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Feng Shui for Fall Cleaning
Feng Shui Tips for Fall Cleaning Love Feng Shui, feng shui for love, romance and marriage!  How to use Feng Shui in marriage. Feng Shui does not just apply to your indoor realm. It also applies to your garden. This ancient ritualistic practice is all about the fine art of object placement to bring you good luck, great energy, and protection.

The first thing you should do is pay attention to is the amount of clutter in your backyard now that the partying from summer fun is all over. As you might already know, one of the very first rules of Feng Shui is to keep things clutter free. This means being seasonal as well.

To practice Feng Shui for the fall and winter in your yard, it is essential that you get rid of all lawn furniture, wading pools, empty flower pots, and anything else lying around that might not have anything to do with the current season.

While you are at it, do a little bit of Fall Cleaning. This is also the optimum time of year for you to do things like put old patio furniture that you will not be using away as well as clean up things like barbecues and old propane tanks. The barbecue or firepit in your backyard symbolizes the hearth of your back yard, so keeping it as well maintained as possible right up until the last minute of Fall is a good idea. In fact, the longer you keep those fires burning in your backyard, the better off you will be.

You should also try and keep your birdbath functional if you can. This is because birds flying in and out of yard symbolize prosperity and the circulation of money in your life. If you winter is very cold, you can still keep a source of water going for the birds by buying a cheap de-icer unit and placing it in your fountain or pond.

Most ponds and pools have to be drained for the winter and, if this is the case, then you should make sure everything is maintained and covered properly. A pool or fountain with cracks or seams in it is not good fortune. It symbolizes the leaching away of money from your grasp. That is because the element of water symbolizes prosperity in Feng Shui. Make sure too that you do not leave hoses coiled up and full of water to freeze. Frozen water can mean financial paralysis.

It is also a good idea to hang bird feeders in your back yard. This is a prosperity enhancement that also keeps the birds (that symbolize the healthy circulation of money) moving into your life. 

Decluttering your yard of all natural debris is a very good idea. If you have fruit and nuts trees, make sure that everything is harvested and used appropriately. For instance, if you have a cherry tree, make a cherry pie out of the fruit. That is extremely lucky and invites prosperity into your house.

If you have old fruit on the ground, don’t leave it there to decay. Clean it up and recycle it or put it in a compost heap for next year. Rotting fruit will attract bad luck as well as animals that you may not necessarily want in your back yard (like rats and raccoons).

With regards to compost heaps, the very best thing to do is disguise the decaying heap of dirt is some kind of very compact bin. A compost heap full of rotting food and plant stuffs is not good Feng Shui. A cheap way to conceal it is with a roll out plant matting or a cheap bamboo fence of some kind. However, there are many very nice composting drums on the market that are affordable and allow you to rotate the compost that it makes the optimum fertile soil for use in the spring.

It is also time to pull up any weird old weeds and rake. Keeping your yard as clutter free as possible of leaves and other debris will help keep you lucky and prosperous. The same thing goes for the eaves troughs. Cleaning them out will help water to flow away from the roof of your house, which is another movement of fluid in your backyard that can help with prosperity.

It is also possible to plant hardy winter flowers in your garden, even if you do have snowy conditions. There are several plants that do very well in winter. Winter cabbages are large and colorful and look great in big pots. They will survive all kinds of inclement treatment and even better they symbolize the good things in life such as sex, fertility, female power, and money.

Chrysanthemums are also a very hardy winter plant that survive well in outdoor pots. They symbolize long life, a happy marriage, and luck in general.

To attract and enhance love, you can plant Camellia Sasanqua, which is a hardy variety of the camellia flower. These are rose like blossoms that will bloom on temperatures as low as 4 degrees below zero!

Another winter hardy flower is known as Hellebore (sometimes known as the Lenten Rose). This is actually an evergreen that blooms from November to March. The leaves are green on top and red underneath. The flowers are green, white, red, and purple. This plant mainly symbolizes protection from all forms of attack, including astral attack, robberies, and evil thoughts from others in general.

For protection, plant Holly bushes in your back yard. The Ivy keeps bad energy away. The berries are pretty and also birds feast on them, once again bringing that prosperous energy into your life as well.

Witch hazel is similar to Holly in that it will burst forth red and yellow tassel like flowers among leafless branches. They also produce very attractive seed pods. This plant is mainly known for its protective qualities, especially when it comes to guarding your health and protecting you from jealous vibes from others.

There are also certain varieties of herbs that will survive a harsh winter. An example is hardy Rosemary. Rosemary is an herb that brings protection, money luck and faithfulness in a marriage.

For supreme good fortune, especially in love plant a Winter Cherry Tree. This tree is very popular is Asia and has been known to flower as early as January. There is something very traditionally pretty about these flower blossoms falling onto beds of snow. 

Chinese Juniper is also very popular in Asia and survives very cold temperatures. It comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes including creeping varieties, full sized bushes, and little trees. During the winter, it will sprout little yellow flowers that look like honeysuckles. Chinese Juniper symbolizes the protection of your health, wealth, and fidelity within your relationship. Surrounding your house with these bushes might also protect you from robbery.

Popular wintergreen is Scottish Heather. These are tiny spiked evergreens that produce spikes of bell shaped flowers that are pink, purple, and magenta in color. This flower, which will still bloom in temperatures as low as -25 degrees, assists with health matters and protects your finances.

As you can see, there is no reason to just leave your yard to fend for itself during the winter. You can practice Feng Shui with it to enhance your good fortune in general.

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