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Seeing Numbers in Dreams
Dreaming of Numbers Dreams, interpreting your bad dreams, learn what they mean!  Find out now FREE! If a number appears to you in a dream, does it mean anything? First of all, the very act of dreaming in numbers is often seen as a sign that it is time to attend to the more practical sides of your life. Numbers mean math and other practical matters. They are symbolic of business.

Usually we see the number represented by objects in the dream. We could see 7 pillars or 3 coins or 13 cats. If you are handing a number of something in a dream, try and count the objects because there could be significance to it. For instance, 7 pillars could mean you are in a temple and dreaming prophetically. 3 coins could mean that your fate has yet to be told and 13 cats could mean you survive an illness.  It is open to personal interpretation as well as what the object of the dream might mean in symbolism.

Some dream interpretation experts could see numbers as applying to relationships. For instance, if you dream of a 1, it can mean that you are lonely.

If you dream of the number 2, it is interpreted as a sign you will meet someone. 2 can symbolize anything that is the opposite. This means that it can symbolize a conflict between two sides of yourself.

If you dream of a 3, it can mean that something special is going on between you and your higher power, as it is the power of the holy trinity. You are on the right path.

If you dream of 4, it might represent the mother as it is a very feminine energy. Some people who feel trapped by a situation in life may dream of the number 4.

The number 5 is seen as the source of life itself. It is a sexy number that can also signify the need to have intercourse.

6 means pregnancy or happiness in the family. It can foretell that a baby is on the way.

7 is a number of genius. You should pay attention to any creative idea that comes your way. If you dream of a 7, be sure to play it in a lottery as it can be lucky.

Dreaming of 8 is supposed to symbolize being in touch with one’s soul and dreams. It can also mean that money is on the way.

Dreaming of the number 9 can mean that you subconsciously are discerning the end of a phase in your life. It is apparently not that common to see the number 9 in a dream. It can mean a spiritual calling, but it can also mean a victory will be yours, but at the price of a terrible sacrifice. It is not really considered to be that lucky to dream of 9 because it can mean accelerated karma, which is not always that pleasant of an experience.

Sometimes it is easiest to interpret the dream if you can figure out how the number got into your head in the first place. More than half the time there is no meaning to it at all. It is simply a number we have seen in ad or somewhere. If the number happens to be talked about a lot in the media, then it is more likely that we will have a dream about it. For instance, there is so much talk about the apocalypse and the year 2012 in the news, it would not be surprising at all if people were dreaming about that particular number constantly.

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By susan, Monday, June 25, 2012 08:40:51 PM
I dream alot of number s, some are addresses and some are just 3 different numbers, it depends on the month and day, In March I dreamed of the day my mom passed away that was 03-06 , she taken a piece of me with her, My Mom s name was Mary, she was my BEST FRIEND, loosing her distroyed me , it taken me 3 yrs, to get to where I decided to live on my own again, and I walked away from some one who was just using me, I was able, to figure it out , and I moved out, With the streighth , I know numbers mean some thing in my life, and 1 day I hope to figure it all out , Thanks, Susan
By Lauren, Saturday, December 11, 2010 04:07:44 PM
what does the numbers 37,39 and 42 mean when you see them in a dream about someone kidnapping one of your children?
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