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Home >> Feng Shui >> Feng Shui Articles

Feng Shui Remedies For Your Marriage
Feng Shui Love Tips for Marriage Love Feng Shui, feng shui for love, romance and marriage!  How to use Feng Shui in marriage. Having marriage troubles? Looking for ways to spice up your romance? Use these Feng Shui love tips to improve your marriage and love life.

The area that rules marriage and romance is the Southwest corner of your home. You can activate these corners in every room, but the main priority would be to activate the actual corner of your home that is the most southwest. You should do this no matter what room occupies that part of your apartment or your house. For best results, make sure the area is painted green, purple, or red. Stay away from colors like red or black.

One Feng Shui love tip to activate the marriage corner is to place fresh flowers in the area. Make sure they are red, as red symbolizes love. If your budget does not allow fresh red flowers or if you do not have garden in which you can grow them, then try investing in silk or artificial flowers. These will prevent you from having to deal with any dead or dying blossoms, which in Feng Shui symbolize troubled relationships. You will find that silk or plastic flowers keep the area active, but only as long as you remember to dust the flowers whenever you can to keep them clean.

Whatever you do, keep cacti or other thorny or prickly plants away. They can cause relationships to become “prickly” too. The needles can cause sharp words arguments among spouses and also other family members. Luxuriant green plants with large leaves placed around the house bring good energy, but be careful about placing too many big plants in this corner. Wood energy is not beneficial in this corner.

Place things that are in pairs in this corner to help keep you together. As a Feng Shui tip, never make an arrangement of three. Placing a pair of crystal swans or mandarin ducks or a pair of anything in this area will create good chi.

Crystal is the primary element for the southwest section, so anything made with crystal is recommended, especially fortuitous are pink or red crystals. Another Feng Shui love tip is rose quartz, which is a good choice for this area.

If your bathroom is located in your romance section, place a mirror on the door and keep the door closed at all times. As a Feng Shui tip, keep the lid of the toilet down and don’t have the mirror reflect the toilet or any drains. Have the mirror reflect the shower head or taps instead. Be sure to replace any broken tiles as well. They can symbolize broken relationships.

Yet another thing that is crucial in Feng Shui love is to keep this area as sparkling clean as possible. Clutter, dirt and dishevelment can cause relationship problems. You should also keep this area very well lit. One solution would be to string it with Christmas lights in order to keep it always active in terms of bright light.

As a final Feng Shui love tip, you should also remember to keep sharp things out of this area. The relationship corner is not the place to keep scissors or knives. These types of objects can cause relationships to be severed.

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By Darlene, Saturday, April 16, 2011 12:33:58 AM
So many comments concerning the 'red' contradiction.....yet nobody could be bothered to correct the error before they RE-RAN the article! Don't you guys realize these constant errors from lack of proof-reading detract from your credibility?
By heather, Saturday, May 09, 2009 02:24:18 PM
Ok, so the sw corner of my house is my teenage boys bedroom.............I have no control over what they put in there or how clean they keep it and they have decorative knives and swords on the walls. Any suggestions??????
By Elaine, Thursday, October 30, 2008 01:20:56 PM
I'm confused is red good or bad? how do I find the southwest corner?
By Margarita, Saturday, September 20, 2008 01:14:57 PM
When are you going to correct this article. A lot of comments but nothing correcting it. Is it good the red color or is it not. O se peinan o se hacen rolos?
By Dema (Dee), Saturday, September 20, 2008 11:02:06 AM
I am confused by the following entry in this article: "For best results, make sure the area is painted green, purple, or red. Stay away from colors like red or black." It says to have red in this corner and then says stay away from red. Which is it? Same ? as the prior entry, seems like it's confused more than just me. Thanks! Dee
By Dema (Dee), Saturday, September 20, 2008 10:58:29 AM
I am confused by the following entry in this article: "For best results, make sure the area is painted green, purple, or red. Stay away from colors like red or black." It says to have red in this corner and then says stay away from red. Which is it? Same ? as the prior entry, seems like it's confused more than just me. Thanks! Dee
By Donna, Saturday, September 20, 2008 02:57:05 AM
I really like the knowledge,thanks much,these SW corners have been bugging me lately (clutter,dust,dingey) and we've not been happy together lately,I'll let you know what happens. Oh yeah, the SW corner of our house is the kitchen and also the back door, window with hummingbirds 4 of them, gold with crystals on the wings and bellys, it's sunny and the door opens in,doorknob on the left.
By Jane, Friday, September 12, 2008 09:32:43 AM
Makes sense. Lucky in Love?
By Jane, Friday, September 12, 2008 09:27:04 AM
Makes sense. Lucky in Love?
By Shelly, Monday, September 08, 2008 09:44:06 PM
For best results, make sure the area is painted green, purple, or red. Stay away from colors like red or black. This sentence is contradicting.
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