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How Mercury Going Direct Today Affects You?
Mercury Goes Direct Mercury goes direct on September 12th after being retrograde (moving backwards) in the sign of Virgo since August 20, 2010. This resulted in people being nit-picky, obsessive and ineffective in general. It was definitely harder to connect emotionally to some people while Mercury was in this phase as well. Many, especially the earth signs, either felt insane or suffered from irrational anger.

The planet Mercury rules thinking and perception, the distribution of information and all means of communication, as well as travel and commerce. Also, Mercury rules people who work in these areas, and all those who work with their minds. From late August onwards, many of may have felt like we could not achieve any results in our lives. After feeling stalled, foggy, and disorganized for so long, we’re finally going to feel finally like we have a plan that won’t fail us.


Finally someone comes through on a promise made a long time ago. Responsibilities and paperwork are going to increase at work. This is good time for you to apply for a new job, network with others, and put your resume online. A troublesome money matter finally stops costing you sleep at night.


The fog of anger and confusion that has been making it hard for you to make decisions disappears and you know exactly who and what you want and how to get it. It may occur to you that you have misunderstood several situations lately and you may owe someone you love a big apology. You may feel more like socializing and like you want to reconnect with old friends.


You will feel less oppressed in general as Virgo moves forward in the sky. Your mood will lift because you will feel more understood. This is a good time for you to start a new exercise program. Reassure a good friend that you will still be there for them during an upcoming crisis. A health problem that you were worried about may suddenly disappear and not be such an issue any more.


Now that Mercury is moving forward, making decisions is easier. Your cash flow improves ad you have the resources and energy to get things done fast. You may be asked to take sides in an argument. It is important to take a stand – meditation may be required before you can decide on the right path to take.


Now is the time to put plans that have been on hold for a while into action. Your talents are going to be very much in demand over the next few weeks. A relationship with an older woman improves and could even be beneficial to your overall financial picture. The next few days after Mercury goes direct are excellent for searching for a new job.


The retrograde in your sign ends and you will be able to think more clearly. Your emotions are no longer going to be clouding an important issue. It is time to stand up for yourself and rid yourself of an individual that is taking advantage of you. News about a health matter could also mean a change in residence for you.


You can now proceed full steam ahead with a project that was put on hold in late winter. The next few weeks after Mercury goes direct favor buying a new car or a piece of technology. You can also expect to be handed more responsibility at work. A cash windfall is also likely to come your way. Play the lottery in the next few weeks as you will be luckier than usual.


A love that you thought was lost could return. The next few weeks are excellent for making amends and clearing up any misunderstandings. You may have to redo or rewind a conversation that did not go so well a few weeks ago. If you can find the guts to apologize to someone, you will open the doors to all sorts of new opportunities.


When Mercury goes forward, you can expect a financial miracle to take place in your life. The next few weeks support getting a loan, applying for credit cards, and any matter to do with your health. You may also get good news around this time about a vacation or trip abroad in your near future.


This retrograde brought you some legal problems. If you have been unfair to a friend or a family member in the past few weeks, it is going to come back on you somehow. The planets are conspiring to give you a wakeup call regarding your health. This is also the ideal time for you to quit any bad habits or lose weight.


A friendship that you thought might be “dead in the water” might suddenly come back to life. Your lover or partner also treats you with more understanding, kindness, and affection. Respond in kind! In the next few weeks, you will be luckier than usual, so be sure to buy that lottery ticket. A financial windfall is also in store for you.


Your money picture is a lot brighter now that Mercury is moving forward in the sky. Expect good news on the work front as well. Make sure you get out to parties as the planets are going to favor social climbing. Some Fishes could even receive good news about a publishing deal.

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