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Hobbies That Could Make Money for Your Zodiac Sign
Hobbies To Make Money Everyone knows that there is a recession ongoing and that it might be advantageous for many signs to find a way to make money on the side.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Do what you love and the money will come.” Here’s how each Zodiac sign can turn a hobby or part-time passion into a money maker and what types of part time activities are best suited to each sign.


Rams are geniuses when it comes to shameless self promotion and selling. They make great Internet marketers and Avon ladies. They can throw a great Tuppeware party and the most talented of them could easily end up selling wares on The Home Shopping Channel. Their natural charisma also makes them talented “on-the-floor” product demonstrators and they are capable of talking for hours about one topic nonstop. They are also natural born leaders and could moonlight as managers of just about any business. This sign loves to light fires so a part time job as a fireman or as a fireworks display expert would also work well for this sign.  Yet another talent the Aries native has is speeches. Many of them could make a pretty penny writing eulogies, comedy monologues, and other types of speeches. Some Aries have superior organizational abilities that can be utilized to help organize other people’s lives.


The Taurus native loves to garden, so the ultimate part time job would be as a landscape artist or architect. They are also good at things like building ponds and fences and property maintenance in general. Many of them (both men and women) are natural handypersons. This is an analytic and mechanically minded sign that can repair a vehicle very quickly. One idea for a part time business for a Bull would be to help convert ordinary vehicles in to grease cars that run on vegetable oil. Refurbishing antique motorcycles or cars could also be a great job for a Taurus. They could also make money renovating and repairing bikes. Yet another bonus to being a Taurus is that you are one of the best cooks in the entire Zodiac. A Taurus can always get a part-time job as a chef or even better yet start their own business as a cake maker or caterer.


This incredibly creative sign is usually already a freelancer or trying to make money doing what he or she loves. Many are writers, musicians, and artists and can parlay existing talents into a part time job. Learning animation skills would be a great idea for this multi-talented sign. This is also a very social sign and many of them are entrepreneurs who can make money throwing parties. They also make excellent wedding planners or personal shoppers. Geminis are also very good at selling and thrive in the virtual world. A good part time income making plan for them would be to start creating informational products to sell online. However, for the most part, the Gemini is a great entertainer and many of them can do things like clown, juggle, dance, and sing. Many make money doing this type of thing on the side of their “real job.”


This creative sign is great at any type of arts and crafts. Many are excellent potters who could make a living selling their hand-made ceramic wares. Yet another talent is sewing. Making or fixing clothing for others could bring quite a bit of money into a Crab’s life. Yet another interest of this watery sign (that is very intuitive) is the occult. Crabs are also known for their intuitive and healing sense of touch, so a part time job as a massage therapist might also be a good idea. Yet another way they could make money is designing websites. They are very artistic people with many talents and many Crabs thrive in fashion worlds and worlds of interior decorating. They have nimble hands that are also great at sewing and they are also very doing things like making jewelry.


The Lion is naturally charismatic so any type of hobby to do with charming people into buying things works well as a part time job. Many of them are also naturally very good looking. Leos have the confidence to moonlight as a model or an actor. Being a movie extra might be an interesting way for a Lion to make extra money, as often they are fascinated with social climbing and the movie industry. They are also very sexy so a phone sex operator or live sex chat host is also not out of the question either. Lions have large personalities and they excel at anything to do with public speaking, performing or hosting an event. Many of them make excellent product demonstrators and do well selling products at conventions. Leos also love drama and for that reason make great crisis counselors. Lions are also famous for their love of drink, so many also so excel as bartenders or at promoting theater or bands.


The Virgo loves to keep things in order. Nobody can clean a home faster or more efficiently than a member of this Zodiac sign. Furthermore, the Virgo enjoys and gets a great deal of satisfaction of just putting things in their place. For this reason, they make great maids or janitors. Their talent for organization extends to the great outdoors as well. They are great gardeners and many would make wonderful landscape architects. Virgos are also very savvy with money and have superior organizational powers. They excel as wedding planners and personal coaches as well. They are also very vigilante personalities who do well working as part time security guards. Their knowledge of art and culture also qualifies them to work part time in a museum or art gallery as a guide or a receptionist.


This sign is ruled by Venus and absolutely loves anything to do with fashion, culture, or beauty. Many are very talented when it comes to making others look great, so a sideline as a cosmetician, Botox expert, or even Avon lady is recommended. Other options for this image conscious sign would be to become a hairdresser, personal shopper, or interior decorator. They love to be around people so any type of receptionist, bartender or greeter type role suits the Libra just fine. This sign is not that goal oriented and is at their best when they feel they are helping others. This gentle air sign also loves animals. A job as a part time dog walker or cat sitter could also bring in extra income for this sign. Like the Virgo native, the Libran can also be very organized and they excel at things like interior decoration.


This water sign loves everything to do with sex, so working part time as a sex counselor, in a sex store, or in a place that sells sexy clothes makes this sign happy. They are also good at phone sex or online sexy chats.  This sign is also voyeuristic and can often turn a hobby like photography into a full-time occupation. Yet another passion of the Scorpio native is the occult. A Scorpio is capable of opening a part-time business as an online chat or phone psychic. Antiques also fascinate this sign which is capable of making a pretty penny by reselling their treasures on eBay.  The Scorpion also has very good taste and they can often parlay this into a part time career as a stylist for the movies.  As they are so charismatic and seductive they do well as copywriters, illustrators, and administrators in the area of advertising.  These vigilante personalities also make great part time security guards or police men.


This sign loves to travel so working as a travel guide, in a travel agency, or even as a part time pilot is a good choice for the Archer. Other options to do with travel include being a chauffeur or giving guided tours of a city or a local attraction. Sagittarians can also be very talented writers and can often parlay a diary into a money making blog online or a travel column for a magazine.  Writing or talking about exotic cuisines or architecture might be another way for them to make a good income. They are also great lovers of nature and might do well giving walking tours of the local countryside. Many members of this sign also know how to ride horses and would make great teachers of polo or other sports.  This athletic sign is often in tip top shape and would do well to open a Bikini Boot Camp or teach yoga classes.


This sign enjoys the company of children and pets, so they would do well to open a daycare or a kennel that boards pets for people going on vacation. Yet another possibility is to simply become a dog walker or babysitter. Capricorns enjoy being the pillar of the community and there is money to be made helping organize events. They are also geniuses at finding sponsorship for charitable events which can also be a lucrative part time job. Capricorns are also very talented house cleaners and gardeners and make good maids, personal organizers, and event planners. Both the males and females of the sign are very handy with tools and would do well running a business flipping real estate or renovating old houses. Painting, tiling, and refinishing old furniture are also possible part time occupations for the Capricorn.


This visionary sign can do very well as a columnist, writer, or illustrator. This is because what they have to say is so unusual and seems to come from “left field.” Many are good at writing metaphysical material or science fiction. They also do well as online psychics or phone psychics. Quite a few Aquarians are inventors and many are able to parlay their creations into a lucrative part time job. They are also natural entrepreneurs so they do well in the virtual sales places of the internet. This sign also loves the photographic arts and can sell their photography or videos online.  Along with their business savvy comes many creative talents as well.  They are good at doing things such as designing their own websites and building a virtual empire. They can also easily parlay these talents into a career at designing sites or web businesses for others for others. They are also natural cinematographers and editors and some Aquarians are very good at scoring music for videos and movies as well. They do better than most signs at being freelancers because they can handle the stress of waiting to be assigned or paid.


The Fish is a natural counselor and can handle any crisis. They do well to go out into the community somehow and be of service there. They are also ideal to work on crisis lines as they are generally very calm, empathic individuals. This water sign also has a deep appreciation for little children and even older Pisceans would be great at running a babysitting service or day care center. This sensitive sign is also good at composing music and many of them are also talented artists. Moonlighting as a videographer or illustrator could earn this sign some extra bucks. Fish are also great agriculturalists. They could make money raising any type of animal, growing grapes, making wine, or making their own honey. Being a water sign, they love working around or being in the water so they also make fantastic lifeguards and aquafit instructors. Yet another talent is growing rare plants such as bonsai or orchids for selling online on eBay.

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