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Home >> Feng Shui >> Feng Shui Articles

Feng Shui Secrets For Your Home
Daisy Flower Indoors Releasing Balanced Energy Love Feng Shui, feng shui for love, romance and marriage!  How to use Feng Shui in marriage.

Learning Feng Shui secrets can not only improve your body and mind, but also your love life. Picture yourself at the front door of your home. What is the first thing you see? When you open your door, the essence and energy of your home speaks to you!


If you open the door and find clutter, you will not find love buried beneath it. More than likely, you will find an obstacle course to the bedroom (let alone the living room). Clean up all this clutter and we can start over. Use the following Feng Shui secrets to check your space to create love in your home.

Go back to the front door to begin checking the Feng Shui landscape. While standing at the door, go to the furthest right corner from where you are standing and see what is there. Let’s take the example of a beautiful young lady that lives in a three story walk up. After walking three flights of stairs, oxygen might be on her mind and not love. The easier it is to get to the love nest, the better. We are not asking our future love interest to do a fire walk…or are we? For this fair damsel, when you open the door, the most direct right corner is a bathroom. Do you think that some of her relationships could go down the drain? Well, let’s hope that your abode has it easier than this lovely lass.

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So again, what is the first thing you see from your front door? Your intention is to create love through Feng Shui living, so let’s make this a place where you want to go to get loved. Are there pictures of happy couples and flowers blossoming? Are the accents comfortable? Lighting, of course, is flattering. Avoid glaring bulbs that make you feel as though you are about to get questioned to the third degree.


In the Feng Shui landscape, the furthermost corner to the right of the front door is the love corner. You want to have something like a set of male and female mandarin ducks or a set of swansthey both mate for life. Maybe you want some pairs of simple things; two red candles, two glasses, or even two pears. Remember, you are setting the tone and the feeling of what you want in your home. Feng Shui your home for love.


Always clean or straighten things out before a guest arrives, and set the intention with happy thoughts, asking for the highest and best to be attracted to you. Also, remember to reinforce your attraction by going inside your heart and preparing yourself for love.


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By Green, Sunday, July 20, 2008 01:13:47 PM
Lavern, I know what you mean because I am a working mother too. I am also a single mother and that makes my job a lot more difficult. It is a lot more difficult to keep the house in a correct order at all times. What with my daughter throwing and leaving stuff all around the house
By Lavern, Friday, July 18, 2008 01:45:05 AM
The article was great. I want to follow your advices but sometimes there is no time for me to fix the house. As a working mother, I’m so engrossed with work; I have my daughters to attend to everyday. But sometimes, one part of the house would be fixed once in while. I really want our house to have a good ambiance even though it is small.
By Green, Monday, July 14, 2008 11:45:18 AM
Hi Dianne. I really admire my job. I love dogs too but do not currently have anyone of my own. I am a single mother and raising my child alone is enough trouble. I really look forward to the day when I can be able to have another dog and be able to take care of it.
By Green, Monday, July 14, 2008 11:42:05 AM
I was a little confused when you mentioned about the bathroom being to the right of a lady's bedroom. I am not sure what that means. Is it good or bad for feng shui? When I stand in my bedroom doorway, my bathroom is to my right but I don't really see the bathroom door while standing at the door way. I wonder whether that is good or bad.
By Dianne, Tuesday, July 08, 2008 01:57:22 PM
I really enjoyed reading this article. I have the best of intention for love in my home as I home board dogs and they are one of the most loving animals on earth! When I have a family dropping off their 'baby', love swells up within me as I wait for them to arrive at their 'home away from home ' where they will stay while 'mommy and daddy' go away on vacation. It just comes so naturally for me. I find the doggy parents respond very positively to my expression of loving feelings for their furry family member, and they want to bring them back to be with me over and over again. I love that! I now have many strong bonds with my doggy friends as a result of their being here at my home. Believe me when I say "I have the greatest job in the world!" Dianne Dezzy's Doorstep Dog Home Boarding P.S. Dezzy loves her new doggy friends too!

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