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Happy Thanksgiving! Read Your Thanksgiving Day Horoscope
Thanksgiving Day Forecast This Thanksgiving holiday takes place on November 25th in 2010, with many people also taking off the 22nd,  23rd, and 24th as part of the celebration.

The great news is that the Sun in Sagittarius is going to make traveling anywhere we want easy for all signs. Most planets are moving forward as well, which means that all transportation and communications systems will be operating efficiently and safely.

However, right on the 25th, Mercury in Sagittarius squares Jupiter in Pisces. This creates a disorderly, chaotic kind of day. The disasters that we will encounter will be of a minor nature. There will be burnt turkeys, late arrivals, and also more than likely some misunderstandings. Fighting or competitive behavior is very likely between siblings. This is an influence that will persist for several days, so for those who are traveling, the trip to your Thanksgiving destination will go a lot smoother than the trip back.

However, no matter what happens, people will be keeping their senses of humor thanks to Venus moving directly in the sign of Libra. This creates a jovial atmosphere that makes it easier for everyone to get past any issues.

The moon is in Sagittarius, the sign that blesses travel, on both Friday and Saturday day but it strays on Saturday night, so it is best to travel before them if you are visiting relatives this weekend. Also, if you have a choice, it is better to travel back on the Tuesday rather than the Monday, as the moon will be void of course in Capricorn almost all of that day.

Another effect of the stray moon in Capricorn right on the Thanksgiving holiday could be meals that don’t turn out as well as ego struggles and competitive behavior. This is particularly true for earth signs.

Here is a look at how the planets will be affecting the different signs this Thanksgiving long weekend.


The sun in Sagittarius gives this holiday a lovely playful air. Singles who travel could meet a new romantic prospect on the way to a gathering. Be sure to look your best as the planets indicate that you are destined to be the life of the party.


Watch out for a relative who may be acting in a critical or controlling manner. This person is sour as they have a grievance to discuss with you. If a discussion to clear the air must take place, then make sure it happens before Saturday night. Children and pets bring a lot of joy, especially on the 25th.


Travel, fun, and exotic experiences are indicated for you these three days. Any attempts at cooking will turn out fabulous every day, but the actual holiday Monday. Some Gemini natives and their families might want to consider eating out, rather than in on that day.


You can look forward to delightful jovial weekend. Expect to see someone from your past who you have been longing to see for many years. Avoid talking about politics or religion on the holiday Monday as a relative of yours might be in a feisty mood.


Just before Thanksgiving, you are likely to receive some great news about your job or career so you will have plenty to celebrate. Older people have a lot of great advice to offer you about a relationship. Avoid traveling anywhere on the holiday Monday, as your sign is more accident prone than usual.


This may be one holiday where you may not have to do everything yourself. Others may be more cooperative or competent than usual. However, you may be feeling some irrigation at a family member or friend that you feel has done you a wrong. It is best to clear the air before Saturday night when the planets are more suited to “important talks” going well.


Venus in your sign is going to guarantee that this is one of the most wonderful Thanksgivings that you have experienced in a long time. Expect to share good times and great food with those you really love. You might also receive good news about your career and some Libra natives may be destined for a Christmas wedding.


It’s best that you keep a lower profile this Thanksgiving, especially on the Sunday and the Monday as people are likely to be a bit competitive and irritable. If possible, plan going out for dinner as the planets are not favoring domestic endeavors, such as cooking a big meal on your own.


The sun, the moon, and other planets are making you the center of attention this Thanksgiving. Travel is definitely on the agenda and you may also be the recipients of some nice gifts on this holiday. Good news about a pregnancy or a talented child is also going to delight you this weekend.


Holding your Thanksgiving on the Saturday or Sunday is more recommended, as the planets are not favoring the domestic arts on the Monday. You should also avoid being too competitive with a relative or bringing up any upsetting family issues on the Sunday or Monday or you could create a full-scale feud. If you do want to air a grievance, be sure to do so before Saturday night when Venus in Libra makes it easier for things to turn out well.


Venus in Libra is likely to make you the recipient of some sweet or exotic gift this Thanksgiving weekend. Romance is definitely in the air for some Aquarians and some couples may even decide to tie the knot. Avoid lending money Sunday or Monday, unless you are prepared to never have it paid back.


Both Venus and Neptune are having a very positive effect on your sign. Money and the finer things in life, such as wine and affection will be very much in evidence this weekend. You might also find yourself receiving a glamorous new gift of some kind. More than likely, it will be something that you have always wanted and something that helps embellish the appearance of your home.

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By Darlene, Monday, November 29, 2010 07:20:56 PM
Virgo's going experience 'some irrigation'?? 'Irrigation' at the frequent mistypes in these articles, maybe.
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