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How Pluto Going Direct September 13th Will Affect Your Sign
Pluto Going Direct Pluto, the planet of our shadow sides, has been going backwards since April 2010 and since it is such a slow moving planet, it is going to take two days for it to reverse to forward motion. It is still in the sign of Capricorn and those with a lot of earth energy in their charts or who are earth signs will feel the chaos during these two days the most. You might have to take two steps backwards before you can move forwards. The good news is that after it does go forward, you will have resolved a lot of emotional confusion.

However, Capricorn is a very material sign, which means that whatever is decided emotionally is probably also going to affect you in terms of property of cash flow. As Pluto refers more to family relationships or love, you can expect these changes to take place in your personal sphere rather than in your work place. 

During the last six months, many earth signs have been hitting a rock bottom of some kind, especially financially. A side effect may have been anger at those who do not deserve it. There were probably a lot of arguments about money, property, and if you were going through a divorce this year, it was probably quite hellish.

When Pluto goes retrograde, almost everyone takes some kind of “journey into the dark” to confront their personal shadow. For some, it means a reunion, the need to understand different points of view or an inner need to discover what really matters in life. Many people end up having to confront their demons while this goes on. The good news is that this phase in your life is over and you are going to see some light at the end of the tunnel, no matter what.


You can finally say goodbye to an obsession that has been bothering you for two years. You can finally put the past where it belongs and move onto thinking about something else for a change. Chances are you will just finally get sick of pondering the matter any longer and resign yourself to the fact that there are just some things you can’t change.


This Pluto retrograde raised issues of loyalty in hard times. You may feel as if you have been working for what you don’t want instead of what you want out of life. You may find yourself free of the guilt that has held you back recently and in a better position both emotionally and financially to lead the life that you have been picturing for yourself for two years.


Pluto moving forward empowers you to move forward on several important matters. You will be naturally lucky with regards to where you live and money will flow into your life with ease. An important person in your life will finally commit to you. If you are a writer or artist, you could see great fame and wealth in the latter part of this year.


The Pluto retrograde gave you a chance to rest from the daily buzz of life but now that it is moving forward you will be forced to confront your financial and emotional issues. You may have to tell someone that you need to break a promise because you have both changes. Your money picture is fantastic and you can look forward to a move to a better residence in the near future.


When Pluto moves forward, it will become apparent to you that it is time to tell a certain someone to stop taking advantage of your kindness. You may be sick of being treated like a servant or not getting credit for your work. When Pluto moves forward, it is going to take some of your emotional confusion with it, however to be free, you may have to prepare for a bit of a financial setback.


Serenity finally rules in your life as Pluto moves forward. You will not feel as harassed by deadlines and money will flow easier in your life. Your interest in the occult and magic may also be heightened. The last part of this year is great for you to seek psychotherapy or take an art or writing course.


Self-expression is where it’s at for you once Pluto moves forward in the sky. A feeling of depression lifts. You will be more artistic than usual. You will also feel less skeptical about a relationship and feel inclined to move it forward. You will also feel more like socializing than you have in months.


Pluto moving backwards caused life to be a bit more of a grind than you are used to and you will be relieved when some of the pressure lifts. A health problem that seemed stalled these past few months finally finds treatment or a cure as well. You might also find yourself doing a bit more traveling now that family or health problems are less likely to keep you at home.


During this Pluto retrograde, you may have felt bitter, resentful, and possibly behaved badly. When it goes forward in your sign, you are going to feel like you are waking up from a bad dream. Petty matters that have consumed you will resume their rightful proportion in your life. If you owe someone an apology, it is recommended that you do it.


You may have felt kind of numb during the months of this Pluto retrograde. It may have been the result of leaving a toxic relationship behind. You now feel more certain about who and what you want out of life. The more your attitude improves, the more your cash flow is going to improve as well.


When Pluto goes forward, you will feel less bogged down by family and financial problems. Your interest in the occult or spiritual matters may be heightened. This is a good time to take up Yoga or see a therapist. You can also expect your financial condition to improve – in fact, the weeks just after Pluto goes forward are very encouraging for Fishes who need to find a new job or career.

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By Emily, Wednesday, September 15, 2010 08:32:44 AM
I am a Leo and my Pluto is in Leo in my 2nd house with my Sun along with Jupiter so this is really going to say something to me. With Pluto being in Capricorn it is also affecting my Moon which is in Capricorn. If I can think of anything that would be focused on is my worldly possitions and the emotional money that seems to be more outgoing than incomming. This all boils down whatever I am dealing with is Karmic and that is difficult to swollow. Correct??
By Ernestina, Monday, September 13, 2010 08:58:17 AM
Hey what happen to the Leo sign
By Cheryl, Monday, September 13, 2010 07:37:40 AM
Where is the sign Leo?????
By Lynett, Sunday, September 12, 2010 10:54:00 AM
Where is the Leo section?
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