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Best Ways to Beat the Winter Blues for Each Zodiac Sign
How to Beat the Blues for Your Zodiac Sign At the beginning of 2010, there are a couple of planetary influences that are going to make it quite difficult for some members of the Zodiac to “beat the blues.”  It just simply may be difficult for some of us not to feel depressed.

First of all, many people just get depressed when it is winter, due to a lack of activity and sunlight. It is also not helping that there happens to be a worldwide recession on. However, one of the major influences that affects us all and that will for a long time is Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto in Capricorn creates a big tension between how we wish things were and how they really are, that many find too daunting to handle. The result for some will be escapism into drugs or alcohol or disappointments so big that they simply stop trying to get ahead in life.

Saturn in Libra also slows us down because Libra is an indecisive sign. You will find applying for anything to be more difficult. Team decisions and bureaucracies will rule. The slowness of this process, particularly when it comes to medical issues or getting money, will be very frustrating for many.

The year also starts out with frustrating Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn that lasts until January 15th, 2010. This is going to create havoc with trying to obtain money that should be repaid and obtaining loans. You can expect depressing news form the banks or lending companies. A second retrograde like this hits us all April 17th and can cause a great deal of trouble.

Mars is also retrograde in the fire sign of Leo until March 10th. This is going to leave a lot of us, especially the fire signs, feeling unmotivated and fatigued sometimes.

Even though these trends look depressing, there are ways you can ward them off. Here is a look at how each sign can beat off developing a bad case of the winter blues in the winter of 2010.


The best way for you to beat the blues is to make sure you get plenty of aerobic exercise. Skiing, skating, and any activity that brings the color back into your cheeks can help greatly improve your mood. One sure cure for the blues for this sign is to go shopping or even better yet – go on holiday to a big exotic city and go shopping there. Eating in a healthier manner can also greatly improve the mood of this sign, which may suffer from mood swings and depression from consuming too much caffeine and sugar!


If you are depressed, you can benefit greatly from taking a trip to the local mall and browsing through the local bookstore. You love to excite your mind. Your spirits are also really lifted by seeing an exciting movie, especially if it is adventurous and has lots of exciting special effects. The Taurus native really loves things to be absolutely clean, so a big overhaul of the home can put them in a good mood. Likewise, a good renovation or gardening project can also help cure the Bull of a case of the winter blues.


You love good wine and good foods and grocery shopping cheers you up. Putting a cocktail party together for yourself and a few good friends is also very therapeutic for the Sign of the Twins who does not like to be too alone for too long. Geminis love to travel just about anywhere and even the shortest of day trips to an antique market or to a local fair of some type is very uplifting for them. Taking long, aimless walks with no particular destination also keeps a Gemini in a good mood.


You need to prevent your mind from grabbing on to obsessive thoughts, so concentrating on a productive hobby like embroidery or furniture making is recommended. Painting, writing, sewing, and knitting are also good crafts that can take your mind off of what might be bothering you. A trip far away to sit by a big pool of water of some kind is also very therapeutic for this sensitive sign that sometimes just needs a change of scene to boost their spirits.


Athletic and competitive pursuits help the Lion tame that beast known as the winter blues. Skating, skiing, and sledding are great ways to boost the mood of Leo. Lions also crave the sunshine so for some the only cure is to travel down south for a big holiday. Narcisstic Leos also love to be petted and pampered and respond very well to a good massage or a trip to the local spa for a soak in the hot tub.


The best way for you to beat the blues is to take a trip down south to get the sunshine. Virgos suffer from overwork and need to relax. An alternative way of getting sunshine would be to buy a box with full spectrum lighting and set it up in the workplace so you can feel better physically. Virgos also benefit from spending time outdoors and taking part in winter sports like skiing and sledding. Getting a haircut or makeover can also lift the Virgin’s spirits.


This sign responds very well to love and affection. Go out to dinner with a special someone or spend lots of quality time with a pet. These empathetic individuals also find volunteering their services to a pet shelter or a similar good cause incredibly rewarding.  Taking Vitamin D or spending time in a tanning salon might also help anyone born under the sign of the Scales get back into emotional balance.


This Zodiac sign responds well to taking a long holiday, but if that is not possible then little day jaunts to local museums, art galleries, and to the theater often slake the Archer’s thirst for something exotic. This sign also loves to hike for miles. No matter how bad the weather is it is crucial for this sign to get outside and get some gentle aerobic exercise in nature.  Archers also find shopping to be incredibly soothing and relaxing and walking for miles in a mall is a great substitute for walking in nature.


The Scorpio individual loves glamor so the best pick me up is a total makeover from head to toe. A trip to a spa or even just to the hairdresser’s (if the Scorpio is on a budget) can go a long way towards picking up this water sign’s spirits. The Scorpio native also loves the exotic and especially spicy exotic food. Taking a special trip out to a restaurant to enjoy foreign cuisine does wonders for the Scorpion constitution. For that matter, so does sex. What better way to lift the spirits and meet someone new then too go out dancing!


If this sign feels depressed, it needs to get out of the house with a good friend and splurge on some good wine and food.  Going to a spa with a girlfriend is very therapeutic for female goats and male goats get a lift from spending a night with the boys – perhaps playing poker or playing paintball in the woods. This sign also finds browsing in book shops to be quite therapeutic and they are fascinated by museums full of ancient artifacts.


The Aquarian loves playing games of all kinds. Downloading the latest video game to play can take the Aquarian’s mind off his or her problems. However, they also love playing board games of all kinds, including games like Trivial Pursuit. It is important for the moody Aquarian not to isolate if they feel depressed. Having a friend over for tea or to pursue a mutual craft project, like making wine or knitting, can help this sensitive sign feel less oppressed by a long, dull winter.


The sign of the Fish feels best when they have something to offer others or they can feel worthless and depressed. It is important for this sign to get out of the house and contribute to society in some way, whether it be to coach youth, organize a craft sale, or play sports with local kids. This sign also greatly benefits from vigorous exercise, such as swimming or running. They also have a special talent for taking care of and talking to pets and children.

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