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Best Places To Live For Your Zodiac Sign
Best Places to Live for Your Zodiac Sign Have you ever wondered if you are living in the right place in the world for you to succeed and be the happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest that you could ever be in life? There is a certain type of astrology chart that can be configured for you called astrocartography, which takes your natal astrological chart and then outlines the best cities for you to live in the entire world.

These are very complicated charts that look at all kinds of things in your chart, including the longitude and latitude of where you are and the planets that were in your time of birth. You can access kind of information online but usually accessing this information requires that you pay some sort of fee. They are considered to be multi-dimensional blueprints that tell you where you should live.

The theory is that by choosing to live in a location where the energy of your birth chart supports your goals, you can change the quality of your every day experience and achieve things with less effort. In essence, living in the right country or city can make a world of difference when it comes to your happiness. You know you are living in the right place when negative experiences seem minimized and positive experiences just seem more like a positive part of your life.

These astrocartography charts also can consist of three maps. One shows the locations in the world where your unique birth chart's energy is maximized. Using the science of Geodetics, you can find which cultures that you will respond best to if you decide to live somewhere less. Some astrocartographers also do something called a Local Space chart, which tells you what influences are best for you or what your personal "trade winds" of luck come from in the world.

A much simpler way of divining where the luckiest place you should live in the world is to simply figure it out according to your zodiac sign. For instance, if you are a Gemini, you can tell from looking at the chart below that one of the best countries for you to live in his Iceland and that one of the best cities for you to live in is London. This is because both Iceland and London were also created on dates that make them a city them a Gemini entity as well.

The theory is that if you were born in a city that shares your sign, you have a better chance of having things go your way in that city. Your life will go smoother in general and luck will be with you.

Here is a breakdown of which astrological sign belongs to some major astrological signs:


Palestine, England, Germany, Poland, Syria, Israel, Lithuania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe


Cyprus, Tasmania,  Ireland,  Capri, Switzerland, Rhodes, the Greek Islands, Cuba, East Timor, Serbia, Tanzania, Yemen


Iceland, Sardinia, Morocco, Tunisia, Belgium, Wales, Ecuador, Eritrea, Guyana, Kuwait, Norway, Montenegro, Sweden, Tonga


USA, Paraguay, Scotland, New Zealand, Holland, The Bahamas, Bahrain, Belize, Burundi, Cape Verde, Columbia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Croatia, Dijibouti, Kiribati, Laos, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia


Afghanistan, France Italy Macedonia, Romania, Sicily, France, Zanzibar, Bhutan, Bolivia, Central African Republic, Chad, The Ivory Coast, Gabon, Indonesia, North Korea, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Maldives, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Mongolia, Seychelles, Singapore, Ukraine


Crete, Brazil, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, Uruguay, West Indies, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Estonia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mali, Mexico, Moldova, Qatar, Tajikistan


Tibet, Argentina, Austria, Burma, Canada, China, Japan, Siberia, Botswana, China, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Iraq, Israel, Lesotho, Nigeria, Palau, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Tuvalu, Uganda


Angola, Morocco, Queensland, Korea, Syria, Norway, the Transvaal, Bavaria, Antigua, Barbuda, Cambodia, Dominica, Latvia, Lebanon, Micronesia, Panama. Turkey, Turkmenistan, Zambia


Spain, Australia, Chile, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, Bangladesh, Barbados, Cameroon, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Libya, Mauritania


India, Bulgaria, Mexico, UK, Albania, Afghanistan, Lithuania, India, Bosnia, Brunei, Czech Republic, Haiti, Nauru, Slovakia, Sudan


Iran, Finland, Russia, Sweden, Syria, Ethiopia. The Holy Vatican City, Sri Lanka


Normandy, North Africa, Portugal, Samoa, Egypt Scandinavia, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, Tunisia

Cities are also ruled by their own Zodiac signs. Here is a breakdown of how some astrological signs match up with some major cities in the world:


Birmingham (U.K.), Leicester, Florence, Krakow, Naples, Utrecht, Marseilles, Georgia


Lucerne, Eastbound, Hastings, Palermo, Leipzig, St. Louis, Dublin


Nuremberg, Tripoli, San Francisco, London, Melbourne, Plymouth, Cardiff


Manchester, New York, Stockholm, Tokyo, Venice, York, Amsterdam, Milan, Cancer, Algeria


Bristol, Bombay, Chicago, Madrid, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Rome Bath


Athens, Paris, Toulouse, Corinth, Lyons, Boston


Lisbon, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Johannesburg, Vienna, Nottingham, Antwerp


Cincinnati, Liverpool, Newcastle, Washington DC, Baltimore, New Orleans


Toronto, Budapest, Naples, Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland, Stuttgart


Brandenburg, Brussels, Delhi, Mexico City, Port Said, Oxford, Ghent


Brighton, Hamburg, Helsinki, Moscow, Salzburg, St. Petersburg, Bremen


Warsaw, Alexandria, Grimsby, Jerusalem, Bournemouth, Seville


So just how exactly is the above information arrived at? Some countries have 'traditional' authority. For instance, Scotland is always ruled by Cancer.

However, other countries have actual birth charts for when the country was 'created'. There is a lot of debate as to how this should all be decided. For instance, you can find many charts online for the United States that let you see that it is a country that is ruled by the sign of Gemini. Basically, this is a natal chart. If you look at the chart for the United States, the country also has Neptune and Mars in Gemini as well as three planets in Cancer. The moon of the United States is in Aquarius.

In theory, you could have a natal chart made up for any city that you are thinking of moving to as long as you have that location’s date of founding. You can then ask an astrologer to take the two charts and do a compatibility to report, which will tell you what the likelihood is of you and that city getting along.

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By linda, Monday, November 17, 2008 08:28:24 PM
By Aldona, Monday, November 17, 2008 08:24:22 PM
I wondered that Lithuania, my native small country, was listed few times. It's a wonderful country!
By Catherine, Monday, November 17, 2008 05:37:54 PM
Hi, Not many of us belong in the Usa. But I always wondered about my oldest granddaughter. I have always felt she want to be mexican. Her country & city is Mexico City, Mexico. i think she would do better there. As her choice of people has always been mexicans.
By Mary, Monday, November 17, 2008 04:57:42 PM
Ha! I'm a Leo. I can't even affors to get out of Florida...where I live now!!!
By Claudia, Monday, November 17, 2008 11:04:31 AM
Carole, I think you missed Australia under Sagittarius! That's my sign and I;ll have to visit Australia someday!
By Carole, Monday, November 17, 2008 09:37:44 AM
Not ONE star sign said " Australia " What a shame, this is an amazingly fun place to live ! As for Tokyo, I'm SURE its a lovely place, but its certainly not for me. Who ever wrote these suggestions out mustnt be very well travelled !
By Sarah, Monday, November 17, 2008 06:59:05 AM
Boy, I must be the odd child out as none of the places listed under my sign have held any interest for me......the closest on whould be old Philly in terms of charm but never felt a desire to live there....or visit there more than once. Interesting. But the, it isn't unusual that I fit into the "unusual" catagory. :^) Have a great day everyone.
By Keisha K, Monday, November 17, 2008 03:50:48 AM
Wow; being Gemini I love places that keeps me motivated and from getting bored. Although I now live in NYC (Philly native), I see that San Franciso has been highlighted as one of many places to live. Ironically I've just visited there (Oct 22-30) and was saying how I'd loved to get back there to live one of these days ( hint, hint). Especially now due to me getting older and not being able to tolerate the cold weather much longer. I will really be giving it some thought. This is an great article for sure. Be Blessed!!!

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