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How Astrology Will Affect The End of Your Month
Astrology Events Don’t be surprised if life gets a little weird during the last week of August. There are a lot of celestial events going on at once at zero degrees of all of the signs, which means that there are likely to be storms and emergencies world wide. However, when these planets clash like this, it can also mean weathering stormy relationships, aggression, anger, distorted thinking, strange coincidences, and very often the strange feeling that no matter what you do you will be unable to escape your fate.

The pinnacle of all of this trouble is going to be on August 26 when a Mars and Pluto opposition in Cancer and Capricorn are going to force stagnant situations that are not serving you to change. Be prepared to have your sense of emotional or physical security challenged. There is also likely to be a lot of problems in relationships. Conflicts of will are very likely, especially if you have been in a long term relationship.

First off, Mercury enters the sign of Libra on August 25th, which should be all about emotional balance and harmony but on that same day it opposes Mars in Cancer. Mars in Cancer can mean that somebody is irrational or flies into a blind rage. It signifies a mind ruled purely by infantile emotion.

The next day things get even worse when Mercury decides to square and then oppose Pluto at the same time. This can mean somebody who is important to a project or relationship just suddenly disappears. Any arguments that happen at this time, especially in marriages, will seem particularly harsh or “bone on bone” in nature. If you have been having an affair or keeping secrets at this time, it could be revealed. 

Both planets opposing Mercury in this way also can mean a lack of communication and also loss of property. Be sure to return your phone calls and keep up with your bills as this is a week where Murphy’s Law – if it can go wrong it will – is bound to be in action. This painful time is at its most intense between the 25th and the 28th.

Many relationships will actually break up at this time a Venus in Leo opposes Pluto in Capricorn. Once again, this is an indicator of divorce and the breakup of older relationships.

How will this series of events affect the each sign individually?


Venus is in your fellow fire sign of Leo, which can mean a relationship gets quite passionate yet as the love planet is also opposing Pluto. You are going to find out that when a lover expresses a  great deal of emotion does not always work in your favor. Be prepared to duck the occasional angry explosion as somebody gets a bit frustrated with you.


This week might signify the end of a long term relationship for you; however, the positive angle on this is that you will more than likely have a better option waiting for you with open arms in the wings. Things should be completely resolved for you romantically by the end of the month, but be prepared for some fireworks the last week of August. One thing for sure, whether you are single or attached, you will be in for an interesting ride emotionally until Labor Day.


The effect of this cluster of planets will be difficult, but the reward at the end will be the achievement of your heart’s desire with regards to a love relationship. You will more than likely be reunited with someone who means a lot to you. Some of you may even be proposed to or find yourself with a new roommate. Be prepared for a lot of stress during the last week of August. You may be faced with a succession of events that teach you a lesson about how you can’t please everyone.


Mars is in your sign and this is going to give you a lot of confidence. The problem is that others will see your ambition and enthusiasm as arrogance and conceit. The next two weeks are probably going to seem like "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." You can also expect problems from your childhood to rear their ugly head. A relative or sibling could be difficult and perhaps be trying to blame everything that is wrong with their life on you during the last week of August.


The beneficial effects of the SuperMoon in your sign on the 20th are going to give you some protection from the chaos caused by all of the clashing planets in the sky during the last week of August. Mars is in Cancer and it may be difficult for you not to be annoyed by people in general. Others will seem very self-centered and emotional at a time when you want to have fun. One way to avoid arguments is to resist your own tendency to want to always be a drama queen or steal the spotlight.


The sun is in your sign after the 23rd and this offers you some protection from the clashing planets in the sky, but for the most part you are looking at a conflict that leads to a separation during the last week of August. This event may feel very much like your last stand when it comes to an important relationship matter. You could also find yourself fighting with someone over property and money and you may have to walk away from the dispute in order to win anything in the long term.


Mercury, the communication planet, is in your sign which means that you will be in the spotlight the last week of August. Although you can expect to get a lot of attention, it may not always be for all the right reasons. You might also find that you can’t seem to please a certain someone whose approval means everything to you in life. You also need to keep your eye on a troublesome work situation that is brewing. A lack of attention to detail or discipline the last week of August could cost you your job.


Venus in Leo opposes Pluto in Capricorn and this means that many of you are headed for some kind of divorce or split by the end of August. This is especially true if you are in some sort of May/December relationship. Problems with parents or siblings are also likely, especially if unpaid debts or loans are a problem. Likewise, you need to keep your eye on a financial issue in your life that could lead to a big disaster if it is not addressed soon.


You are going to feel like everyone is uncooperative and giving you hard time the last week of August. Duties and obligations may call and prevent you from taking a much needed holiday. The blessing in disguise here is that clashing planets make travelling hell that week anyway. The skies predict natural disasters, bad weather, and delays no matter how diligent or organized you are as a traveler.


Venus in Leo opposes Pluto in your sign, so you are bound to be caught up in some kind of disagreement the last week of August. More than likely it is going to be about money, property, and it may be a fight with a spouse or a relative. It may be hard for you to escape these confrontations and you may not necessarily win the dispute either. You might have to look at whatever does happen as a chance to clear the slate with a toxic individual in your life. Some Goats might also be planning a divorce or business split in the near future and during the last week of August there may be fallout with regards to deciding who gets what in the end.


Pluto finally moves out of your sign and into Capricorn, which is next door to your sign in the Zodiac, but that does not mean you will be spared the effects when this moody celestial object opposes Mars and Mercury. You might find an ex partner or lover to be very aggressive with you especially when it comes to the division of property. You should also be very careful this week when it comes to money that you may owe. Venus in Leo can also cause jealousy amongst lovers, so this is not the time for you to flirt with others, even in jest. In fact, that special someone may need more attention than usual to feel emotionally secure during the last week of August.


You might feel quite stressed as war planet Mars enters your fellow sign of Cancer. People might be squabbling around you and as much as you might want to mediate, it may be a good idea to step back and just let things run their course. You also need to pay close attention to your finances around the end of the month. It may also become obvious that you can’t afford certain things that you used to any more. During that last week of August, you might also be a little more accident prone than usual. It is very important that you keep you and your loved ones as safe as possible by following laws and rules as diligently as you can.

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