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How Will Mercury Opposing Pluto Affect You
Mercury in Pluto on June 27th When Mercury opposes Pluto on 27th, many of us will be dealing with conflicts caused by planetary clashes that occurred in the days before.

It starts with the Sun squaring Jupiter on Wednesday, June 23rd, which means that many of us will be facing challenges to our personal belief systems or faith in other people.

On Thursday the 24th, Mercury squares Saturn, which means that many will be feeling depressed. Negative thinking is going to reign! This is not a good time to close deals or sign contracts. On the 26th, there is a powerful lunar eclipse in Capricorn that is going to really test or strain our personal relationships. Then, Mercury squares Jupiter in Aries causing problems with money. Expect communication breakdowns and delays when it comes to making money.

All of these energies culminate with Mercury opposing Pluto on the 27th. This is a day of decision. These two planets polarize each other, so you will be forced to make a big decision or choose a side. If you have been indecisive, you might be bullied into making a decision or simply hustled into a position that you never wanted to be in after all.

Here is a look at how these energies might influence your sign:


Jupiter, the planet of wealth, is challenging your sign and when Mercury opposes Pluto on the 27th, you may be facing the pain of giving something up in order to make ends meet. This most likely has to do with a loan or a mortgage. For some Rams, it could mean that a dispute at work forces you to take a side in order to keep your job.


This opposition is going to be a “do or die” day when it comes to romance. You may be required to choose between two romantic options. The serious money and emotional challenges facing you could also mean that you have to let something valued and concrete as well. Many Bulls might be facing a divorce or separation at this time as well.


The fact that Mercury is in Cancer makes you more sensitive than usual. Use your gut instincts. If something or someone seems dangerous to you, then heed your intuition. Your ruling planet Mercury squares Jupiter the day before Mercury opposes Pluto. You really need to be quite careful about wasting your time with people who make big promises about money and then just do not come through!


The Sun and Mercury are in your sign giving you some protection from being dragged into the middle of other people’s skirmishes. Do your best to stay away from arguments that are escalating if you can. You want to avoid taking sides. You may be feeling extra sensitive and irritable, so take care not to take out this bad mood on others as many will be spoiling for a fight.


You may feel moody and irritable thanks to the sun and Mercury in the watery sign of Cancer. Beware of making decisions based solely on your emotions. Common sense is not going to prevail in the next few days, so try to avoid acting in a rash or hasty manner. If someone provokes or does something appalling and outrageous, do your best not to “take the bait” as mere disagreements will easily escalate into full blow-feuds at this time.


Saturn in your sign causes restrictions and so many planets in Cancer make other people too emotional for your liking. You might need to take a break from some of the emotional intensity that is taking place around you. Long walks in nature might benefit you in some way as well. You may have to make some tough financial decisions and if anyone is being a burden instead of a help you might have to ask them to take a hike.


When Mercury, the planet of communication, acts up, you tend to have real challenges in your emotional life. Problems with other people will seem much bigger than usual because your perception is very much influenced by your subconscious mind at this point. Be sensitive to the feelings of a sibling who may be dealing with bad memories from the past. Try to be sympathetic to needy types rather than critical.


It is best to respond to emotional “cries for help” with sympathy rather than sarcasm. Even though your plate is full, try to make a loved one feel like they still matter. You may be caught in the middle of a love triangle and if this is true then you are likely to end up with the person who is a lot younger than you. It is best to take any gossip that you hear with a big grain of salt.


Plans that you had to travel in early July may be put on hold, as the result of Saturn and Mercury acting up in the sky. It is also possible that a world event of some kind, like the Iceland Volcano or an earthquake sabotages your agenda. It is best to stick close to home around this time as you are a bit accident prone. You should also be aware that your bones and teeth will be a bit more fragile around this time.



This opposition could make or break an important relationship in your life. You may be forced to make a difficult emotional choice when it comes to being loyal to one person or another. Many Goats could be facing a divorce or separation at this time as well. It is important to let go of a grudge against an old friend or a dear relative. The mistake made by this person may have been innocent no matter how malevolent it may have seemed at the time.


If you have been keeping secrets or been having an affair on the side, you are likely to be discovered at this time. If this does happen, the resulting emotional fallout could be distressing. If you are caught between two warring parties at work, you may be forced to take a side in order to keep your job. This may also be a time when you catch someone else taking credit for your work.


Planets in Cancer protect you from the brunt of any disputes or fighting that could happen around the time of this planetary opposition. However, these same planets could also make you very emotional and difficult for others to understand. During this time, it would be important for you to “sleep on it” before you make any hasty decisions or react to something that someone says. Others are irritable at this time and don’t mean to hurt your feelings.

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