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Channeling The Dead
Channel The Dead Channeling the dead is performed by a medium, but not all mediums channel the dead. They instead prefer to only channel angelic bodies or deities. Channeling the dead is very specialized and refers to communicating with the spirits of anyone who is deceased.

Some eclectic mediums will use higher angels or entities as an intermediary to communicate with the dead, known as spirit guides. These guides can communicate with a medium either visually or verbally.

There are several ways in which a medium may channel the dead. Some mediums are body channels that allow their entire bodies to be possessed by a spirit. Derek Acorah is a good example of this type of medium. Acorah is also a great example of a medium who uses a “buddy” spirit to talk to the dead on his behalf, if he cannot communicate with them directly.

Some mediums use physical tools such as writing pads or focusing devices to help them work up channeling power. Some mediums also use a channeling crystal to help them hear voices, see things, or simply raise their vibrations to the levels of the angels so that they are able to receive communications from the dead.

Many mediums also use nothing at all, preferring instead to use a special channeling chakra. Sanaya Roman who channels an entity called Orin is a good example of a medium who uses the third, fourth, and seventh body centers in order to receive messages.

Some mediums have knowledge of what is being said and others do not. If you make an appointment with a medium that channels the dead, you may need to bring an object that was owned by the deceased or a photograph. This may better aid the medium in relaying messages directly back to you. The person who is being read by a medium is sometimes called “the sitter.”

Sometimes a medium can arouse physical manifestations from the dead. These can include phenomenon such as whole are parts of spirit bodies manifesting (such as a hand), the levitation of objects (such as a table), and rapping or knocking noises. Some people will even hear the whispering of voices, groans, or growls.

It is also common to see a medium behave as if he or she were actually possessed by the dead person. A medium will sometimes mimic the personality, voice, and hand gestures of the individual who has passed on.

In another version of possession by the dead, the medium goes into a trance that leaves them devoid of all personality. They then simply become the device through which the dead are allowed to speak.

However, the most prevalent channeler is not so dramatic and merely relays the messages back from the dead in the spirit world, back to the sitter without a great deal of feeling, mimicry, or drama.

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By Leslie, Monday, September 28, 2009 03:28:17 AM
This is for Norma who was looking for a good medium. I have a friend who is awesome and very affordable. Go to and please let her know Leslie referred you. When my son passed, I had not met her until my first reading. She blew me away with details that she could not have known. I told her nothing before the reading.
By Norma, Wednesday, September 02, 2009 04:18:20 AM
How ca you find an honest medium?..I went to a medium, and she was way off base. I spent good hard earned monies, but I got taken for a ride. Where do I find one in my local area. I don't like to use via phones either. I always get visit from My son, my second daughter she came and visit only after I learned of her death, but nothing since and that was back in 1992. My third daughter has not come for a visit, I see signs that may be of hers, but am not sure which one of my children are leaving me signs. Is there a certain time when they do each the other side, when they can reach out to me? Please help me. God Bless you Sylvia.
By ginger, Tuesday, September 01, 2009 11:36:26 AM
Can you accidentally be taken over by tham? i was meditating one night about my mother, after she had passed and i swear to god i felt like she took over my body, i felt her open my eyes and blink them and look around, it was like she was in there and i was watching her be there inside of me looking around. it was the creepiest thing, i couldn't shake that feeling for a week. i don't like that. i only like it when they appear and talk to me. just don't take over my body.
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