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How The Juno Retrograde Affects Your Zodiac Sign
Juno Retrograde
Juno is a asteroid that can be quite influential on relationships. It takes Juno approximately four years and four months to complete one trip around the Zodiac.

On August 10th, Juno goes retrograde until November 2, 2009. During this period, issues such as infidelity, loyalty, abuse, fertility, feminine beauty, domesticity, marriage, and divorce are highlighted. 

When stable, this asteroid symbolizes the ideal relationship that is based on fairness and equality. If you are in a relationship where there are power trips, then it is likely to blow up during a Juno Retrograde cycle. If there is controlling, manipulative behavior in the relationship, it is likely to be exposed. Toxic or old relationships tend to break up during this type of cycle.

If there is an injustice in a relationship, it is going to be exposed just as the asteroid stations. This is likely to happen on August 10th when Juno begins her retrograde motion. This is likely to be a jittery time for relationships.

Here is a look at how the retrograde motion of Juno is likely to affect each sign.


Juno goes retrograde in your sign, so you are likely to be deeply affected by the backwards motion of this asteroid. There is likely to be a big shake up with regards to an important relationship in your life and there may be very little you can do about it. The main issue may be jealousy or possessiveness.  Some Rams may even be dealing with a person who absolutely will not let go of the past – to the point that they are almost like a stalker.


For many Bulls, this retrograde Juno motion marks the end of a long term relationship. Greed, jealousy, and disputes over property and joint assets are going to be important but upsetting themes. It is likely that whoever is female in this disagreement will win in a monetary way, but lose emotionally. If you have trouble making decisions, be sure to choose what is new rather than what is old.


This retrograde motion may allow you some more personal freedom. You may feel less smothered or trapped by a relationship that is not going well. This is a good time for the sign of the Twins to be single, however many of you may be dealing with the return of someone from your past. You may also be asked to spend more time with an older woman in your family.


About a week before this, your sign went through a full lunar eclipse, which was helping you clear the slate for the future. When Juno goes retrograde, you may finally find yourself given a chance to spend some time alone to think about what is you find truly fulfilling in life. You may also find yourself at odds with an older woman in your life who you feel meddles too much in your business. It is okay to detach yourself from this person even though she means well.


You could have problems with your mother or a long term relationship during this retrograde. Often a Juno retrograde causes you to feel ashamed or guilty, even if you are innocent of any crimes. Many of you will be breaking away from a toxic relationship at this time and it is best to make this a clean break rather than to try and make compromises at this time.


This is not going to be an easy retrograde for your sign. Many of you will be in a dispute about property, money, or shared assets with a loved one. Many Virgins will find themselves going through a divorce. It may also be difficult for you to justify a relationship that is not working to other people. If you are with someone who is unfaithful to you, it is definitely time to say goodbye to this person once and for all.


During this retrograde, it may suddenly strike you that a relationship that you have been in for a very long time is no longer serving you in any way. In fact, you might realize that all of this time it has actually been an abusive relationship in some way. You may take steps at this time to leave, but be careful, as this type of retrograde really does trigger feelings of jealousy and possessiveness in others. Some Libra natives may also be dealing with a romantic rival. 


Love triangles are very common when Juno is retrograde and it is very likely that you are going to find yourself caught in the middle of one during the next few months. As you are a water sign, you are also very affected by the recent lunar eclipse in Cancer (which took place on July 5th). It is time for you to withdraw from the relationship that you find is most complex emotionally. If it comes down to making a choice between two people, try to choose the person that symbolizes a happy future rather than being quilted into staying in a toxic relationship from the past.


The next few months may be lonely for you. Whether or not a partner is still present with you or not, you may feel that your emotional needs are not being met. You might also feel more jealous or possessive than usual and manifest behaviors that are close to borderline stalking. Now is the time to just sit back and let romantic events play out as they are going to for the long term. If you try and manipulate and control others, you will not achieve the results you are looking for. You will likely achieve the opposite.


You may feel like you are being treated very unfairly by a partner or lover over the next few months. It in fact very well may be true that this person is being disloyal to you or is unfaithful in some way.  You may even start making plans to leave this person. Your biggest challenge is going to be how to handle this without giving into feelings of jealousy or possessiveness. It may be difficult for you to mind your own business over the next few months, but it is best to let things run their course no matter how close you are to someone or how dearly you need to know more information about them.


When Juno is retrograde, most signs feel jealous, possessive, and angry, but you might feel particularly hard done by. One of your challenges is going to be how to handle an individual that is telling you that it is time to end a relationship. It is probably best off for you to let this person go and work things out on their own, as there is a lot of emotional confusion in your chart right now. You are dealing with three retrograde planets in your chart already which makes it nearly impossible for you to manipulate events on any level. 


While Juno is retrograde, you might find yourself wrestling with how to handle some of your relationships. You may feel constantly threatened or emotionally blackmailed. There could be a conflict or crisis around an older woman in your life. Your best course of action is to let things run their course and not try to control events. If you feel jealous or possessive, you should also resist an impulse to check up on a loved one. This is not the time to smother an individual with jealousy, as it could result in that person leaving your life for good.

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