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How The Neptune Retrograde Will Affect You
Neptune Reotrgrade Affect Zodiac Sign Neptune begins moving backwards through the sky on May 28th, 2009. This is a very long retrograde period in the sign of Aquarius that is going to last until November 4th 2009.
This particular retrograde is going to be upsetting because just the day before this happens Mars, Jupiter and Chiron also conjunct Neptune while it is in Aquarius.  Aquarius rules things that are progressive in life and Neptune rules matters such as disease and addiction. The planet Mars is all about war or doing battle and Jupiter rules wealth and prosperity. Chiron is also a planet associated with misery, hard lessons, and setbacks.

Given these three planets are opposing Neptune the day before she goes retrograde, it is not surprising to see why many astrologers are interpreting this retrograde as being a period when the world will experience a flu plague. After all, Neptune does rule all of the “waters” of the body and especially the bloodstream. When this planet moves backwards, it can also symbolize a weakening of the body or circulatory system, therefore leaving it vulnerable to infection or viruses.

When Neptune goes retrograde, we are also more likely to experience issues to do with the environment and in particular toxins in the water or the air. Floods and disasters having to do with water are also more likely to dominate the news, as is more news about flu outbreaks.

On a personal level, we may see emotions run rampantly out of control and addiction is more of a problem during the Neptune retrograde. The sign that will be hit the hardest by the emotional fall out aspect of this is Aquarius. Mars is in Aries at the time of the retrograde, so fire signs of the zodiac could be dealing with a troubled friend or lover who is addicted and combative at the same time.

The sign of Gemini may find it harder to deal with the practical realities of life as a week before the Sun in the sign of Gemini will be conjunct Pluto. Issues and insecurities from childhood may rule this sign. Gemini natives need to keep things in perspective during this retrograde even if they feel taken advantage of. The same may be true to a lesser extent with Libra natives.

All of the water signs may simply feel more emotional than usual. Retrograde motion can mean regressed behavior. The signs of Pisces and Cancer may feel more childish and insecure than usual. Once again the challenge for these signs to keep things in perspective.

All signs will experience the moody and unpredictable behavior of others thanks to this retrograde and it is very possible that a disease or environmental disaster will very much be in the news. The thing to remember is that Neptune rules feelings and that when she moves backwards aggression, self-pity and distorted thinking in general seem to be more common. The best way to get perspective on this type of thing is to “get out of self” and do charity work for others. Another way to handle the heavy energy of this retrograde is to make sure you do not succumb to addictions and get plenty of sleep and exercise.

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By Larry, Thursday, May 28, 2009 02:58:25 PM
You know what peeps. Doesnt matter anyway what this astrologer has written cus you should heed the advice anyway. Im a reader of this site. Which is obvious to me is the effects of neptune retrograde are already being felt hence the negative comments above. Please folks, take care as this will be a doozy. Keep in mind the point of the article. Take care and Godbless!
By Lori, Thursday, May 28, 2009 12:33:50 PM
I agree with the above post. This is an embarrassment to see such incorrect information being sent through this site. Whoever is reading this article, please take note. The information about the planets is wrong. Sylvia, please use an astrologer who knows what they are talking about, or don't do it at all.
By Barbara, Thursday, May 28, 2009 11:54:15 AM
Please get it right on this one. Thank You, Barbara hudspith
By Alix, Thursday, May 28, 2009 07:58:44 AM
This article is so full of errors it is ridiculous. The Sun in Gemini is not conjunct Pluto. Pluto is in Capricorn so it's not even opposing. Mars is not conjunct the Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter conjunction ... it can't be, it's not in the same sign ... so if anything it's sextile although I haven't looked this morning. Mercury which rules Gemini is already retrograde but will station and direct this week. Please find yourself another astrologer as this one is an embarrassment to our entire profession. Thanks.
By Trina, Thursday, May 28, 2009 07:51:19 AM
God help me through this upcoming period. Amen
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