightening dream accompanied by a sensation of oppression and helplessness.

Traumatic nightmares are one of the many symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Repetitive, intrusive nightmares following a trauma often contain symbolic themes that mirror the original trauma and relate to threat to life, threat of abandonment or death, or loss of identity.

The problem with these types of dreams is it is not enough to just know them intellectually. You have to take measures in real life to address your fears or you will most likely keep having the nightmares.

To stop nightmares you might trying writing them down in as much detail as possible, no matter how frightening you find them. Write the story out but give the nightmare a different ending. Diminish what is fearful in the dream and give it a happy needing. Remember that the nightmare is grounded in emotions such as raw anger that have been provoked by a trauma. The point of a new ending is to “tame” the emotions and rewrite your narrative. Then, rehearse the new ending in your mind every night before going to sleep. Many people can successfully stop having repetitive nightmares using this method.

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By susan, Tuesday, July 05, 2011 02:28:43 PM
Hello , every one, In 2006 my best friend Passed away from Stage 4 bladder Cancer and NHL,I miss her so much , shortly after her death I was on the verge of a breakdown, and seeked, help,spent 3 yrs in therapy , to help me to understand, any ways these past few weeks I been having the same, bad dreams, over and over again,its about loosing ,her all over again, and I JUST DON'T KNOW what she is trying to tell me ? ITS Heart breaking , enough to have lost MOM, IN 2006 ,BUT to continously to dream it over and over again,Messing with my emotions, I am to the point where I MAY NEED to return to therapy ,to help me again, can some one enlight me on this issue? thanks ,
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