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Astrological Indications That You Will Be Famous
Will You Be Famous? Check Your Astrology Chart. There are several indications in a natal chart that can mean that you will be famous at some point in your life and for longer than that fifteen minutes that Andy Warhol once claimed we would all be famous for.

The first indication of fame in any chart is when you see three or more planets clustered together in one house or sign. This can also give you an indication of what the person will be famous for depending on the meaning of the planets and the meaning of a house. For instance, if you have Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in the Fifth House (which is all about fun) you could be a famous entertainer who makes it rich. On the other hand, if you have Pluto, Neptune and Saturn in Scorpio in the Twelfth House (of dark secrets) you could be famous for going to jail or committing some kind of crime. That is because these planets tend to mean trouble unless they are exalted in their own signs.

It is also said that if the asteroid Fortune is found in the first house, fifth house, seventh, tenth or eleventh house, you could be rich and famous. This is further amplified if the asteroid Fortune is positioned within a couple of degrees of Mercury, Venus, or Jupiter, which are all benevolent planets.

If Jupiter is in the tenth house, it is also supposed to be a clear mark of fame. Jupiter is the planet of bounty and the tenth house is the house of career.  If Venus is in the fifth house or first house, you could be famous for being a great beauty, especially if Venus is nicely aspected with Jupiter elsewhere in the chart. Angelina Jolie is an example of a famous beauty who has Venus in the Fifth House, which rules fun things like theater, the movies, and cultural trends.

Having the planet Mercury in close degrees of your ascendant or in the same sign as your ascendant is also supposed to denote a famous individual. Examples of famous people who have had this in their chart include Adolf Hitler, Judy Garland, Mae West, George W. Bush, Picasso, Napoleon, and Fred Astaire.

In terms of houses, the most famous individuals tended to have a moon in the eleventh house. This goes along with the whole idea that having planets in Aquarius is a fame booster, as the eleventh house is also the natural home of the Zodiac sign of Aquarius!

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By Catherine, Sunday, January 12, 2014 05:58:28 AM
U can find free birth charts online. You need your birthday, where you were born, and what time.
By Debbie, Sunday, October 03, 2010 11:04:47 AM
You have to look for an astrologist that will draw your chart and explain the different houses and planets, retrogrades, moons, etc. I know someone that has done this for over 40 years and is excellent at it. This is all based on when you entered the earths plane. It is based on your birthday and more importantly, TIME OF BIRTH which should be on your birth certificate. There is a charge for this service and then you may contact her once a year for an update at approx. a quarter of the cost. This is really neat stuff. God Bless debbie
By Alisa, Friday, October 01, 2010 03:59:36 PM
I was wondering how do I find all this information out. What planets were in what house when I was born. Neat article but didn't explain how to figure it out or where to go, etc... I figure if I were going to be "famous" for anything, I would more than likely be by now but who knows. I'll only be 40 in about 7 weeks. I guess there is nothing said that interesting things don't come later in one's life.
By Wendy, Friday, October 01, 2010 11:56:07 AM
I have also practiced astrology for a number of years, and agree with Tehri Kimler. There is no asteroid with the name "Fortune." Chart interpretation is a highly complicated science, requiring skill, education, experience, and art. The indicators described here are, in some cases, inaccurate, and at best may comprise 1% of an accurate chart interpretation.
By Tiffany, Tuesday, December 29, 2009 02:55:51 AM
my moon, rising sign, juitper, saturn and neptune are all in Sag. what does that mean?
By Tina, Tuesday, December 08, 2009 11:44:47 AM
Where do you find a good place to get an astrological chart? I know of some places on the internet but wonder how acurate they are.
By TehriKimler, Tuesday, December 08, 2009 10:52:29 AM
I have practiced astrology for over 35 years and have yet to encounter an asteroid with the name Fortune! The writer of this article knows little, if anything about astrology. If the Fortune that is being referred to in the article is the Part of Fortune, that is an imaginary point and not an asteroid. -Tehri
By Stephanie, Sunday, October 11, 2009 05:57:58 PM
By Nancy, Wednesday, May 27, 2009 07:57:11 PM
For Franklin- The day, hour, and location we are born becomes a natal chart. This chart consists of 12 areas, which are called houses. The planets at this moment are placed in your chart. To see a chart, go to This web-site has free horoscopes. Nancy
By Franklin George, Wednesday, May 27, 2009 12:18:55 PM
Could you please explain to me what firt,second house and so on mean? Sorry for asking, I just like to know what that all mean. Thank you very much! Franklin George M.
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