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Home >> Feng Shui >> Feng Shui Articles

Feng Shui Tips For Getting Rid of Ghosts
Ghost Busters Love Feng Shui, feng shui for love, romance and marriage!  How to use Feng Shui in marriage. Some people just seem to have a knack for attracting energies from the other side. They are natural channelers for the spirits and seem to attract them the same way a lightning rod attracts lightning.

Yet another fact of hauntings is that negative energy attracts more negative energy. If a room is associated with violence, injustice, or death, negative spirits tend to accumulate there.

{~ad~]Bad spirits also lurk in clutter or in places that are unclean. They also like shadows or places where there is not much of it. 

Feng Shui, the Chinese art of object placement to augment good energy, can be an effective tool against the attraction of bad spirits and haunting.  In Feng Shui, negative energy is known as Sha energy. Sha energy is bred in places of stagnation.

It is particularly a good idea to practice Feng Shui for warding off ghosts during Halloween which is Hungry Ghost Months. This is when wandering ghosts are more likely to wander the earth looking for places and minds to live in.

Here are some tips from the world of Feng Shui for helping prevent spirit infestations of all kinds:

Keep your place immaculate. Negative spirits love dirt. Clean it thoroughly with ammonia and disinfectant. This will also discourage the insect and animal infestations that are associated with bad spirits.

You should also keep your place clear of clutter. Clutter crates the shadows that nasty entities love to lurk in. You should especially avoid having lots of clutter in along narrow hallway.

The Chinese believe that ghosts can only move in a “straight line.” Therefore, if you are living in a haunted place, it is important to move the furniture so that it is not linear. Architecture, furniture, and objects that are arranged in straight lines are vehicles for ghostly and enemy energies. The Chinese call anything too linear "poison arrows."

Get rid of antiques and old pictures that seem to be holding an energy that does not belong to you. Often bad energy comes from older objects that have been handled by other people. Yet another big attractor of ghosts are dirty mirrors.

Clean your jewelry. Gemstones will hold the energy of other people and other spirits. Cleanse them with salt to get rid of bad spirits.

Keep your windows open wide and let the light in. Make sure the windows are washed sparkly clean. Many ghosts and spirits simply cannot abide the presence of light.

Cracked broken drains and all sources of dirty or plugged water are also big attractants of ghosts. Make sure that all faucets, toilets, and sinks are in good working order.

Dripping taps are famous for attracting ghosts. Always keep the doors to bathrooms closed and the lids to toilets closed as well.

If you feel that you are being visited by bad spirits in your dreams, then one Feng Shui remedy is to fill a bowl with water and place it under the bed! Spirits are very attracted to water and will navigate there rather than to you.  Just remember to empty your water outside your home every day.

In traditional Feng Shui, a statue of Chung Kwei, the famous Chinese ghost catcher, is to chase all wandering ghosts away from your place. His presence protects your home from harmful experiences.

The set of four protective statues known as the Four Heavenly Kings also protect from ghosts and evil demon. Each little statue has its own home in the North, South, East and West sectors of your home. Mo Li Ching, Guardian of the East, has a spear and magic sword to battle the spirits.  The Guardian of the West, Mo Li Hay, wares them away with haunting guitar music. Mo Li Shou, the guardian of the North waves a snake at the spirits and Mo Ling Hung, the Guardian of the South, does spells with his magic umbrella.  It is all symbolic of course but it may help.

Yet another Feng Shui charm against ghosts is a pair of Fu Dogs or Fu Lions. These are the traditional guardians that guard a home against bad energy and are placed on either side of the front door on the porch.

You can also buy wooden flutes in Chinatown or online that are intended to symbolize the music that ghosts hate. These are hung from the ceiling to ward off malevolent energies.
Much simpler than going online or to Chinatown to buy statues is placing a copper penny in the four corners of each room to protect from haunting. If a room is especially haunted, try filling the room with jars of pennies. Ghosts do not like copper because it is a metal that conducts love.

Another very old remedy for getting rid of ghosts is the burning of crushed dried orange peels. You might be able to get this powder in an Asian supermarket. You simply light as you would ordinary orange incense.

Chimes are also deterrents for ghosts. The way they sway in the wind breaks up the linear energy paths that the ghosts travel along so they cannot bother your home or family.
Music and flowers are also can drive bad ghosts a way. They also do not like a lot of noise. To get rid of an immediate visit from a spook, get out a pot lid and a pot and start clashing them together loudly.

It might also interest you to know that ghosts really dislike the presence of children and pets. The noisier and funnier the littlest creatures in your life are the more inhospitable your home will be to ghosts.

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By teresa, Sunday, January 13, 2013 02:48:18 AM
I think iv had enough of try n to figure shit out and done notice n the unwanted. As I put it so had fun and sorry I couldn't figure the whole im special. Part out ...mwah ! Thank u though
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