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Feng Shui Tips for Keeping Money in the House
Feng Shui Tips for Money Love Feng Shui, feng shui for love, romance and marriage!  How to use Feng Shui in marriage. Do you spend money as fast as you make it? Here are some Feng Shui tips for attracting wealth and keeping it so you can build your own personal empire!

If you live next to a highway or a fast flowing river that is carrying your financial luck away with it, a high fence or thicket of tall bushes can help balance out the problem.

If your property does not contain flowing water, you can construct a pond or fountain. Water is very important as it symbolizes status prosperity and wealth.

There should be ample room to work around the stove - it should be kept clean and work well to encourage favorable finances.

If the dining room is too close to the front door, your guests may "eat and run." This is a metaphor for your money slipping quickly through your fingers or an inability to save money. Make sure the dining room table is placed further inside.

Mirrored walls or mirrors over mantelpieces are beneficial in a dining room because they give the perception of doubling the amount of food. The amount of food on your dining room table is a synchronistic mirror of your ability to draw love and prosperity into your life.

In Feng Shui, water is symbolic of money, so the first thing you should do before you buy any house or apartment is CHECK THE WATER PRESSURE!  If you turn on a tap and the water flows out in a trickle, then you are likely to experience financial problems during your stay there.

The bathroom should be clean, well lit, well ventilated, and have many mirrors. Make sure the mirrors don't reflect the toilet but rather the places from which water flows INTO the home such as the shower and the sink. Water flowing into the home symbolizes money.

Red light bulbs, red Christmas lights, lava lamps with red goo in them, or any gizmo that represents fake fire helps enhance the positive chi in your fame and recognition sector which is the south part of your home. Enhancing this can also bring you money, especially if you are a performer, in the arts or a freelancer.

The Southern Wall is also the ideal place to create a bit of an altar to yourself that celebrates the achievements that you have made so far in your career. It is a good place to hang diplomas, rewards, or photographs of yourself doing fabulous things. In return, this brings financial rewards!

The fluidity of glass is comparable to the fluid movement of water. Feel free to enhance your career energies by placing glass vases, shelves, and bowls in your North sector of career.

Decorate with the colors of Feng Shui wealth - the colors purple, red, and green. These three colors support prosperity energy in a space. A pleasant still life to attract this energy is a pretty glass bowl containing a purple amethyst, a red carnelian, and a green piece of jade.

Follow just a few of these tips to increase your bank account and see if you don’t become richer within a few months!

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