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How Will Mars Moving Direct Will Affect Your Sign
Mars Goes Driect - March 10th Mars, the planet of war, has been moving backwards in the sky since December 20, 2009, making this a pettier, more irrational world then it ever need be. It has been retrograde in the fiery sign of Leo, which brings events like big fires and earthquakes. It also heralds “emotions raging out of control.” This was a disturbing influence on many relationships during the last couple of months. Internally, people may have been wrestling with unexpressed anger and externally broken relationships may have been an issue.

In terms of the individual, Mars, the planet of warriors, rules your ability to make an impact in the world and your physical energy. Depending on the placement of Mars in your chart during the retrograde, you might either feel really tired and depressed and like you don’t have the will to go on or very angry and like you would like to wreak revenge.

This planet can also bring accidents, injuries, and violence as well as severe relationship conflicts that can lead to a permanent separation between partners and friends.

The good news is that this trend has ended and people will start feeling more peaceful with each other, confident, and healthy. The black clouds over our heads will dissipate and many people will be feeling less angry. We won’t see the angry red warrior planet going backwards again for another two years.

Here is a look at how Mars going direct on March 10th in the sign of Leo will affect your sign.


Aries individuals have probably been feeling like everything they have been working for has been spirited away by ruthless rivals, but nothing could be further from the truth. In the end, you will have the last laugh as Mars moving forward sheds light on injustice and then cosmically corrects it. You will feel redeemed and renewed and also a lot healthier physically.


Bulls will simply feel calmer and serene once the Mars Retrograde ends. There may be a feeling that a prize you were fighting so hard to win all these months might not be worth all of your devotion and effort after all. You may have felt angry, guilty, and defensive with a loved one, but now those feelings will lift and buy you a new start.


When Mars is backwards, it affects a Gemini’s health. Many of them are overwhelmed by aggressive energies and simply hide during a retrograde. The sign of the Twins becomes stronger physically as this planet moves forward. Yet another blessing may be a financial blessing for this hard working sign that may have been suffering from the effects of being in debt lately.


Cancers beat themselves up anyway, because they have strong inner critics but they may have felt more helpless than usual while Mars was retrograde these past two months. Many Crabs also suffer accidents or some kind of physical threat during this type of planetary movement, but the good news is that their confidence will be restored over the next few months now that the planet is moving forward instead of backwards.


The Lion really suffered during this retrograde because Mars was in Leo. There was probably a lot of conflict, confrontation, and just plain bad luck for Leos while the planet moved backwards. Nagging health problems may have also been an issue. Now that Mars is moving forward things will get a little easier. This is a good time for Leos to begin a health regimen.


Conflicts around authority and dominant players at work probably made your life hell during this last Mars retrograde, but now that it is over you can receive the credit and peace of mind that you are due.  You may have also been overwhelmed by hostility shown to you by a close partner and some of you may even be involved in feuds that started around Christmas. You will now have the chance to let go of your anger and bring some of these problematic issues out into the open.


Mars in Leo makes you feel at the mercy of meaner things in life, including the landlord, the banks, and doctors. The good news is that life is about to be kinder and gentler in general and that you will soon be able to resolve any financial or health issues that were plaguing you. You will also feel calmer and more serene in general as well, which allows you to focus more clearly on your goals.


Mars moving backwards in Leo puts you in an aggressive, vengeful state. You may not have been able to resolve an issue because you feel there is no rational solution to it. Fortunately, your anger will be quelled by Mars moving forward. You will still feel energetic and motivated, but your mood will be merrier.  You will get your sense of humor back and this will help you to solve some longstanding differences with a dear one.


This may have been a difficult period for you health wise. Retrograde Mars is associated with flues, fires, and dental problems. Once Mars goes forward, you are probably going to be free of these concerns. You may also see the return of an old friend with whom you may have had a difference with around Christmas. You will also find that you have more opportunities to travel; a new vehicle may even be in your future.


You may feel like you have done nothing, but fight with dear ones and family since Christmas. Now is the time for you to take a deep breath and examine just how much of this fighting was due to inflated egos. In fact, once Mars goes direct, you may simply feel like fighting like this is not worth it any more. In other words, you have official cosmic permission to lay down your weapon and make peace with those you love.


This retrograde Leo energy may have caused you great difficulties with finances and the bank. You may have been fighting off debt collectors or a friend may have simply called in a favor that is a bit too much for you to handle. The good news is that you will be relived of this type of stress once Mars moves forward and brings you some kind of financial windfall. Be sure to play the lottery at this time.


The world seems very mean when Leo moves backwards in the sky. You are a sensitive sign that cannot stand the distortion of thinking that comes with the anger created in people by this planetary configuration. Thankfully, you will find the love, understanding, and forgiveness, you have been looking for in the next few weeks as the warrior planet moves forward and restores balance to the cosmos.

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