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Christian Bale's Astrology Chart
Christian Bale's horoscope signs Christian Bale is famous for his roles as Batman and as the American Psycho.  His birth time is unknown, so it is estimated in this profile as being at noon (which is characteristically what astrologers do when they do not know the birth time of an actor.)

His birthday is Wednesday January 30, 1974. In theory, this should make Christian a mild mannered Aquarian. Aquarians are usually pacifists and mild mannered humanitarians. However, on July 23, 2008, he was arrested for assaulting his sister and his mother! 

During the assault, his Aquarian Sun was directly opposite a transiting Venus (the planet of love) and Mars (the planet of violence and aggression) at the same time! The Sun was also squaring his natal moon, which also represents the mother, so it is not surprising that along with the afflicted Venus he was having problems with his mother that day. 

At the time, Neptune was also conjecturing his Jupiter and Mercury. Neptune can cause thinking to become overly emotional and distorted. Mercury rules communications so chances are more than a few weird things were said before the altercation actually happened. Jupiter is a planet that symbolizes the family and also the assertion of male power.

In general, his Sun in Aquarius and moon in Taurus would make him more of an amiable sort. The moon in Taurus shows a reverence for women, in fact, as it is exalted in that sign. However, he also has Mars in Taurus, which can indicate a man that is a rival for his mother's attentions with his father, or one that is very aggressive.

The Mars in Taurus would also make him a very dominant and very good lover.  However, it is very possible that he was a "love me and leave me" type. He has Venus in the rather cold sign of Capricorn. He may also, in turn, attract quite a few gold diggers into his life.

If Bale was acting "out of line," there are few things in his chart to stop him. He has Saturn in Gemini, which is one of the "loosest" places to have it in a chart. Gemini is just not a disciplinarian sign. This could mean that Bale gets away with a lot more than most people and it could actually be a source of resentment and jealousy within his family structure as Saturn also rules family matters.

Like many famous actors, Bale also has several planets, besides the sun in Aquarius. He has Jupiter and Mercury in Aquarius, which means that his source of money might come from an erratic source such as the acting profession. 

It happens that he has Uranus in Libra, which really does create an individual that is fair minded, that wants balance in his life and that is capable of making amends. He will seek innovative ways to make good with those who he offended.

He also has Pluto in Libra, which also bodes well for making problems right.  Pluto in Libra symbolizes a person who is aware of problems with both mother and father and who may, for a long time, been actively in psychotherapy in the first place. It also symbolizes someone with a very healthy sexuality.

One danger zone is the water planet Neptune in Sagittarius. This is a configuration that means that the person can be led to excess with regards to drinking or sex. However, other planet placements in his chart are so staid that it is doubtful that this would get out of control for too long.

Donna West is a professional writer and researcher on psychics and astrology.

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By Elaine, Wednesday, August 20, 2008 08:58:07 PM
Wow this was a very well thought out and insightful look into Christian Bale's psyche and reactions due to his planetary alignments. Imagine how more exact a look you can get if you had his birth time to get his ascendant and nodes info! Thanks for sharing this! Elaine (Denver, PA)
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