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How Will Mars, Neptune and Chiron Affect Your Sign Today
Neptune and Chiron in Your Sign On October 20th, Mercury joins Mars in Scorpio. For the next two days, there is like to be chaos is people’s emotional lives as Mars in Scorpio first squares Neptune in Aquarius on the 22nd and then squares Chiron in Aquarius.

When Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Scorpio the topics of discourse tend to become quite dark. Conversations are based less on reason and are more about emotion. 
People that we are sexually attracted might become our biggest priority to the extent that we put the things that are really important aside. Cheating, lying, and infidelity are more likely to happen during these three days.

When Mars, the fiery warrior planet, squares Neptune, the King of emotion there is bound to be trouble. Mars is in Scorpio which can signify mean or cruel behavior.  Neptune in Aquarius can mean shirking all responsibility to pursue an obsession or addiction.

Later on, right on the 22nd, Mars faces off against Chiron which is a planet that is all about facing our deepest darkest self. On the evening of October 22nd, many of us will be doing battles with our conscience or deeply questioning why we are in a relationship that is proving to be problematic at all.

This phase of discomfort with relationships, and especially the sexual and romantic aspects of our relationships, lasts until October 24th when Mars in Scorpio trines Uranus in Pisces. Many of us will be feeling contrite about any damage done to relationships through the use of harsh words or neglect. If there has been a betrayal around a relationship, it is also likely to come to light on October 24th.

Here is a look at how Mars in Scorpio facing off against Chiron and Neptune may affect your sign.


Mars in Scorpio increases your passion and your libido. If you are already in a relationship, you may be tempted to cheat, but this is probably not a great idea. Any great romance you may think is possible on October 22nd is likely to be a flash in the pan.


You are probably going to butt heads with another earth sign today. The issue is probably going to be related to commitment and loyalty. If you have been unfaithful or lying, your secret is likely to be exposed. If you haven’t been, you might treated like you have anyway.


You are very sexually attractive when Mars clashes with Neptune as the two planets conflicting symbolize sexual tension. You could meet someone that you are very attracted to, but you should keep in mind that any relationship that you have under this influence is likely to be “a flash in the pan.” Channel any anger you have into creativity if you can.


Mars in your fellow water sign of Scorpio puts you in a deeply emotional mood.  Neptune is also your ruler so you may actually feel overwhelmed by your relationship issues. If you need to express your grief or anger, be sure to do so with someone who understands as the person you are mad at is not likely to give you the understanding or apology that you need.


Mars fires up your passions and along with it some jealousy or possessiveness. It may be hard to remember that you don’t own anyone in this life. The planets are also making problems or issues seem a lot more serious than they are so be sure to wait until after the 24th of October before you make any decisions about leaving a relationship.


You will feel like people are acting in ways that are beneath them and choose to avoid any conflicts or confrontations on the 22nd. However, the more you avoid discussing these issues the more resented you will be. Whether you like it or not, you may be forced to clear up important relationship and money matters on that day. Do not try to force issues on the 22nd. It could lead to a big disagreement.


The sun in your sign helps protect you from the harsh brunt of Mars clashing with Neptune, but you must be careful not to seem too casual about a relationship issue or someone could take offense. The 22nd can be a good day for romance if you channel anger into sexual energy.


The Sun, Mars and Mercury are in your sign causing you to be the center of attention in both good ways and bad.  You may find yourself the object of an amorous obsession. A relationship that once looked good might now seem a little hot to handle. You may find that your sexual or romantic life is taking over other aspects of your existence, to the extent where you cannot get much done from the 20th to the 22nd. By the 23rd you may be forced to choose between one relationship option or another while at the same time enjoying a bonus or promotion at work.


Do not make plans to travel between the 20th and the 22nd. You will be very distressed at the hostility and delays that may be part of your trip. In fact, the planets encourage bad luck, crashes into the ocean and terrorism. Stick close to home and avoid getting in fights with anyone who seems like they could be the least bit violent. Road rage is also likely to be a problem at this time.


If you have been arrogant or unfair in any way, you are likely going to be confronted with it on the 22nd. This is especially true if it has to do with a money matter. No matter how much you plead your case it may be difficult to get others to understanding your motives, so do not “do wrong in order to make something right.” After the 24th, you have an opportunity to build a bridge again with a dear friend you have humiliated.


You might feel like the world is against you from the 20th to 22nd. Don’t listen to criticism unless you genuinely feel it is constructive. People trying to hurt you consider themselves to be rivals. There is, however, as special someone who is longing to be romantic with you. Avoid a “you and me against the world” attitude and build constructively towards a commitment when things settle down.


You might feel quite misunderstood from the 20th to the 22nd as Mars in Scorpio brings a tyrannical authoritarian type into your life. You may find yourself hiding from a bully for a couple of days until the “reign of terror” is over. Take care of your health during this week and in particular pay attention to any problems with your face and teeth before small problems blow up into big ones.

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