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Easter Weekend Forecast For Your Zodiac Sign
Easter Forecast for Your Zodiac Sign Technically, this year’s Easter Weekend is from April 2nd, which is Good Friday, to April 4, which is Easter Sunday. In Western Christianity, Easter is always celebrated on the Sunday immediately following the Paschal Full Moon. Thus, according to the Ecclesiastical tables, the Paschal (Passover) Full Moon is the first Ecclesiastical Full Moon date after March 20 (which happened to be the vernal equinox date in 325 AD). So, in Western Christianity, Easter is always celebrated on the Sunday immediately following the Paschal Full Moon.

The Paschal Full Moon can vary as much as two days from the date of the actual Full Moon, with dates ranging from March 21 to April 18. As a result, Easter dates can range from March 22 through April 25 in Western Christianity.

This Easter is largely going to be influenced by the fact that Mercury enters the sign of Taurus. This should mean that the food and cooking will be fantastic over the Easter weekend. It can also mean great communication between family members on Good Friday.

However, on Saturday, loved ones are going to be a little harder to communicate with because Mercury in Taurus will be inconjunct (also known as quincunx) Saturn in Libra.  This means that Mercury and Saturn will be opposing each other in the sky at 150 degrees which means that these planets will also be at odds.  There is going to be lots of discussion about money and you might find some family members expressing distress about duties that are not shared. Saturn in Libra means being “put through” and Mercury in Taurus can mean being outspoken, stubborn, and literally bull headed.

Things don’t improve much by Sunday when Venus in Taurus then squares Mars in Libra. This is about sexual attraction, but at a high price. Usually jealousy, possessiveness, and envy are matters that are discussed when these planets are at odds with each other. It can also symbolize edgy encounters where people can feel rage if they feel they are not respected.

All of this is also happening while Pallas is retrograde in Scorpio which basically means that older women could be a problem. You can expect some meddling or nosy behavior of some kind.

Here is a look at how the planets might affect your sign this Easter Weekend.


The sun is in your sign, so you will probably enjoy a bit of athletic activity this holiday weekend. However, you need to beware of acting too arrogant or confident or you could be having spats with a relative all weekend.  Curb an urge to run away from family issues by going off on your own as this will make things worse. If a disagreement ensues, it is best to be as humble, obliging, and cheerful as possible.


Mercury and Venus are in your sign, which means there is going to be a lot of focus on you. You have a right to feel paranoid. People may even being spying on you. It is very likely that you are in a partnership of some kind that is not working and events that transpire this weekend may have you thinking of leaving behind the past for a new and improved future. Watch out for an older female who might just be “pretending to help.”


Mercury, your ruler, is in the domestic sign of Taurus, which makes this a good time for you to show off your cooking skills. Have friends over and show them how much you love them by cooking up a feast. Easter Sunday is a good day to cuddle up with a loved one, but you must be careful not to provoke a lover’s spat by bringing up an old issue from the past. Do not ignore the advice of an older female relative even if it hurts to hear the truth.


There is a lot of fiery energy around Easter Weekend thanks to the Sun in Aries and the astrological dominance of the planet Mars over other planets. This means that family gatherings could become quite confrontational and you might have to walk on eggshells around a touchy loved one. Make sure you pitch in and help as the asteroid Pallas is in Scorpio – a sign that keeps track of everything and holds grudges.


Good Sunday should be a peaceful, restorative evening for you and your family, but by late Saturday you may find yourself clashing with a loved one as Mars in your sign butts heads with Venus in Taurus. This is simply not a recipe for tranquility and the only thing you can do to avoid confrontation is to simply “not take the bait” if someone provokes you.


You may feel more like speaking your mind than usual as Mars enters Taurus on Good Friday. Try to resist feeling like you have to do everything on your own in order for this to be a successful weekend. Let others help you if they want to. By Sunday, it may become apparent that a close relationship may not be working out as well as you want, there could be a candid confrontation of some unpleasant circumstances.


Both Venus and Mercury are in the domestic sign of Taurus. This favors your cooking and decorating skills, so be sure to put on a big show if you are hosting a dinner. However, on Sunday you may have to lie low as a celestial war between Mars and Venus could cause a squabble or sudden jealous outburst.


The asteroid Pallas is retrograde in your sign, which can mean “female trouble.”  It is more than likely that one woman in your life, more than likely a respected and intelligent one, could get on your case and point out your flaws. Let’s just say that if you are keeping any secrets this Easter that they are likely to be interrogated out of you. Your sex life heats up on Sunday, but it might be a case of “make-up” sex after a fight.


With Mercury active in Taurus, you may feel very stubborn about an issue to do with your family. It is also quite likely that someone could pick a fight with you, especially on Sunday, but it may be a bad idea not to be humble or give in especially if that person is an older female. Watch out for being too sarcastic. Family members and friends will be very sarcastic over the weekend.


With both Mercury and Venus in the domestic sign of Taurus, you will be in the mood to do a big Easter celebration. It is a good idea to invite friends over who may not be doing well this recession. An older female, such as your mother or sister, may try to take your holiday “hostage” somehow on Sunday. It is best to bite your tongue rather than fight with family members, as it would be easy this weekend for tempers to flare out of control.


Uranus is in your sign and it is making pleasant alignments to Venus in Taurus, so your Easter holiday will be more peaceful than most.  You will be awed at the sexual magnetism emitted by a special someone Friday and Saturday.  On Sunday, family and friends will demand your attention and you may feel that they are a little needier than usual. Be sure to show off your cooking skills.


There is a lot of fiery planetary energy this holiday weekend and that is likely to make you feel a bit uncomfortable. You may feel that some relatives or friends are too demanding or like you need more time to yourself. It is okay to slip away and be by yourself if family issues become too much for you on Sunday. It is best to ignore a confrontational person, as the planets really do indicate that any disagreements that are sparked today can be put out quickly with a few kind words.

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