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How Does Today's Full Moon Affect Your Sign?
Full Moon in Libra March’s full moon falls in the sign of Libra on March 29th. It is nicely complemented by the fiery and impulsive energies of the Sun in Aries. This is definitely a great night for romance,
socializing, and just showing others how much you love them in general. The Aries energy adds a touch of sexiness to any gatherings, and the Full Moon energy bestows a gentle, humorous tone in general.

Libra is a sign ruled by Venus and it favors such matters as art, beauty, and home decorating. The Libra also loves things to be in perfect balance.  People strive to achieve the ideal when the moon is swelling in Libra and they are kinder to each other. During this time, lovers become closer and friendships become more solid than ever.  It is usually a time for bonding. This is also a great day to get a new pet.

[Ad~]Venus in Aries is also in a sextile position to Uranus in Aquarius that day, which favors meeting new people or persuading others to get behind an invention or creative idea.

The only truly negative influence that day is Mercury in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn. This can mean that loved one can be headstrong or irrational. Old insecurities could rear their heads in important relationships.


The Sun is in your sign and when the moon enters Libra, you are in for a night of passion that could lead to new romance. If you are single, get ready to become closer than ever to a lover or a spouse. Be careful of your tone and avoid being sarcastic with a younger person, as he or she is bound to take it too seriously. This is a great day to pitch your creative ideas to others.


This promises to be one of the most erotic and romantic nights of your life. The Libra moon brings you closer to a lover than ever. This lover has proved him or herself to you again and again, and this is a great night to buy him or her gift or take people out to dinner. Mercury in Aries could bring news that a change in residence in soon in store for you.


The moon in your fellow air sign of Libra promises to be rewarding both financially and romantically. The Full Moon may bring you a fruitful new business relationship and this is also a wonderful evening to socialize. You may find yourself becoming closer than ever to a lover or a spouse, who shows their appreciation by proposing or moving in with you. This is also one of the best days of the year for you to shop for computers or furniture.


This Full Moon will bring you a new romantic attraction or deepen your current connection with your current spouse. The emphasis will be on talking out your issues, finding a common ground, and bonding with each other. The planet Mercury favors planting a new garden and doing renovations. If you have an opportunity to adopt a pet or spend time with a child, today things will go exceptionally well.


This Full Moon will bring you a special new friend. The relationship will not necessarily be erotic but the two of you will develop a strong bond.   If it does turn romantic it will likely be a May/December romance. An opportunity to social climb may be in store for you tonight and you should prepare to be at your wittiest and most charming. This is also a good day for you to shop for new clothes or get a haircut.


This Full Moon may have you feeling like a huge burden is lifted from your shoulders. A cash windfall is in store for you thanks to the gracious influence of the Aries. This is a great day to get out with friends and try to meet new people, as it could lead you to a lucrative new job opportunity. You need to avoid bickering with someone from the past over money or property, as trying to get what is owed at this point might be next to impossible.


The Full Moon is in your sign bringing you a romantic evening ad a cash windfall. Singles could meet someone new. It is also one of your best days of the year for asking for a promotion or throwing a dinner party. You are very magnetic sexually today with the only problem with that being that you could make a current flame very jealous. Be sure to maintain your sense of humor if others show their shadow side; you are after all the diplomat of the horoscope.


The Full Moon in Libra could bring you a much sought-after invitation to a social event. The influence of Pluto that day could bring back an ex from the past that might use emotional blackmail to try and resurrect the relationship or procure money from you. Shopping for home appliances is favored that day as is getting a makeover. Any activity to do with fashion or beauty is greatly favored and so is buying a work of art.


Pluto may bring issues to do with your health. If you have been ignoring a nagging problem to do with your teeth or bones, it could come to a head this Full Moon. Be sure to tell a health provider the entire truth about any bad habits to get the best treatment possible. This moon may also make it necessary for you to ask a loved one for a favor; if you do it with charm you will be sure to promptly get what you need.


This Full Moon is going to strengthen your bond with a favorite younger children. It is a great day for parents and children to do something creative together. Shopping for appliances or buying furniture for a backyard or garden is also favored. This evening you may be invited to chill out with close friends or family.  Don’t let a sarcastic or addicted person in your life take control of a situation that is important to you.


The Full Moon in Libra will probably bring you an invitation to a celebration such as a wedding or baby shower. This is also a very romantic time for you so singles should get out there and mingle. You are also encourage to plant a garden or buy new gadgets for your kitchen.  The planet Venus is also conspiring with the energies of the moon to bring you some extra cash in the next few days.


The Full Moon in Libra is excellent for just chilling with a few good friends. Mercury in Aries is probably going to bring you a cash windfall today as well. You may be dealing with someone who is suffering from an addiction or depressed due to a relationship breakup. One challenge today may be to not have this person take you “hostage” emotionally. On the upside, a long term lover or your spouse will be very affectionate and attentive tonight. 

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