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Your Spring Equinox Forecast
Spring The 2011 Spring Equinox happens on March 20 when the Sun enters 00:00 degrees in the sign of Aries which is the first Zodiac sign in the Zodiac wheel. This happens at exactly 4:21 pm EST so if you are meaning to make a new beginning or start in life or need to initiate a project then do it or announce it exactly at this time. This is because the spring Equinox also marks the absolute beginning of Spring.

The Sun is in Aries for the first thirty days of the Equinox and then slides in Taurus and Gemini until the Summer Solstice on June 21st.  This usually is a banner time for these three signs who are bound to have good things happen.

Here is a very general look at how the first few days of the Spring Equinox will go for this sign.


The Spring Equinox is always in your sign so this is absolutely your best time to further yourself in any way you would like in life. Jupiter is in your sign but unfortunately it opposes your sign around the end of March which means you might have to work twice as hard to get results.  Whatever you do the spotlight will be on you for the first few weeks after the 21st so be sure to dress your best.


Your ruler, Venus is conjucting Uranus around the 21st. This makes you a little more sentimental and emotional than usual. Many bulls will decide to go into the summer with a new commitment to making love with an important person in their life work.  Use this time to spruce up your appearance as the planets are favoring makeovers and buying clothes.


The focus of this Spring Equinox for you is going to be on getting ahead in life through your connections with other people Be sure to cull those no longer useful to you from your phone book and concentrate on keeping company that is positive and forward thinking.  You may also find yourself saddled with a very extreme case of Spring Fever.


Your focus around the Spring Equinox is going to be on improving your health and becoming fit. This is an excellent time for you to start an exercise program as the results you achieve, especially in terms of weight loss are likely to have staying power. Watch out for a tendency to overspend because you feel depressed during the last week of March.


This is an inspiring, wonderful time for you and many Lions may be focusing on conceiving a child or hears the happy news that a baby is on the way. The first few weeks of Spring will be spent fixing up your home and spending more time with the family members and friends that bring you a true sense of joy. Be careful not to offend someone you owe money to around the 28th of March.


Your focus will be on self-improvement. This is a good time for you to take a seminar on how to get along better with others or to sharpen up your communication or leadership skill. On the 28th, the planet Pluto may force you to emerge from denial about a personal matter that you have been hoping you will improve, but has little chance of getting better. This sounds bad but it is good because it will force you to look for real solutions to this problem that are practical.


Your focus this Spring Equinox will be on improving your money picture. This is an ideal time for you to look at ways to invest your money so you have a nest egg for the future. Resist a temptation to dwell on the past or be overly emotional about a love matter. It will only distract you from your real goal right now which is to improve your own situation.


Around the 2st you may feel possessed by the need to travel or find yourself feeling restless for a new mission or goal in life. The Spring Equinox could bring a spiritual rebirth for you. You may also feel that you have psychological or emotional issues that need dealing with. The last week of March is the ideal time to see a therapist and start dealing with anything personal that might be holding you back in life.


You will be possessed with your usual wanderlust and may be inclined to make your summer vacation plans early. There is nothing wrong with this but but keep in mind that travel will be a little more difficult for your sign this year due to issues with money or family. You are well advised to plan shorter trips that are closer to you rather than long journeys in foreign countries or overseas.


Your focus on the Spring Equinox is going to be your career. However at the same time you may be wrestling with a lack of confidence caused by a bit of depression. This is thanks to Pluto in your sign making you face the darker side of yourself. The last week of March is excellent for seeking out career counseling or a life coach if you feel you need it.


Your focus around the 2st is going to be on improving your social life and making new friends. The next couple of weeks are excellent for social climbing as the cosmos is likely to put you in the right place at the right time. Venus and Neptune in your sign will also make you a little more intuitive than usual so be sure to trust your instincts.


Your focus around the 21st is going to be on the self-development. You may be very concerned about nurturing your creative side and if you are an artist or performer now is the time to share your expression with others. Pluto in Capricorn may bring you a cash windfall from a relative. You are also luckier when it comes to playing the lottery than usual the last ten days of March.

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