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How The New Moon Affects Your Zodiac Sign
New Moon in Taurus April’s new moon is in the domestic, family loving sign of Taurus. The New Moon occurs exactly at 7:11am on April 24, 2009.

There is another significant astrological event that takes place day. Love planet joins war planet Mars in the sign of Aries, which makes all love relationships very passionate indeed. The planet Mars symbolizes the male principle in love matters and the planet Venus symbolizes the female principle. When the two mesh together in one sign, there are likely to be significant changes (for better or worse) in relationships.

Here is how the New Moon in Taurus is likely to affect your sign:


You are going to benefit a great deal from this new moon, which is going to offer you a clean new slate to start fresh on in one way or another.  You could be offered a new job or somewhere  new  to live. The relationship that you do have is going to intensify, as on that day both Mars and Venus will be in your sign for a good long stay. Your sex life is definitely destined to improve whether you are attached or single!


The Sun is in your sign and so is the New Moon. This is like winning the lottery twice. You can expect all of your relationships to improve, but that one special relationship that you have been enjoying for the last six months is going to get even better than ever. This is also one of the best days of the year for you to propose to that person or to renew your vows.


The New Moon in Taurus is going to bring you a new sense of security, especially when it comes to money and a place to live. Your love life is destined to become better than ever as both the Sun and the Moon in the passionate sign of Aries bring you even closer to a partner than you ever thought possible. You are also likely to receive good news in the mail about a project or you could be offered a new job that pays more than you are making now.


The New Moon in Taurus brings you a little financial windfall, which can help you pay off some bills or start a new nest egg for the future. This is a good day to renegotiate any debts that you have or pay off a loan. Your relationship with a special someone is destined to become closer than ever.  This is also a good day to buy a new pet.


The New Moon in Taurus could bring you a second chance with a partner. If you are going through a divorce or separation, you may find the other party is more willing to make a deal.  Romantic relationships promise to be very passionate and rewarding emotionally. It is not a good idea to be critical or sarcastic of anyone, as planets in Aries could cause others to take offense quickly.


The New Moon in Taurus brings you the opportunity to straighten out finances and make some progress when it comes to paying off your debts. Planets in the sign of Aries on that same day warn you not to be pushy or lose your temper with someone or you may not be able to negotiate with them at all in the future. This is a good day to plant your garden or spruce things up around the house.


The New Moon in Taurus inspires you to buy new works of art and to make your surroundings more beautiful than ever. This is an especially good idea if you have met someone new as it is likely that the relationship will explode romantically into an enduring partnership. Planets in Aries also make lovemaking especially passionate this week.


The New Moon in Taurus is wonderful for your libido and this is a great night to seduce your lover or put together a romantic evening for you and your spouse. You may find that any new relationship you make now will be one that endures for many years.  Planets in Aries make it a bad idea to be sarcastic or make fun of others – it will be taken very seriously.


This New Moon in Taurus could bring you a new home or a second home. This is a good week to buy or rent a cottage. You could meet someone new at this time but it is more than likely that this will be a fling rather than a long lasting affair. Make an effort to spend more time with children and pets as the results will be very rewarding.


The New Moon in Taurus brings you a financial windfall. You may finally have the resources you need to accomplish some improvements around your home. This is also a good time to take care of your garden, start art projects with children or acquire a new pet. Be careful not to start arguments. Planets in Aries indicate that even mild disagreements could rage out of control if you do not watch what you say.


The New Moon in Taurus could bring you the resources you need to start a special project. However you may find it difficult to focus on business because planets in the passionate sign of Aries are heating up your love life.  Try to understand that a loved one who seems critical or difficult actually has your best interests at heart and wants you to focus on practical things rather on dreaming all day.


The New Moon in Taurus is going to bring you a whack of money. Suddenly your debt may not seem as overwhelming. This is a great night to entertain family or if it is warm enough throw the first barbecue of the season. Be careful not to show favouritism if you have children as planets in the feisty sign of Aries make it easy for family fights to flare up.

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By Keisha K, Friday, April 24, 2009 10:57:06 AM
Well I'm hoping to this "New Moon" to be my friend right about now! I'm broke w/ no love interests @ 43! I've waited long enough!!! Tired of being happy for other folks. I want to feel that sense of belonging and financial security!
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