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How The Venus Retrograde Will Affect Your Sign
How Venus Retrograde Affects Your Sign On Friday, Venus, the planet of love, begins its retrograde movement. This time, the planet will be retrograde right up until mid-April, so that is over a month during which it will seem like there is a little less love in the world.

Unfortunately, when Venus goes retrograde, it causes all sorts of havoc with personal relationships. Venus goes backwards in the sky approximately every 20 months. Of course, as is true of all retrograde planets, Venus doesn't really travel backwards through the sky, but just seems to do so from our point of view here on Earth.

During a Venus retrograde, you can feel lonelier or bitter or just plain lazy when it comes to maintaining your relationships. Long-term partners may suddenly and for no real reason become less romantic. Romances where the flame was running high may suddenly feel burnt out.

Venus also makes things easier in life in general. When Venus is retrograde, life can feel like it is a little meaner and leaner. People also tend to be less optimistic.

It is also harder for you to promote yourself. Makeovers, buying clothing, and launching any kind of new enterprise that involves the appreciation of others is also not recommended during a Venus retrograde period, as usually your judgment is a bit off.

However, the biggest impact that retrograde Venus has is on your relationships. Issues from the past that you may have thought were resolved may suddenly pop up and cause trouble again. Conflicts are also likely.

Beginning a new relationship, buying luxury items, and investing in objects of art or items of beauty is generally discouraged during the retrograde period. It is also not a great time to plan a wedding – the theory is that a wedding that takes place during a Venus retrograde is likely to predict a divorce before the planet becomes retrograde again. So it would last only twenty months.

People tend to be oversensitive during this phase, so you might find yourself tiptoeing around significant others. Make it a rule to think twice before you say something while this planetary influence reigns.

Here is how the Venus retrograde of March and April in 2009 could affect your astrological sign…

As this retrograde is in the sign of the Ram, the Aries native is likely to be hit very hard by this retrograde. It is quite likely that a relationship could end or that an ideal situation is no longer possible. So much may be lost that the Aries native may have an identity crisis. However, much of what is lost will be regained in new or similar forms by April 17th.

The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, but this occurs in the second house of the retrograde, which means they will feel it more financially than romantically. Love wise, their passions will be intact. A true love can emerge from this Venus retrograde.

Geminis are most likely to be rocked with decisions to be made regarding making a choice between couples of suitors. The Gemini challenge is not to become insecure or jealous during a retrograde. The Gemini should also avoid acting without thinking to prevent misunderstandings.

Cancers will find themselves having great difficulties with a spouse or partner, as the Venus retrograde causes havoc with relationships. Communication with loved ones might feel forced. Couples may be less cozy or feel like taking a break from one other.

Leos may find themselves more introspective than usual. They will definitely not be feeling that social or sexual. Hobbies may not seem as interesting as usual and the Lion may squabble with old friends. The Lion may also feel a little less generous and a bit hard done by.

Virgos may feel like isolating themselves during this retrogrades. There are likely to be domestic problems. This retrograde could teach them a lesson about being too materialistic and selfish. Relationships will feel like hard work and too much to bother with and by the end of the retrograde some relationships that have not been working may disappear altogether.

Libras may feel that it is harder to get medical attention and emotional support in general. Opportunities for romance may be far and few between. This loneliness passes as the Libran develops new interests.

Scorpios might find themselves confronted with a physical or emotional problem that is difficult to get help for while Venus moves backward in their eighth house. Back pain is likely.

Sagittarians could have a crisis of faith or problems with God, as Venus retrograde in their ninth house brings old lovers from the past into the present.

Venus retrograde occurs in Capricorn’s tenth house, affecting and delaying the arrival of money in general (especially money that is attached somehow to career).

The Venus retrograde occurs in Aquarius’ eleventh house heralding a disconnection from a soul mate, mentor or major source of religious inspiration. There may be disillusionment and then a positive move made to break an old habit.

The sign of Pisces will find it to be hard to be understood by family members and will feel quite lonely with this retrograde taking place in their twelfth house. Many will find themselves disillusioned with a soul mate. It could also mean the termination of a long standing important relationship and this could mean infidelity or divorce over the long run.

The important thing to realize about Venus retrograde is that it is something that will pass. It gives you a chance to reflect on relationships that are no longer working and to stop acting out of habit. Many people come out of this period with a new relationship as Venus has a way of “cleaning house” romantically.

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By Bernette, Friday, March 13, 2009 04:35:30 PM
Oh crap...another retrograde!
By Jen, Sunday, March 08, 2009 11:59:45 PM
i aggree
By kathryn, Saturday, March 07, 2009 12:05:48 AM
maybe we should all go into hybernation until mid april :)
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